Chapter 20

One Fine Spring Day
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It was already Tao and Kyungsoo’s graduation day and you were at home, preparing yourself.

“Kyori are you ready?” Chanyeol yelled from his room.

“Not yet!”

You were in fact looking for something to wear, in vain.

Since you and Tao were officially a couple, your mind wasn’t really working.

In your mind there was only one thing. Or better say, one person.

Huang Zi Tao.

Yes, that guy that you barely knew one year ago.

That guy that you met at that bubble tea shop and he didn’t even notice you by then.

That guy that knew how to make you feel absent-minded all the time.

That guy that taught you how to ‘stalk’ someone.

That guy that you didn’t expect you would fall in love with.

And most important, that guy you didn’t expect would fall in love with you.

A normal student of your school.

A normal student that sometimes would get an A in a test.

A normal student that loves to play piano.

A normal student that didn’t think how her life would be perfect by now.

He really knows how to make you happy with simple things. Although he was busy studying, he would never fail to spend some time with you. You found yourself staring at the red roses he gave you last night.


You two were at the phone talking and it was already midnight. You could actually hear some noises from his line but he said he was only in the terrace.

Such a lame excuse.

But you didn’t bother ask him where truly he was because you wanted to hear only his voice. He was singing you a lullaby and you were about to shut your eyelids close when he suddenly stopped. You opened your eyes and asked him why he stopped.

He remained a minute silent and you looked at your phone, worried that he had hang up the call but then he told you to look outside your window. You got up right away and saw him, waving at you with his hand that was holding his phone while with his other hand was holding three red roses.

You blushed and chuckled but then covered your mouth in embarrassment. You wanted to go downstairs secretly but then he said there wasn’t any problem. Then you saw him climb through the tree and within a minute he was in front of you, the roses in his mouth while grinning.

“Tao, what are you doing?!” you hissed as you were worried that he would fall.

“I am visiting my one and only.” he said as he took the roses from his mouth.

“Do you know what time is it?” you asked giggling.

“Yes, ma’am.” He said while nodding like a kid.

You laughed at him. “Just go down! I’m going to open the door.”

“I’ll give you one minute or else I’ll let myself fall.” You didn’t even answer him back that you rushed downstairs.

You then slowly opened the main door and saw him turn the corner of your house from the left. You were about to smack him when he bent down.

“For you, my lady.”

You laughed at him and just took the roses from him. “You can stand up now Tao. And thank you for these. You know, you could have just given me these at school.”

“Okay I’m leaving then.” He pouted and turned around.

He didn’t change at all. You thought while laughing.

He turned around once again to face you laughing, probably hoping you would run after him. “What?”

You shook your head and stared at the roses.

“Nothing, I only thought you didn’t change.” You said as you stared at him.

He smiled at you and walked slowly towards you. He then cupped your face, making you stare at him right into his eyes.

“You think I didn’t change, huh? And you think I did for Ju Hyun what I’m doing for you?” he teased you, smirking. He just loved teasing you and saw your pouts.

“I didn’t say anything.” You countered, shoving away his hand.

He chuckled at your reaction and grabbed your hands.

“Of course I’m changed. All those things I did it only for you, no one else.” He said, making you blush.

He your hair then gently grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you closer to him slowly. You were only a few inches away and you knew you two were about to kiss, for the first time. You closed your eyes as it was weird for you staring at his perfect lips and patiently waited to feel his lips on yours.

But it never happened.

You two suddenly heard like a glass crushing on the floor. You widened your eyes in horror and quickly bid good bye at Tao, who only kissed you in your cheek as a good night kiss. You then closed the main door and went to the kitchen just to see Chanyeol bent down cleaning up.

After scolding him, you went upstairs straight to your room and you placed the roses on your little table in the middle of your room. Few minutes later you received a text from him.


Baby (12:34): I love you. Good night. Xoxo


Just a few words to make your night complete.



You closed your eyes as you thought about last night.

If Chanyeol didn’t ruin our moment.. You mentally cursed but then you heard him banging on your door, alarming you.

“Kyori!” he shouted, but you didn’t even bother to answer him.  You quickly changed your clothes into the dress you finally choose and made yourself.

Once you had finished, Chanyeol was already waiting for you in the living room, snorting.

“Just because you had to see Tao you can’t pretend I’ll wait for you this long!” he complained as he stood up from the couch and took the keys of his car.

You only rolled your eyes and followed him outside.

It was a sunny day even if it was still cold outside. However, you inhaled the fresh air and smiled as you closed your eyes.

You then hopped in your brother’s car and he the engine, heading toward your school but you stopped at a flower shop. You bought a bunch of Baby's Breath for Kyungsoo while for Tao a bunch of Carnations. Chanyeol just bought two bunches of Tulips for them.

After shopping, you arrived there and fortunately you weren’t late yet.

Sehun, Ky Cee and Kai were the first to spot you, waving at you, so you two approached them. There were also Kris, Baekhyun and Lay, some of them also had bunches of flowers.

“Where’s the others?” you asked them, while taking a seat.

“They’re busy. They’ll join us later.” Kris answered, flashing a smile.

You nodded and went beside Lay. He greeted you with a smile and patted your head.

The hall was crowded with students with their uniforms and neatly sitting on their seats, waiting for the principal to start with his usual speech. As he was talking, you scanned the hall looking for someone.

Like he felt someone looking for him, he turned around a little and met eyes with you. He smiled and winked at you as he gave you a thumb up sign.

You answered back by raising your fist to encourage him. You looked down, secretly smiling and feeling butterflies in your stomach.

The principal finally began to call up to the stage the students one by one so he could hand them their diploma.

Every time a student went to the stage, there was also a photographer taking some pictures while the student was shaking hands with the principal and also random pictures.

There were only two times when the hall was filled by loud shouts and yells. And that was when Kyungsoo went up to the stage, politely bowing and shaking hands with the principal.

Ky Cee almost broke your eardrums when she began clapping and shouting. You looked at her in astonishment then laughed and clapped your hands too. She wasn’t the only one shouting since the others joined her too, giving Kyungsoo thumb up’s sign.

Kyungsoo shyly covered his face in embarrassment then smiled so the photograph

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love_chanyeollay #2
Chapter 42: It took me a while to finish this, but it was such a great story. I seriously thought they were going to have a happy ending, but here I am bawling my eyes put. I really do wish that you could write a sequel and write about the reason why Tao left & hopefully he'll come back for her.

I really loved this story! Hopefully you can make a sequel :3
Chapter 42: Sequel please~
Chapter 42: OMG! Author-nim the story is sooooo good! -thumbs up- But what disappointed me was it already ended. :( I have a lot of question in my mind which is not yet being answered. Like what happened to Tao? Why he left? And what happened to the other supporting characters like Eli and Ju hyun. But still the story was great! :D FIGHTING!!
Chapter 40: idk what's the actual drama. the chapter or your story hahahaahahahaha nyeta
Chapter 40: huhu omg wonder what tao gave kyori :O happy new year author-nim! update soon! :)
Chapter 39: i swear if this is a deathfic i'll make youba dead author :^)
Chapter 39: omg what happened? O_O
-minhyukie-kyeopta- #10