Volume 04 - Chapter 01

High School with Seul Mi - Just Friends Arc
Introducing new characters
Park Leeteuk & Kim Yesung are the two who everyone thought were more trouble makers until a certain girl helps them.  

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That day at school everyone was forced to behave including Class 3-D students. The six guys didn’t bother turning up to classes as they had no intention of behaving. The teachers were being monitored. The head teacher was showing the board members around the school. The principle was as usual out of sight.

Since the second period was sports activities she packed up her things and walked to her locker to get her gym bag. The lockers were located in the corridor outside the class. The rest of the class had already made their way down to the gym lockers.

“You will do as I say,” she heard her Maths teacher, Mr Shim, yell. She frowned. Shouldn’t he have already made his way to his next class to teach since the teachers had to make sure they were on time for class?

“Why should we?” she heard one of her classmates.

“Unless you want to get expelled you will do as I say,” she heard the teacher threaten.

Seul Mi slowly made her way to the door that was ajar. She peered inside. Leeteuk and Yesung were sitting at their desk which was located at the front of the classroom. The teacher was standing in front of them.

Park Leeteuk had short spiked up hair that was the colour of brown and red. He was five foot seven inches and able to cower over the teacher while glaring at him.

Kim Yesung had black hair that was slightly wavy and parted on his left. Although he was taller than his friend at six foot, his shoulders were slumped levelling with his friend’s height.

“We’ll get expelled anyway if we do that!” Yesung shouted.

The teacher smiled. “Your rich parents won’t allow that, I don’t think.”

The two glared at him. “We’re not going to do it!” Leeteuk yelled.

“I don’t think you have a choice,” the teacher snickered. “Unless you want me to tell your parents about what happened last week?” Both Yesung’s and Leeteuk’s face paled. They lowered their gaze. “I’m glad you understand,” he carried on. “All you two have to do is make me look good in front of the board members.”

The two nodded sadly. Seul Mi wondered what was going on. Was the teacher threatening them? But why though and what had they done last week that they had lost colour on their face making them pale?

She couldn’t ponder into her thoughts longer as the teacher was making his way towards the door with a big smirk on his face. She flattened her back to the wall. She held her breath hoping he would not glance her way. He walked out of the classroom and down the stairs not once turning back. If he did she would have been easily caught. She let out a breath of relief.

“What are we going to do?” she heard Yesung talking. She peered back into the classroom. The two were in deep thoughts. “What can we do?”

“What we aren’t going to do is listen to him anymore,” his friend yelled in anger.

“But you heard him! He is going to tell on us if we don’t!” Yesung cried out.

Leeteuk clenched his hands into a fist. “I’m going to shut his mouth for good,” he vowed.

The brunette gulped. This doesn’t sound good.

The raven head gasped. “He’s a teacher!”

“Are you going to let him threaten us for the rest of our lives? One after another he would find ways to threaten us to do something for him. It would never stop and I’m sick and tired of it!”

Yesung began to take in his words. He didn’t want that either. But he didn’t want to get done for hurting a teacher.

“So are you with me then?” the auburn haired guy asked.

The other friend hesitated. Is this the only choice he had? He opened his mouth to give his answer.

“Chamkanman!” The two’s eyes shot to the door. Seul Mi burst inside. “Don’t act illogically!”

Leeteuk was angry as ever. “What the hell are you doing here? Were you listening in our conversation?”

The girl pressed her lips together. This, she did not know how to answer fully aware that he is angry. “Erm…”

“How dare you!” he roared. He turned to his friend. “We have to shut her up first!”

Yesung’s eyes widened. “But…”

“Why are you hesitating? Go hold her down!”

“Don’t be silly,” she laughed uncomfortably. She backed away towards the door. “It’s not like I’m going to tell on you guys.”

“Then what are you doing here?” Yesung asked.

“That’s not important,” she rushed, her fear suddenly subsided. “What is important, is you two who are going to do something stupid and I can’t let that happen.”

“What did you say?”

She jeered. Leeteuk looked so scary. “What I mean is that violence is only going to put you in more trouble. I don’t know what sonsaengnim is using to blackmail you,” Leeteuk opened his mouth but she quickly carried on not wanting to get interrupted, “and I don’t want to know. If you really want to get back at him I can help you guys but there won’t be any need of violence.”

The auburn haired guy’s face lightened. He was considering her offer but was feeling weary to trust her. “What do you want out of it?”

Seul Mi held out her hand. “Nothing.”

Yesung creased his forehead in confusion. “Why would you want to help us for nothing?”

Seul Mi sighed. She was starting to find a pattern with all her classmates. They did not trust anyone. “Because we’re classmates and as a fellow classmate I can’t ignore you and allow you to do something stupid that can affect your future chances. What was it you guys always say?” she paused to think. Then, “Oh, right, ‘we are class of D. We stick together through thick and thin. We do not snitch on each other. If you want to mess with one of us, you have to deal with the rest of us’. Or something like that or another.” The two guys were surprised that she knew the class oath and did not hide their shocked expression. “Hey, why don’t we come up with a plan that will make him regret messing with you guys?”

Their face brightened. “Finally my wish would come true,” Yesung said.

She arched an eyebrow questioningly. “What wish?”

“To finally be free of that horrendous teacher,” he answered happily.

She giggled. She stopped suddenly. She folded her arms in front of her and bowed at them. “Your wish is my command, master,” she spoke humbly as she imitated what a genie would do.

Leeteuk roared with laughter. “You’re trying to be our genie?”

She grinned and gave a nod. “Yes, master.”

They laughed for awhile until they became serious as Seul Mi went through the plan she just thought of. They listened intently, nodding occasionally.

“Did you get that?”

“Yes, genie!” the two sang out.



The next day was for the PTA’s to be shown around. She had learnt that the school was having problems with its diplomats and have to find ways to bring it back to top or they would lose their reputation. Of course she didn’t really care about it. She walked to school slowly. She had gone through her plans and hoped that it goes smoothly.

Her attention diverted to the commotion ahead of her. She frowned. She was sure that the head teacher was strict enough to make sure that no one was causing trouble. She didn’t stop to see what was going on but looked while she walked by.

Someone came and tapped her shoulder. Her eyes shot wide open startled. She turned to see who it was. Dong Woon smiled down her. She glared at him. “You nearly gave me a heart attack!”


Seul Mi let it go. “What are you doing at school?”

“I attend here?” he said with a frown.

“I thought you guys aren’t going to turn up until the school is back to its old self,” she explained. “Are you here to make havoc?”

He touched his chest. “I’m hurt you would think of me like that.”

“Then why are your friends in the crowd making trouble?” she nodded her head towards the crowd of students.

“Look closely,” he said. “They’re watching while someone else is causing trouble.”

She frowned. She pushed herself in the middle of the crowd to see who it was. She saw one of her classmates holding onto a lower-class man’s collar. Kim Junsu, a very big guy and also over the height of six foot, was breathing down the scared boy. “Didn’t I tell you to do my homework? Why haven’t you done it?”

Seul Mi sighed. Another day and another bully, she thought in disappointment. She saw Gi Kwang and Yo Seob waving at her. Then her eyes went to the other three. She just gave a nod towards them and looked away. She turned to leave when Mr Shim came rushing in the crowd. There was no surprise to see the PTA’s behind him inspecting him.

“Let the boy go!” he yelled. Junsu greeted his teeth angrily. “I said let the boy go!” he yelled louder.

Her big classmate didn’t look up. He let go of the frightened boy who quickly ran away. He seemed to be ashamed of something and it didn’t look like it had anything to do with him bullying a lowerclassmen.

“Come with me,” he ordered.

Junsu followed Mr Shim and the PTA’s into the building. Seul Mi frowned. Why did that look abnormal to her? It was surreal and out of place.

“It was staged,” someone whispered behind her.

She flung around to see Yesung and Leeteuk behind her. They had been watching the whole thing.

“What do you mean?” she asked. “This is sonsaengnim’s doing?”

“Who else plays dirty?” Leeteuk said.

Seul Mi clenched her hands into a fist. She finally realised why the two were called trouble makers. All the troubles always were “resolved” by Mr Shim. It was too much of a coincidence for him to always be the one to stop them. She looked at the two. “Oh we are going to make him pay big time!” she vowed. “I hate bullies more than anything!” She stalked into the building with the two walking beside her.

“Your friend made friends with Yesung and Leeteuk?” Doo Joon commented to Gi Kwang as he saw Seul Mi walking with Yesung and Leeteuk talking to them as if she was familiar with them.

Gi Kwang looked at Seul Mi who was saying something to the two guys. She seemed angry about something. “I just thought we were her friends,” he admitted. “I guess she made more friends.”

“But with those two?” Yo Seob said worryingly. “Those two are trouble makers.”

Hyun Seung shot him a glare. “Yesung and Leeteuk aren’t that bad. Plus they are our classmates. Don’t go bad mouthing them, unless you truly don’t understand our class motto.” He left the group angrily.

Yo Seob bit his bottom lips. “What’s up with him?”

“You should know he’s very into these oath things,” Doo Joon explained. “Once he makes an oath he keeps to it like glue. And we all made the same oath.”

The group fell into silent at the remembrance of the vow they took. It might be childish, something that others would think they were too young to keep to it but to the Class 3-D it was a very important pact.


Chapter End Notes

Chamkanman!: “Wait a minute!”

Mianhae: “Sorry”/“I'm sorry”

Sonsaengnim: “Teacher”


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rolling-thunder #1
Hi! Please add Skykart as your co-author so she can edit your story directly! Thanks!
Chapter 29: Aaaaaaaaaw can't wait for more *_* I think Seul Mi will end up falling for DooJoon :3
Chapter 29: Woo! Another update :)I actually did reread the story all over again hahaha :D
Is Seul Mi going to become friends with Doo Joon soon? I hope so! I can't wait for the next volume!
Chapter 28: Yay! You updated! :) Now that you have, I feel like rereading your story over again! I've probably read it like a bajillion times already hahaha :D
Chapter 27: I LOVE YOUR STORY SERIOUSLY MAN! ugh.. i just read it again and is absolutely beautiful , i love how you make all beast members seems so not pretty OOC here and the plot that has a flow so the story won't get boring to read and this is..the so like 5 times i read it over and over! i hope you update this as soon as possible though i'm not mind waiting for this worth-read fict :D

author nim loves you ~ XD
Chapter 27: poor Seul Mi got tricked by Doo Joon lol I can't wait for the next update!