A Day at the Zoo with Seungho


You jump on Seungho to wake him up from his panda slumber and yell "Oppa, I have a special day planned for us!" He wakes up barely and says, "Baby, just give me 5 more minutes." You jump on him again and he surprises you by tickling you until you laugh so hard that tears roll down your face. Over breakfast you tell Seungho that you planned a trip to the zoo. His eyes get wide and he turns into an excited 5 year old boy. "Can we get food, candy, matching headbands and stuffed animals?" he asks. "Hmmm, only if you do aegyo for me." Seungho pouts at the request but then puts his hands up to his cheeks and acts so cute that you just want to burst. "Ok oppa we will do all of that." you say and give him a soft kiss on the lips for his effort.
You arrive at the zoo and Seungho immediately pulls you into the gift shop. He puts a panda headband on you and then puts one on himself. You both look in the mirror and make silly faces. Seungho also buys some candy and then takes your hand as you begin to walk around. You walk up to a colorful bird exhibit and Seungho tries talking to the parrots. He notices one that repeats everything he says and starts saying things like "Joon is an idiot."and "Pigeon folder." The parrot repeats everything he says and he is highly amused. 
You then enter a snake exhibit and begin to squeeze his arm in fear. He holds you in his arms and then picks up a snake to show you how harmless it is. "This is just like Mir's snake Browny but only a little bigger." he says. You trust him and touch the snake and a smile comes across your face as you think about his recent photoshoot involving snakes.
You continue to walk along and Seungho manages to buy more candy, food and ice cream. You cheerfully allow him to get whatever he wants since he has been so good with his diet and needed a break. "Omo! Look over there!" You both walk up to the panda exhibit and it is like Seungho has found his long lost relatives. He starts making noises at them and imitates their  movements. You laugh and start recording him with your phone since this is too cute not to watch again. The day is coming to a close and you walk hand in hand out of the zoo together. Before getting in the car he pulls you close and whispers, "I think we need our own baby pandas someday." and he gives you a long passionate kiss on the lips.
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2038 streak #1
Chapter 1: haha... Seungho could be such a cutie? He will such an eye candy... Such a nice oneshot author-nim :)
Chapter 1: omg! this is soooo cute!! haha! great job!!!
Chapter 1: Seriously this is awesome :) I love the 'join is an idiot' and 'pigeon folder' part.... heheheh <3 and the baby pandas.. ugh. Its all lovely :D