the baby dragon and a cave

the princess, the warrior and a strange looking guy

Soojung’s POV


It’s roar shaking the ground. I hold my bow tightly, ready to launch an arrow right to the dragon.

But he give me a fire shot, I run as fast as I can, hiding behind the rock. I can’t avoid my skin not to be hurt. Its hot everywhere, just like my feet can’t walk on the ground.

The rock behind me suddenly crushed into pieces. I closed my eyes. But nothing is happening.... where is the dragon?


I open my eyes and then I see the dragon just stand still in front of me.

He just stare at me. I don’t know what to do... I don’t wanna shoot him... he deserve to live...

“I’m craving for help” suddenly I heard a voice came from the dragon.












“please, I need your help” my eyes widen as I realized that the dragon is talking.


“you can talk??” I take a step backward

“please help me, I’m all alone here, sorry to harm you back there... I’m just scared”

“scared?? I’m the one who’s scared the most.... what makes you scared af smaller creature like me? I’m just a humans and what things can I do for you?”

“from time to time, some humans.... adventurer... discovered this place just to kill me and getting those diamond. But I manage to kill all of them.”

“why did you protecting that diamond?”

“it could granted wishes... three wishes. But when humans take it from the stone, this cave, this waterfall will be destroyed”

“so that’s why some fellow kings trying to get in this place... not to drink the waterfall. But to take the diamond?”

“yes they are... but when I see you, I know you never ment to kill anyone, I know that you have a pure heart... and you are the first lady who get into this place, that’s why I need your help”


“what can I do for you?”

“follow me”


I walked behind him, when his feet stomped the ground, I can feel the  ground shaking. He seems so strong... why did he need my help?

He guided me deeper and deeper trough the cave and its getting darker suddenly I heard a sound. I think its a roar but a small roar.

I roam my eyes and then I see a nest. And an egg inside the nest... so this dragon is a she.

She allowed my to go near her nest. I found a little dragon. Tiny little dragon shrieking and yelping for help. It’s feet is bleeding.

“what happens to your baby?? He is dying! I must help him”

“thank you for your careness... I know you have a pure heart, a few days before you come here, a man have discovered this place and trying to take my baby away... I manage to kill him but he injured my baby so bad”

“sorry about that....”




“heal him please”

“I didn’t bring any medicine, I need to take him to my castle”




She silence for a while




“there is no time left! Your baby will die if you take any other time to left him here suffering.....


..... trust me”


She nodded and then letting me carry her baby. My hands covered with blood. I rip my dress and covering the baby’s wound with it

“I’ll be back in three days, it will take times to heal this wound”

“I’ll be in here, waiting for my baby, take care of him”

“I’ll do the best” I smiled to the dragons. She was crying while glancing at her baby. I pass the path while holding the small dragons. He is so weak.


I hold him tightly while climb down the rock. When I manage to get down, I jump relly fast to hazel’s back. He run as fast as the wind aiming to the palace.

I cover the baby with my cloak that I left on my bag. my tears began to flow seeing a little creature dying on my hands...




Yiyun’s POV



“I insist”


“just stay until you regain your power and then you may continue your journey”

“yes, sir” I bow and then he give me a smile. The king of the northen area is very kind. He give me a room inside his palace to rest for a few days. He knows that I’m tired of my long journey. He been thankfull for me to help the villagers from some traveler thief.

Just when the king gonna say something, the door of the palace swung opens and let out a loud bang.


“soojung?! Where have you been?? You skipped your breakfast! Don’t tell me that you’ve gone to the forest all alone again?! What happened to your dress??”

“no time to explain, I need medicine!”

I see her hands is covered with blood while holding something wrapped by her cloak on her hands.

“what happen to you??!” the king looks worried, but she ran away seems panicking heading somewhere

“what is that girl up to!! She always did something dangerous!! And didn’t even hear anything I’ve said to her...... just like her mother.... sorry for her behavior.”

“that’s allright sir, I’ll talk to her if you allowed me”

“sure, maybe she will listen to you”

“thank you sir”

I bow at him and then walking to the direction where the princess heading to. I saw her entering a room. I think its her room...

I knock the door before coming in. I saw her putting the thing she were carried to the table gently.

“sorry to interrupt you, my na...”
“get me some hot water!” her hands is shaking while searching some medicine in the cupboard

“umm o-okay” I hurried getting some hot water from the servant on the kitchen.

I slowly putting a bowl of hot water on her table.

“what are you doing?” I saw her shaking while gently hold the towel. Putting it on the hot water and squeezing it.

She unwrapped the thing that covered with her cloak. My heart beating faster as I saw a creature that I adore the most. A dragon. A tiny little baby dragon. He is badly injured.

I thought that dragon is nowhere to be found or extinct because of the human who was always hunting them down.  I can’t get my eyes off the little dragon. He is screaming in pain. His roar is weak.

My heart aches seeing this little creature in pain.

The princess gently cupped the warm towel to the wound. I think she is good at this. She manage to stop the blood from flowing over. She caress the dragon’s head

“be strong” I can see her smile. She is wearing a red ribbon on her hair. She looks natural in her simple dress. She still look georgeus in her own way. I’ve never seen a girl like this before.

She putting some of the medical plants to the dragon’s wound and cover it with bandages.

I just look at what she were doing until our eyes met.

“who are you and what are you doing in my room?”

“so you’re awake now from your panicked time” I give her a smile. She look confused and continue wrapping the wound.

“I’m a warior who travel around the world, your dad is giving me a room to stay for a few days”

“just don’t tell anybody about this, keep it a secret just between us”

“I will” I glance at her. Her black hair is look shiny and her pure white face looks stunning. She looks kinda alike the other princess I met at the garden last morning. I think she is her twins. The villagers told me that they have a twin princess.

This one is look braver  than the other one. She looks more natural. I like the way she smile and concentrate on what she was doing without make up or a beautiful dress. She is beautiful in her own way......


“where did you found that little baby dragon?”

“I won’t tell you, I don’t trust you and you are still a total strangers to me” she gave me her cold looking face. She putting the baby dragon on the red pillow.

“sorry, your majesty.. my name is liu yiyun”

“just call me soojung and I still don’t trust you yet”

She glared at me. I’m just hanging my head low.

“would you leave me alone here? I need a rest”

“umh okay, princess. Nice to meet you”

“yes, thank you... nice to meet you too” at least, she gave me her beautiful smile when I about to leave her and my heart skip a beat.




Soojung's POV


I ate my dinner silently. I can feel there is still the sense of anger from daddy. Its better if I just stay silent.

“yiyun will be stay here for a few days, I’ll give him the guest room” daddy said while introducing yiyun.

“thank you for your hospitality” I can see my unnie is glancing and smiling at him... I think unnie is interested by those man. He looks kinda funny to me, his face looks like a llama. I giggled with my own thought. Dad’s clear throat give me a wake up. “oh right, sorry” nothing I can say but an apology for imagining him beeing a llama, but he is look like a llama.



“where have you been all day long, soojung?”

“just picking some flowers” I give him an innocent widely smile. I can see yiyun’s giggled from the other side of the table. I shot him my glare. Now he pretending to talk to unnie.

“don’t lie to me” now he is the one shooting his glare to me. Daddy’s glare is scarier than mine i think...

I let out a sigh

“I’m going to the forest..”

“how many times do I have to tell you not to go alone to that dangerous forest!”

“I’m definetly not alone dad, I’m with hazel”

“so can you explain what did you bring when you get home??”

“umh its just s-something not important... i-its just a plant, a medical plant” I smiled awkwardly at him.

“explain to me which plant that having some blood in it”

“allright allright it just a baby... bear... yes its a baby bear he is injured so badly, so I decided to help him”

Then daddy just silent hearing my explain. He continue his dinner.

“just don’t make me worried again”


 “don’t worry about me daddy, I am strong, she is the one you should worried the most” I pointed at my unnie. Her eyes is widen when she saw me pointing at her

“your unnie is obeying anything I’ve said, but you? why can’t you be a nice princess just for a day? Doing painting, reading, studying”

“oh dad.. you know, better to make it real than just imagining it on the canvas”

I saw yiyun’s eyes widen as he heard me saying that kind of things.

“you should obey your dad, soojung!” my step mother speaking with anger tone to me. I hold my anger at that moment. My face feels like burning. When I’m about to hit the table, changmin hold my hand tightly. He is sitting next to me.

My heart relaxed a bit. He caressed my hand with his thumb. I pull my hands away and then continue eating my dinner. Trying not to hear anything.

This is why I always skip eating together. Its better if I just didn’t eat at all.

“from now on, there will be two guards following you to wherever you were going”

“what?? I’m not a child anymore, dad!!”

“don’t you dare to raised your tone to your dad!” my step mother using her angry tone to me again. I can’t hold my anger anymore.

“you! you mean nothing to me! Just stay silent!”

Her eyes widen, she stand from her seat, so do I.

She heading towards me raising her hand trying to land a slap on my cheek. But you deal with a wrong girl. I hold her wrist. I tighten my grip. She looks hurt.

“you deal with a wrong person, I’m not a weak kind of princess” I let out a smirk. She gritted her teeth


“soojung!!” my dad yelling at me. I let go of her hand. he approach me and then landed a slap on my cheek.

My right cheek feels burning. My eyes started to letting out a drop of tears. I can see my step mother let out an evil smirk at me.

“fine!! If you wanted to choose her than me, so be it!! I’m leaving!!” I run heading to my rooms. Hurried packing my things.




Yiyun’s POV


This girl is doing her things but nobody in this room understand her feelings. I know she is doing the right thing saving those baby dragon.

“excuse me” I excused my self and heading to where soojung is.


I see her grabbing her bows and searching for her cloak inside her room.

“please, don’t leave”

“what are you to me?” I can see her tears is flowing. Her right cheek is grown red.

I take a step closer to where she was standing. I wipe her tears away with my finger. I caressed her right cheek. I know she wont be able to stop crying. I know it’ll be hurt so much if your only beloved daddy treating you like that.

I hug her gently. All she was doing is only sobbing. She let out all of her tears on my chest. I still wrapping my arms around her until she was able to stop crying.

She push my chest away when she was done crying.

“I’m still leaving”

“then I’m going with you” I smiled at her. She just stare at me and say nothing.

“well nothing means yes” I followed her to the horse stable. She get on to her horse. I bring my black horse also and hurried getting on to my horse. Strange that she didn’t controlled her horse, she was just the back of her horse and then the horse knows where she wanted to go. Of course she brings the injured baby dragon with her. She put him on a box, just like the baby dragon is sleeping inside the box.

She ride really fast. She is really good at riding a horse.

“where are we heading to??”

“as far as possible!”

I just following her, right beside her. After a few moments, she decided to stop. I think she feel relaxed now. she get off from her horse.

She bend and picking some branches, I think she want to light some fire. I help her gathering some thick branches.

We settle inside a cave nearby. She started to light the fire. Incredible.... I’ve never seen any kind of princess like her. She can light a fire in the middle of the forest with all by her self.

I glance at her. she looks beautiful. She is holding tight her locket. Wonder what’s inside the locket...

Suddenly we heard a loud thud inside the cave. I wonder what is that. She showed her puzzled face rather than her scared face.

“what was that?”

“I don’t know, maybe some kind of monster or even worse” I let out a smirk, she glared at me and then rolled her eyes.

“I’m gonna check it, wait here”

“go on then” I just crossed my arms and give her my smirk. She frozen for a while staring at me.

“never thought that you would let me gone inside alone”

“I trusted you... so go on then”

She let out a smirk and grab a torch. I stare at her sight until she was gone with the dark inside the cave.

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Chapter 4: Nice story!!! Update soon^^
Chapter 4: Yiyun and Amber are pretty much the same person but somehow I really dont like Yiyun
Chapter 3: update update!!
Great story! :D
VanessaH2012 #4
Chapter 3: Good story!! Poor amber...