Jellyfish Company

Only Ravi

Chapter 4.

May staggered back into the café and was immediately approached by Su-Jung.
“May, what in heaven’s name? I thought you said you weren’t involved with that sort of thing!” May looked at Su-Jung in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you were just out for a casual chat with Ravi from VIXX!”
“Ravi from…”
“Ravi from VIXX!? Don’t tell me you don’t know. Wow, you really are something.” Su-Jung quickly pulled up her phone and after a few seconds she pressed it into May’s hands.
“Just watch this!”
May accepted the phone with confusion and turned it sideways. A music video started playing and to her surprise a well styled Ravi showed up only a few seconds in. She didn’t know what she had expected, but when she had started watching she just couldn’t look away.  The music was catchy and the clothes well suited for the concept of the song. May also recognized the persons called N and Ken and was amazed by their voices. They seemed so different and professional from what she had seen only moments ago.

The scene changed and showed a Ravi, dressed in a white suit, who looked up at an approaching woman, then a sudden close-up on his face. He smiled at the woman, and May noticed how similar it was to the smile she had received herself.
Feeling flustered, without realizing why, May tried to return the phone to Su-Jung.
“Wait, you haven’t seen the best part!”
She reluctantly kept watching the six handsome men who sang and danced. Then, the rap started. May’s mouth fell open. It was so powerful and well-performed. She saw a person who was completely dedicated to what he did. And he was talented, she couldn’t deny that.
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting that”, she murmured.
“Right, right?” Su-Jung answered enthusiastically. She put back her mobile in her pocket. “So, how do you know him?”
May opened , but closed it without saying anything.
Well, how should I describe this? “I got to know him when I spat at his shoes!” She couldn’t help letting out a small laugh.
“What?” Su-Jung looked at her with expectation.
“Let’s just say, I’m his new English teacher.”
“Really?! Wow! This is huge! I’m so jealous!” Then she moved closer to May with a naughty look on her face.
“He’s handsome, don’t you think?”
“What?! No!” May exclaimed. Su-Jung gave her a skeptical look.
“…I don’t know… Maybe”, another look from Su-Jung made her say:  “Ok, he’s really handsome! Are you happy now?”
Su-Jung gave grinned at her.
“Very happy.”


It was early morning. May didn’t know why she hadn’t slept in since she didn’t have to go to work until 10:00. But she felt relaxed and comfortable where she sat on the floor on a pillow by her small window. Her sketchpad lay in her lap, the white pages staring back at her. Right beside her was a steaming coffee mug which she occasionally sipped from. A light rain was falling outside and her eyes traced the water drops that dotted the window glass. May often sat like that whenever she had a moment over to herself. Just dazing off and looking through her window with her sketchpad ready, and whenever inspiration came she grabbed her pen and started drawing. Sometimes she had to sit for hours, sometimes it came immediately and sometimes it didn’t come at all. She didn’t fret over it. That was how she drew and she couldn’t imagine doing it in any other way.

Without looking at the paper, her right hand started moving towards the pen. Lost in thoughts, she started drawing. The contour of a face was slowly appearing. She surely was drawing a lot of portraits lately. Otherwise she did more landscapes.
The face she was drawing almost filled up the entire page. The eyes were looking up at something or someone with a gentle gaze. A small smile played on his lips. May’s hand stopped.
What the…
She had drawn Ravi again.
With a frustrated groan May carelessly closed her sketchpad. She rolled over on her stomach and tried to relax. She allowed her eyes to close.
I’m allowed to take a small nap.
She had almost fallen asleep when a sharp ringtone made her head jerk up in a painful way. May quickly reached for her buzzing mobile and looked at the name that was on the display.
“Chief” it read.
Chief? She thought in confusion. She pressed on answer and carefully said:
“Come to Jellyfish Entertainment. It’s in Shinsa-dong 27-26 in Gagnam.”
“It’s Ravi, you fool. Get over here right now!”
“But I-“
The signal beeped in her ear. She looked at her phone in disbelief.
How can he just hang up?! He really is the worst.
May turned her head. The clock wasn’t even 8:00 yet. With a sigh she took a final sip from the coffee mug and started dressing.


On her way, May realized that she address she had received was located just beside Café Symphony.
Of course, it’s the company Su-Jung mentioned. No wonder he found me so quickly. Just like my usual luck.
May looked up at the huge building.
Wow, I guess he really is famous if he’s from such a large company.
Feeling a bit uncertain May entered the doors and watched the grand interior. Ravi hadn’t told her where to go next so she awkwardly stopped in a corner where she could hide. Many fashionable people passed her and gave her questioning looks. May just wanted to disappear into the ground.  A hand on her shoulder made her mind go through a 10 second phase of panic.
Ohmygod, it’s the guard. He’s thinking I’m a suspicious person who is going to assassin someone. Or that I am a crazy fangirl who is going to bother everyone by clinging to the feet of the closest idol I see. God, god, ok, just throw me out, I can’t handle this.
“Are you May?” A soft female voice said. Still a bit worked up, May turned carefully.
“Yes, I think”, she answered in a weak voice.
The small woman who had spoken looked a bit bewildered by May’s answer, but she quickly regained her composure.
“Mr. Ravi informed me of your arrival. Please follow me.” She led the still nervous May to a couple of elevators. The woman gestured May to go inside, then she stretched in her arm and pressed at the button with the number ‘12’.
“Have a pleasant day” she said with a small bow. May hastily bowed back, but the doors had already closed. Finally alone, she relaxed by leaning into the elevator wall. She was a nervous wreck.
Why am I like this? I’m never like this. Everything is his fault.
Somehow, she had managed to calm down her pulse when the elevator came to a stop. A little pling, then a metallic voice who said:
“Twelfth floor”
When the doors slide open her breaths got stuck in . Just outside stood almost the entire group of VIXX.

She recognized the red-haired N and the bright-haired Ken, but she didn’t know the names of the other two. One was taller and had an amazingly handsome face. The other was a bit shorter and had a curious expression that was pretty cute.
Ken pointed at her in amazement.
“Wow, here she is! Speak of the devil! Didn’t I say that she was cute?” He nudged at the smaller of the men she didn’t know. “Hello, welcome!” He said to her in broken English and practically dragged the surprised May out of the elevator.
“Don’t get carried away, Ken”, N said and pulled him back.
“Wait, isn’t she going to help Ravi with English?” The taller man with the handsome face said.
“Well, doesn’t she understand Korean then?”
Feeling really embarrassed by their looks on her face, she only managed to nod.
“Whoa! Really? That’s amazing.” N said cheerfully
“Really? No, I’m so ashamed!” Ken said and hid his face in his hands while the shorter man laughed at him.
“Well, perhaps we should introduce ourselves more properly,” N suggested. “Hello May, my name is N.” He smiled at her and then pointed at Ken. “The blockhead is Ken. I hope you’re not feeling insulted by the way he was speaking.” May quickly shook her head and pressed out a:
“No, absolutely not!”
How in heaven's name do they know my name? She thought.
N continued with his introduction.
“The handsome devil is our group’s visual, the y Hongbin!” The man called Hongbin waved embarrassedly towards N.
“Stop that, you’ll give her the wrong impression.” The others laughed and N pointed at the smallest man.
“This is our cute little Hyuk. Don’t hesitate to bully him, he’s the youngest.”
“You really are horrible, bro!” Hyuk said with a smile. He bowed at her. “Nice meeting you, I’m Hyuk.”

Completely overwhelmed May wordlessly bowed again and again towards the men.
“Our Leo is busy with training but Ravi should be here any minute-“
Just after N finished his sentence, Ravi rushed out from one of the doors in the corridor.
“You’re here?” He said distractedly, grabbed her arm and started pulling her against the door he had emerged from.
“Wait- Nice meeting you all!” May managed to get out before she was pulled away by her impatient employer.


Wow, this became a bit longer than I anticipated. A lot of introductions in this chapter, hopefully it didn’t get boring. Soon we will get to the Ravi X May moments, I promise.  I don't have that much to mention today... Wait, what did you think about "bro"? XD I decided to make Hyuk call everyone "bro" becase I won't use "hyung". Is that tottaly weird or is it acceptable? Let me know. 
By the way, I hope I’m not portraying the other members of VIXX in a bad way :o If you have any thoughts about it, or if you want me to change anything, just mention it in the comments. Your opinion is important to me! ;)
And also, I haven't got anyone who has read through this or anything. I've barely read through it myself! So beware of weird sentences and spelling errors. You have been warned XD
See you soon!

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peiyan #1
Chapter 10: Are u going to update sooon?? Nice and interesting story can't wait fighting!!
silaratan #2
Chapter 10: Author nim where are you :( I've been waiting so long for you. Update juseyo! :(
Chapter 10: hkahdkasdhakjshdjkashdkjasd haha you're a tease! I thought they were going to kiss haha! But I hope they will do so soon ;) I love that you put in some swedish, väri najs hehe! Looking forward to the next chapter <3

And thank you for promoting my fic! <3
Chapter 9: Waaaaaaa! I really loved this chapter! I'm hooked on the story, it is just great!
Chapter 9: Ooooooomg nice update! New reader here :)
Chapter 9: omg, this chapter was really good! Stop writing such good chapter Matildaaaaa!!!! xD Can't wait for the next chapter!! <3
Chapter 8: Nice chapter, keep up the good work! <3 can't wait to read next chapter! :D
Chapter 8: Wait, who's the quiet boy? O.O
Chapter 7: wat i'm confused