Gongchan's Rope

Duck vs. Goose

“Can you be more idiotic?!”


“Oh, says the person who does idiotic things all day!”


“Hyung, I really can’t take this anymore,” Gongchan whimpered in pain as he side-eyed the cat and dog couple with fear. It was already around thirty degrees outside, and it somehow seemed hotter inside. The air conditioner in the bus broke due to Sandeul and Sandi’s competition to see who could have the air conditioner that can freeze hell.


And to be honest, the result didn’t come up due to Jinyoung scolding the two hoarse, and eventually, breaking the air conditioner that was connected to all air conditioners in the bus.


CNU groaned as he tried to block out the screams from Sandi and the shouts from Sandeul. He whimpered along with Gongchan, covering his ears with both hands slowly, as if trying to endure it. Gongchan and CNU lay on each other, whimpering. Jinyoung and Baro were both fuming with rage (because of Sandeul and Sandi).


Finally, Gongchan cannot take it anymore and got up from his seat, stomping over to Sandeul and presenting a rope.


“You crazy- Oh Gongchannie? Why are you here with – uh – rope?” Sandeul asked nervously, looking back and forth from the rope to Gongchan’s crazed expression. Sandeul sank lower on his seat as Gongchan approached his hyung slowly, enjoying the silence.


“We can’t take it anymore hyung. So I’m sorry but, this is for our own good. And your sanity.” With those firm words, Gongchan grabbed a hold of Sandeul’s right wrist and tied it on the end of the rope. He then dragged Sandeul mercilessly towards Sandi, tying the other end of the rope on Sandi’s left wrist.


Truthfully, Sandi was shocked that Gongchan had grown a pair and did that to his hyung. She was more scared now that Gongchan had just tied the end of the rope on Sandeul. Sandi knew Gongchan’s plan too late.


“Gongchan! I can untie this rope you know,” Sandi warned gruffly, blowing the bangs off her face tiredly. Sandeul was in an awkward bow position, so it seemed like he was bowing to Sandi. Gongchan shrugged, glancing at Baro and Jinyoung who were standing behind him, smirking.


“Don’t worry. The moment you remove that, you’ll get kicked out of the student council,” Baro told Sandi nonchalantly as Sandi gasped in surprise because of the treachery.


“And we’ll burn your manga books Sandeul if you dare try to remove that rope,” Jinyoung added, bumping fists with Baro victoriously. By now, Sandi and Sandeul were still in shock. They couldn’t believe they’ll stay like this until who knows when.


Gongchan leaned in, smiling mischievously while patting Sandeul’s check.


“Aww, don’t worry hyung. We’ll take this off once we get home. But now, if you don’t cooperate and try to be friends with Sandi, we’re never taking that off. That applies to you to Sandi. Have fun lovebirds!” Gongchan bid in farewell, waving a hand to the couple before plopping beside a relaxed CNU.


Sandeul groaned, pushing Sandi to the right so he could take her seat. The two just sat there, not saying anything. Both were thinking of the same thing.


Sandeul glanced at Sandi as she did too, the two of them grinning.


“If we pretend to be friends now-“


“We can get this dreaded thing off sooner than we can rub it in their faces,” Sandi finished, Sandeul nodding in approval. He was about to start the act when Sandi her lips. Sandeul froze for a moment, only focusing on her lips. They were small and heart-shaped. Maybe even kissable-


Sandeul’s eyes widened, immediately turning his head away from Sandi. How could he have those thoughts?! It was extremely inappropriate! Oh well – not really, but for Sandeul to think that was so wrong. Sandeul shook his head, blinking.


He cleared his throat and began his act.


“Oh Sandi! I’m really looking forward for us to be super mega awesome best friends!” Sandeul announced loudly, adapting a sweet voice. Sandi laughed lightly as Sandeul nodded to her, gesturing for her to continue.


“Oh yes, Sandeullie! I’m excited for us to – uhm – bond together! I really like you!” Sandi shouted innocently, laughing immediately after as Sandeul did too. Sandeul cleared his throat again.


“I love you, super mega awesome best friend!”


“Right back atcha, duck!”


“Do you think they mean it?” Baro asked Jinyoung curiously, pondering if Sandeul and Sandi were already bonding that fast. Jinyoung chuckled, shaking his head.


“Nope. They think they can get the rope off early. But saying ‘I love you’ to each other is a great start in being friends.”


So Sandeul and Sandi continued shouting affection-like words to each other, thinking that they fooled the guys. What they didn’t know, is that the rope was already slowly coming off, and in a few minutes, it was completely off, the two still conversing like the rope was still on.


So this was how their friendship started. Thanks to Gongchan’s rope. 

The end! I hoped you like this, macaronisalad10! Happy Belated Birthday once again! ^^

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kpopmaniic #1
Meh Likey!!
Author-nim, how many tmes would I say to you that it is macaronisalad, not macaronisland. Orz
Anyways, I'm so inlove with this fanfic. Orz
This is the most bestest gift I've ever received.
Mabuhay. \O/