Part 1

Lost with You



This is an AU story of Kai who was a devil butler and Luhan as the Young Master of Phantomhive Family.




This is the darkest era in London, where the sky was grey, covered from the smoke from the new built factories. The silhouette of the city was all black, not giving any single appeal to our sight. But the story isn’t about the city itself. It took place far in the middle of the lone sea, where there’s a small boat with two figures sitting by each side.

“Don’t blame me.” A man with black butler suit and black hair smirked at the little boy who sat across him, “you’re the one who want to join this journey,” his creepy smile turned into grin when the boy looked away, refused to show an embarrassed face. But the butler knew the gesture very well, everytime this boy felt insecure, he will put his hands across his chest and his pink lips pouted in his own, noble way.


Such a cute being.


“I don't know we'll be lost in this sea.” The boy with brownish hair grumbled lowly. It has been days since he ordered the butler to search the missing jewelry. It's the precious Phantomhive family ring, and he lost it when they escaped from the attack of Phoenix Community. That's why he sailed on this small and useless boat, floating around the cold, lone sea with a hungry stomach. The ring was his everything, without it, he will be just someone without title and just become a little boy named Luhan.

The handsome butler titled his head, giving his master an annoying smile like he used too, knowing that the boy was close to hunger deprivation yet he did nothing to make this boy comfortable at all. He’s kinda a sadistic person, actually, and he loved to play game with Luhan, cause it’s boring if he just became a good and perfect butler. “It’s still not my fault, master, if I don’t bring any human food for you, cause I don’t need any.” His voice lowered, turning into a husky whisper as he said more, “although... my food is here.” He stared at Luhan with a glint of fire in his eyes.

Luhan stared back at him, and maybe what made the devilish butler fascinated with this little boy was how beautiful those dark blue eyes, staring at him bravely even after knew who he was and what he capable of doing. Maybe this is why he choose this boy to be his master. The endless darkness and the cruelty behind his eyes portraying his corrupted soul. This boy saw too much and suffered enough that there’s no mercy in him anymore.

“So you planned to make me near my death, until I beg to be eaten...” it’s a silly conclusion that even the butler didn’t think of it that way. It’s true he wanted Luhan to beg, but it’s for a life not a death.

“Young Master,” the butler said calmly, “sure it was very tempting but it’s not the time, yet.” He was too excited with this boy antics he can feel shiver on his own skin, “Even i want to, I won’t take advantage of you, instead.” He moved closer and took the skinny hand into his mouth, “at a time like this, I think you should order something from me, before your thirst drying over your beautiful lips.”

“But I don’t want to.” Luhan sighed. It was a surprise to the butler cause usually this boy always ordering him around like a dog. He didn’t complain about it, cause every order strengthen the bonds in between them and stained the boy’s soul even more. Now, the boy only stared at him with his usual empty gaze, “truthfully, I don’t want to rely on you too much. I was thinking about it before. I’m a noble. I shouldn’t be so useless like this.”


It’s weird.


Master should rely on their servant. Master supposed to ordering his servants to do the dirty job for them. They had the pride not in themselves but in their well-trained servants. There’s no place to feel guilty, nor pity. It’s all weakened the darkness in a soul and if his master keep let emotion win over his arrogance, there’s no sin left in him and there’ll be no soul to be eaten.

“But you have me,” the butler touched luhan’s jaw, lifting it up gently until their face became so close, they can feel each other breath, “Don’t you remember, I was your hands and knees, I was here because you called me, you wants me. Then it must be ridiculous, if you try not to rely on me, right?”

The butler can hear it, the little sound of a stomach growling and he can’t help but chuckled cause he knew it was soon, until he can hear this soft, alluring voice calling his name.




Luhan whispered the name given to the butler.

“Yes, My Lord?” Kai giving his best smile, didn’t cover his excitement at hearing how simple his name escaped those small, pink lips yet it feels like a tasty honey pouring down into his throat.

He waited for Luhan to order him for food but the boy keep staring at him, before a smile tugging on the boy lips,


“Just like I thought.”


The boy raised his small hands and cupped Kai’s face, making the butler widened his eyes cause it's the first time he saw his master put a real smile. It has been years since they were together and Luhan managed to put on a stoic face all the time. But today, the boy smiled heavenly and suddenly Kai can feel it on his skin. As the warm body pressed to his lifeless container, let the sound of the precious heart beat vibrating all over his skin.

“I really like you, Kai.” Luhan giggled, or more likely laughing breathlessly cause there’s so little energy left in him, “somehow I was thinking if I’m not enough. This soul,” he touch his own chest, “I’m afraid if the time comes my soul won’t satisfy your hunger, that’s why seeing into your panicked eyes when I said I won’t order you around, make me feel so happy.”

Kai cursed under his breath. This little brat, he said mentally, Kai forgot that behind the flawless beauty, Luhan was an evil genius who loved to play with people’s mind.

However, the way he resigned his fate into Kai’s hand and didn’t even try to fight off to set his soul free, it made the butler drooling over him even more.

“You’re such a strange person.” Kai said, “human didn’t just resign in their fate. That’s why they became such interesting being, especially when they tried to run from their promise.” He leaned down and kissed the patch on Luhan’s left eye, where the contract been placed.

 “I’m not anyone.” Luhan closed his eyes, “and I’m not scared with the death.”

“Why?” Kai tried not to open the patch, to see the contract and just make sure this boy still his and his only.

“It kinda calm me down, knowing that I’m yours already,” again the butler stoned at hearing unfamiliar words escaped from his master lips. “In fact,” Luhan smiled in joy, “I can’t wait until you really eating me and make me part of your body.”

What kind of human is this? Kai stared at Luhan in shock. For thousands years he wandered around this world, he never met this kind of person before. He used to be a creature which created from desire, and live to satisfy his hunger and thirst. He didn’t feel, and so he didn’t care. He shouldn’t summoned a glass of milk and give it to Luhan without an order. He shouldn’t be so satisfied to see how thankful the boy when the milk healing the thirst.

“Thank you, Kai.” Luhan sighing in relief, “now, can I give you something in return, for your kindness?”

Kindness? Who? All Kai did was summoning a glass of milk. How could it be counted as kindness?

“How about,” Luhan opened his patch and let Kai saw the contract, somehow glowing and alluring, “I order you to taste my soul.”

And just like a machine, when this devil butler received his order, all he did was bow and whispered darkly,


“Yes, My Lord.”




Luhan blinked.

He stared at the decorated ceiling in confusion as he was laying the middle of the four poster bed of Phantomhive Mansion. he covered his face with the back of his hand, gasping as he remember what happen in the lone sea, including the memory of his black haired butler and the hunger.

There’s more, but his memory stopped abruptly when he heard the door opened, revealing Kai who walked inside with that annoying happy yet fake smile all over his face, “glad to see you wake up by yourself, Young Master.” He said in a mocking tone, making Luhan wanted to dig a hole and just hide forever because of embarrassment. But then he remind himself, he’s a noble. He shouldn’t be chickened out just because he lost his ity.

“I guess you can’t walk?” Just when Luhan finally calmed his heart beat, the stupid butler give him another attack. The man walked passed by his bed and began opening the heavy curtain to let the sun light warmed the room.

Luhan averted his gaze from the light, said nothing cause he didn’t know what to say and he didn’t want to look stupid by saying nonsense.

“My ring...” he murmured to himself, when he saw his precious ring placed neatly on the bedside table. For a while, he felt at ease, for whatever reason the ring was back and he can stop worrying over his status.

“Master...” Luhan turned at Kai who now standing near his bed while bowing politely, “I want to thank you.” He said huskily, “although it seemed I became so rude by taking advantage of you, yesterday.”

Luhan felt his throat became dry. Stop reminding me of that, he mentally snarled.

 “Umm...” He played with his ring, so he didn’t have to think about Kai or looking at his direction.

“But still...” Kai titled his face, playing innocent, “after all, it’s your order, Master. I can’t refuse your order.”

Just stop it! Luhan snapped, still mentally, as he shot a deatly glare at his butler. Sure this devil loved to taunt him, daring him to retort back his challenge. Cause they both know what had happen and what they enjoyed the most from each other.

“I know.” Luhan grabbed his ring tightly, just to hold himself from exploding. No, it’s not anger building in him but it’s another series of a sinful and forbidden desire, “don’t talk about it again.” He said lowly.

“Yes, My Lord.” Kai chuckled, and Luhan took a deep breath in relief cause this discussion was ended here.


Sadly, the butler didn’t think the same.


“If I may ask you, Young Master,” Kai stared right into his eyes, the usual pearly black eyes now getting contamined with the bloody red, “I wonder, if there will be a next time?”


And that’s all he need, to make Luhan lost his sanity.




I hope you like it ^^


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OMG tHIS is coOL
because i love kurosuji and i ship kailu so thank you so much for combining two my favorite things into one fic :DDDDD
uh, i think i even subsribed to most of your kailu stories because your stories are written beautifully and you're one of my favorite author on aff.
hehe have a nice day:)
Chapter 1: OMG ~ this cool !!! I love Kurosuji, too. Thank you for writing KaiLu version. Can I translate your fic into Vietnamese? I'll credit you!
lilacsky #3
Chapter 2: "...he loved the devil which taunted him to the dark side, he loved this damned creature and no one can take this liberty from him. Not the God, not the death, not the devil himself." I thought pure liberty is non-existent. But i'd like to believe this one: in the end, only love will set you free. This story inspires something :)
Chapter 3: I want more kailu so beautiful
Chapter 3: It's too early to end.. I've read this before, but just forgot to subscribe..
I want more kailu..

Luhan is the fallen angel then.. ^^
fluffyns #6
Chapter 3: so kyungsoo was luhan's fiancee xD
the angel is living in hell now lol
those faces on the walls............
roughly_yours #7
Chapter 3: omg thank you for writing the continuation to the supposed end! that last chapter was way too delicious not to have something following it. my kurosuji feels~
Chapter 2: Its veryyyy good!
I like black butler too!
Is this finish already? Or you still have next chapter?
fluffyns #9
Chapter 2: i love your ending, but i can't help but compare your story to the original kurosuji.. i mean seriously kurosuji 2 ending was heavenly, oh god.. ciel being a demon and sebby can't help but always listen to every demands ciel asked till the end of the world cause ciel is immortal.. god i love kurosuji