Th trip part 2


Ryeowook stared at the ring that Yesung had just gave him half an hour ago, thinking how lovely his hyung can get when it comes to these. True enough that Yesung wasn't anyone like Donghae who is romantic, Eunhyuk who is sensitive, Kyuhyun who is self-less, Sungmin who's thoughtful, not like the other members. Yesung was just not the type who need to prepare alot of whatsoever, to make the partner feels happy or contented. Just by simple actions, the partner will reslt in crying in tears of joy. That's who Yesung was.

"Yesung <3 Wookie Forever~" The gravings on the ring shone brightly under the sunlight.

Forever? What if Woohyun decided to kill him off ? Then what will forever mean? How can he be happy if Yesung is sad? How can one survive without the other? How would one live on without a strength? For years, because of his past, Ryeowook's only goal to live through everyday was Yesung and the other members, living in fear that once Jason him, was exposed, he will be dumped by Yesung. He didnt know what attract him to look at Yesung in the first place. It was just a sudden feeling that ran through his spine when he first saw him.

"Ryeowook, meet your future bandmates. Guys, this is Ryeowook, he is the same age as Kibum, so i expected you guys to treat him nicely. " Manager hyung said and left Ryeowook alone with 11 strangers. "Anneyoung... I am Ryeowook... born in 1987.... I .. i.. am .. new here so please take care of me... " Ryeowook said shyly and as he looked up to greet the 11 smilin strangers, he stopped breathing when he saw him in front of him. "Ryeowook? Is that it? I am Jongwoon, you can call me Yesung. Nice to meet you, come on in, dont't use stand there." Ryeowook nodded and felt his face burning. "Yah, why are you blushing? you are so cute! I like you!" Eunhyuk was the 2nd one to approach him and slowly he made friends with other members and Kyuhyun joined in after that. Life was just like this, until the day when Yesung kissed him on the lips to stop him from crying.

They had an arguement, about HyeJin. Yesung had dropped signals to Ryeowook, after Eunhae and Kyumin couples are offical. And now Yesung is going to HyeJin? Ryeowook felt that  he was being cheated and the fact that he loved Yesung and the fear of him leaving him or knowing his past, scared him to death. They argued and ignored each other, until Ryeowook gave in, knowing that continueing the cold war for a month or so, isnt a good idea at all. He was running into the room, after again, shouting and wailing at Yesung's concern over HyeJin.

"FINE, DO WHAT YOU WANT, THIS IS WHAT YOU CHOOSE, BUT DONT PLAY WITH ME, MY FEELINGS, IF YOU DONT LIKE ME, TELL ME STRAIGHT, DONT CLING ON TO IT AND MEET NOONA. WHAT DO YOU TREAT ME AS?" With that, Ryeowook slammed the door and locked himself inside the storeroom, he didnt want to go to his room, because he shared the same room as Yesung and whatever things that represent him, hurted him badly. Even though the hyungs and Kyuhyun, Kibum tried to pursuade him, he locked himself inside for two days two nights. When he finally decided to give up and give in to the members, he opened up the door to see Yesung sleeping outside. He didnt care and went into Sungmin's room, only to let Sungmin dashed out of the room, grabbing medication and ice bags, because he had fainted due to fatigue. The next morning when he woked up, he realised that his right wrist was tied to the side of the bed. Leeteuk said that it was in case he locked himself up and starved himself again. He cried and cried after the hyungs left the dorm, until Yesung walked in with his medication. "You have to eat your medication, I didnt want to come in, but I dont have a choice, you have to eat it. Here." Yesung placed the water and the medicine down on the table beside Ryeowook and said coldly. Before, Yesung turned away, Ryeowook took the chance and grabbed his arm. "Don't leave me alone.... please.. dont leave me... I am sorry... for yelling.. for being like this... hyung.. i am sorry. please dont... leave me..." he cried out loud and that was the first time, he saw Yesung cried. "Pabo.. I wont leave you.. I knew what I wanted after we fought last month.. I dont feel good nowadays too.. I am sorry wookie, for taking so long to realise my feelings. " Ryeowook wanted to say something else, but Yesung shut him up with a kiss on his lips. "I love you Wookie." He said and hugged the latter tight, before cutting the string that was tied to his right wrist. "Hyung!" Ryeowook wailed and cried hard into Yesung's chest.

"Ryeowook?? Hello? WHat are you thinking about?" His chain of thoughts dispersed after the voice he loved so much entered his dimension. "Wookie uh, are you paying attention to me? I called you many times already! And why are you doing here by yourself?" Yesung asked as he walked nearer to Ryeowook, embracing him in his arms. "Sorry, I was paying attention..." "I know, i called you many times but you didnt respond.. what's wrong?" Yesung asked as he caressed his lover's cheek. "Nothing is wrong, I was just thinking about the time was we first met, our first fight, my first kiss and our start." Ryeowook smiled as he related to Yesung, looking into his eyes. "And I realised how much I really love you.." Ryeowook added quietly, but it was loud enough for yesung to caught it. "Awwwww... Ryeowook!" Yesung smiled and pinched his cheeks, before driving for his lips for a kiss. "Hyung.. I am really sorry that I forgot about our 5th Anniversary....." Ryeowook whispered and he laid on Yesung's chest with his arms wrapped around Yesung and Yesung wrapping him too. "Baby, just promise that for this year, you will walked through difficult times. But you are not alone, never gonna be, cause there is still Super Junior and especially ME. HAHA. so baby, just promise that you will be strong and we will faced it together and you will smile everyday and never gave up." Ryeowook let the tears escaped as he was deeply touched by Yesung's words. 

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alex0728 #2
Chapter 49: Hi. I just wanted to tell you that you could also write this kind of stories using the girls generation you know :D
Xiuhanhunhan #3
Chapter 55: I love this story very much!
But, I was confused. The Woohyun in this story, it is Infinite Woohyun or some kind of ocs.
Thanks for the story.
13elieveSuJunior #4
Chapter 59: i love this story XD
It's so good, i'm crying countless time T^T
I'm not sure my heart is strong enough to read the sequel... I can't stand SJ's member suffering that much
Thank you for the story <3
Chapter 55: Awwww~ My eyes was tearing right now~ Good job Author-nim ! This story is so DAEBAKK !!
MissMaknae_F #6
Chapter 38: Oww! They're so cute here. I laughed at the HanChul couple! XD
Chapter 13: wow! reading this chapter makes me have goosebumps all over my body.. kewl!
Chapter 58: i hope you're going to write stories like this in the future and ryeowook being the main..hihihi..more power
Chapter 55: Well that took awhile. o_o Hehe, it was a good storehhh.