Specified Rules on Children and on Relationships in Starlight (And any left out rules)

Starlight Ecstasy


  • Yes you are allowed to be in a relationship in the RP
  • Don't forget to notify the base (@SEU_RP) when you happen to get in a relationship so we can keep the Couple List updated~ ^^


Pregnancies and having children/Adopting other RP members as your children:

Adoption of RP members:

  • Yes, this is allowed at Starlight. ^^ We do not mind if another member or outside rper is your "child." This is completely allowed and fine with us. Again, just notify the base so we might add your child(ren).

Pregnancy/Delivering the Baby(ies)

  • If it so happens you and your partner or whatever wants a baby and you get pregnant, it is up to you to decide however long you will be pregnant.
  • It's your free choice whether you decide to have multiples, but please, nothing too crazy. Twins and triplets are fine, but don't go insane and be an octomom.
  • of the child(ren) is up to you and your partner, as is the day when you plan to have your child.
  • If you want to have your child on the TL, that is perfectly legal.  DM is fine as well, or you can just skip the birth altogether and just all of a sudden say, "the baby's here."
  • After your baby(ies) is born, notify the base so that we may add to the Family List on the AFF page~ ^^

Other Rules:

  • Pets are allowed in the dorm.  Nothing crazy, but you MAY have a cat or a larger dog if you would like.  Just please, make sure it doesn't disturb others.  (See the front office for a form to have the rights to house your pet in your dorm if it is not a small fish, lizard, frog, turtle, gerbil, rat, or other small rodents.  The form is still needed if you have a large lizard or a snake.)**
  • Separate housing for married couples is available for those that want it.
  • If you would like to work in the on campus cafe, you must see the office for an application.  Same goes if you would like to work in the library or even as a teacher's aide.

** Human pets do not need a form, just permission to the owner by Headmistress CL. ^^

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Chapter 2: umm so do I just reserve here?