
Only Ravi

Chapter 8.

May stormed into her small apartment, feeling almost dizzy from lack of breath. She had run without stopping the whole way home and up all the staircases. While running, May had managed to calm down the conflicted emotions that had raged inside of her. That was what she always did. Pushed down the shard of what was broken deep beneath her skin. Then she could manage to forget it. If she did that it didn’t hurt so badly.
Now the sorrow was gone, and May could finally feel the comforting burn of anger. That was better than the black whole of sadness that sometimes threatened to pull her in.
She took a few steps to a bundle of papers. She became disgusted with herself when she saw how much portraits of Ravi she had drawn.
When did they become so many?
May picked up the thick bundle and weighed it in her hand. Her first impulse was to rip the drawings into small, small pieces, but instead she lifted them above her head. With all her power she threw them into the wall. The white papers rained down in the corner of the room. May didn’t have the energy to pick them up. Instead she crawled into her futon where she bundled up in the blanket, shivering a bit.
She didn’t dream that night.


“As I said, we don’t serve Devil’s cake here,” May said for the third time to the pushy customer.
“But every café in Gagnam has it! You have to-“
“Well, Then you should go to “every café in Gagnam” instead of here! We haven’t got any Devil’s cake; we’ve never had any Devil’s cake. So please move aside and let the other customers through.”
The female gave out a scandalized sound and stormed off. Still feeling hot with irritation, May eyed the next customer who seemed nervous under her stern stare. After all the people had gotten their orders and cleared up a bit, May finally got to relax a bit.
“May…” A small voice said. May turned against a curled up Su-Jung. “Has anything happened? You’re being a bit scary today.”
“Gosh, I… I’m sorry Su-Jung. There’s just… I didn’t sleep much last night.”
Su-Jung dared to move a bit closer.
“Wow, so even May have days like these. You’re usually so polite…”
“I’m sorry-“
“It’s fine!” Su-Jung smiled and touched May’s shoulder. “You feel a bit more human now.”
Warmth filled up in May’s shoulder and eased some of her irritation. Ravi had phoned her once in the afternoon, but she hadn’t picked up.
What does he think? Bastard.
Still, May felt considerably better than last night. But she was really annoyed that Ravi managed to foul her mood and destroy her whole day.  
Come on, pull yourself together. You can’t ruin Su-Jung’s day too.
May drew in a long breath and held it in a couple of seconds before slowly letting it out.
Much better.
She pulled up her sleeves and proceeded with her latest latte art creation. She furrowed her eyebrows in concentration and steadied her right hand with her left. When a shadow fell upon the counter, she didn’t even look up.
“I’ll be with you in a second!” She said distractedly, without looking away from her work.

When the dark voice spoke, her eyes immediately flew up. Her sudden movements made the mug sway dangerously, sloshing out hot coffee on the table. Barely even noticing her ruined artwork, May looked up at Ravi’s face.
About a million thoughts passed her mind as she looked into his eyes; panic, anger and sadness. She felt an impulse to run away and an equally strong one to kick him between the legs. Strangely enough, she didn’t act out on any of them. May just stood there, emotionless, not really knowing what she felt.
Her silence seemed to bother Ravi. His eyebrows furrowed into that frown that she had gotten to know so well. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again. He seemed to be struggling with something. The moment stretched out and started to get a bit awkward.
May made a movement to walk away.
“We-“ Ravi said suddenly and halted her. Then he paused. When he finally continued, he seemed to push out the words:
“We’re going out for karaoke. Come with us.”

Feeling astonished, May looked at Ravi’s face, but he refused to look at her. He was suddenly really interested by the spilt coffee on the counter.
May’s feelings tumbled around in her stomach until it finally settled on one emotion.
Ok, anger it is.
She opened , ready to throw out a stinging reply, but something in the corner of her eye made her stop. Su-Jung was longingly staring at the scene that was taking place. She wasn’t even noticing May’s irritation and Ravi’s awkwardness; she only looked at them in awe.
May suddenly felt bad. Of course Su-Jung would be star struck. She was a genuine fan of Ravi and his group. Sometimes May forgot that Ravi actually was a star and that people admired and looked up to him. Time was running out. She had to answer Ravi soon. A desperate battle took place in May’s head before she finally let out a defeated:
Ravi’s face spun around and he met her eyes. May quickly adverted her own.
I’m sure as hell not going to forgive you yet.
“Really?” Ravi said, but May ignored him.
“On one condition”, she stretched out her arm and pulled Su-Jung to her side. “This girl is coming along too.”
Ravi seemed confused at first, but then he just rubbed the back of his neck and said:
“Of course”


“May, May, May! I can’t believe we’re doing this!”
The day had proceeded quickly and now May and Su-Jung stood in the dusky weather after closing up the café. May had been forced to put up with Su-Jung’s excited chatter the whole day. At first, she had been a bit annoyed. After all, it wasn’t like she wanted to go to karaoke with a bunch of professional singers. And with one that she was quarreling with on top of that! But now May couldn’t help smiling when she saw how Su-Jung was practically jumping up and down in anticipation.
Ravi and the others were going to pick them up in their company’s minivan after their activities for the day was finished.
Aren’t these guy’s famous? Is this really going to be okay?
A heavy feeling started to spread in her stomach. Was she really ready to meet Ravi yet? She still felt awkward and hurt. Then her eyes moved to Su-Jung who excitedly looked down the street, waiting for the van. May’s emotions managed to settle a bit.
Just this time. For Su-Jung.

May looked up at Su-Jung’s exclamation. A black minivan had stopped in front of them.
Here we go…
The door was pulled open and HakYeon stuck out his head.
“Good evening, May. Are you ready?”
May actually gave him a genuine smile back. The nervousness subsided even more. A hand stretched out from behind HakYeon and waved against her.
“Hello, sis!” Hyuk’s face appeared before HakYeon pushed him back into the car again. May’s smile became broader. Now she remembered; everyone she had met in the idol-group VIXX had been very friendly. Well, everyone except for one.
“I am very sorry.” HakYeon continued.
“For what?” May answered, a bit puzzled.
“We don’t have a proper driver. I’m afraid that Ken’s behind the wheel. This will be a dangerous night.”
“Can you stop bully me?!” An angry voice came from the driver’s seat. “Have I hit anything yet?”
“Not yet!”
“You’re terrible! I’m not driving, I’m not doing it!”
“Okay, okay, okay! I’m sorry!”
The friendly bickering made May relax even more.
Perhaps this will be a really fun evening!
A giggle beside her pulled her back into the reality. Su-Jung was happily laughing along the banter. Her eyes were practically glittering, and May knew that she had made the right choice.
 “By the way”, May began. “This is my friend Su-Jung. Please treat her kindly.”
At first, Su-Jung was a bit shy as she spoke with the singers, but it wasn’t long before her personality shone through and her hesitation disappeared. May felt really happy watching her, something warm spreading over her like a blanket.
It feels like I’ve done a good deed. If that makes any sense…
It wasn’t until they entered the van that her mood went down.

In the back of the car a silence was spread out like a wall. As May entered she looked upon a frowning Ravi, sitting with his arms tightly crossed across his chest and with his face turned away. Beside him sat a dark, silent boy whom she hadn’t met. The atmosphere of the two men felt heavy.
“Oi, you two in the back! Aren’t you going to greet our guests?”
Ravi just shrugged a bit and mumbled something, still not looking at May. The other boy let out a weak:
“Hello” Even though he was quiet, May thought that his voice sounded kind. She shot Ravi an annoyed look before sitting down on an empty seat.
“Okay, let’s go! May, Su-Jung, put on your seatbelts! Don’t forget who’s driving!”
“I told you to stop that!”
Still feeling Ravi’s silent presence behind her, May looked out through the window as the car rolled away.


I’m really sorry about the delay guys! I have a great deal with work this summer, so I’m writing this fanfic in the few free hours in the week that I’ve got. But I’ve greatly progressed on next chapter so it shouldn’t be too long before it’s up.
Until next time!
p.s  Beware of spelling errors! 

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peiyan #1
Chapter 10: Are u going to update sooon?? Nice and interesting story can't wait fighting!!
silaratan #2
Chapter 10: Author nim where are you :( I've been waiting so long for you. Update juseyo! :(
Chapter 10: hkahdkasdhakjshdjkashdkjasd haha you're a tease! I thought they were going to kiss haha! But I hope they will do so soon ;) I love that you put in some swedish, väri najs hehe! Looking forward to the next chapter <3

And thank you for promoting my fic! <3
Chapter 9: Waaaaaaa! I really loved this chapter! I'm hooked on the story, it is just great!
Chapter 9: Ooooooomg nice update! New reader here :)
Chapter 9: omg, this chapter was really good! Stop writing such good chapter Matildaaaaa!!!! xD Can't wait for the next chapter!! <3
Chapter 8: Nice chapter, keep up the good work! <3 can't wait to read next chapter! :D
Chapter 8: Wait, who's the quiet boy? O.O
Chapter 7: wat i'm confused