
Officially Insane (Sequel to: I'm Not Exactly Miss Simple Either...More Like Crazy)
"What is it?" Ricky asked. They all leaned forward waiting for what I had to say. I took a deep breathe before I started.
"Mianhae Ricky, Chunji, and Changjo." I started. They raised their eyebrows at me. "I played you all."
"You mean..." Chunji trailed off.
"I showed feelings for all of you when I didn't actually love any of you. Ricky and Chunji I'm sorry that I had with both of you. Just know now that it didn't actually mean anything. Changjo I'm sorry I started that this morning and...." I stopped and looked towards the sky. "Mianhae Niel, Hyunseung, Hoya, Myungsoo, Dongwoo, Sunggyu, and Sungjong. Mianhae!" I cried towards the sky. "I played with you all and I regret it. Please forgive me." I started sobbing at the thought of all of them. Even if some of them had been my enemy, I felt bad now that they were all gone.
"You're unbelievable." Ricky pointed at me. "So what we did meant nothing? Nothing at all?!" I nodded with my head down. I couldn't look at any of them.
"I thought we actually had something." Chunji spat at me.
"It was a spur of the moment thing." I muttered quietly. I heard him growl.
"Say it louder! If you have something that is worth listening to, say it louder !" Chunji yelled at me. Tears rolled down my cheeks as he screamed at me. I couldn't take it anymore. 
"MIANHAE!" I shouted. I got up and ran for the door. I didn't stop until I got to the park I had gone to last night. I sat on one of the swings. I just sat there staring into nowhere wondering where my life had gone wrong. " my life." I mumbled under my breathe.
"Now why is that?" A voice said from behind me. I shot off the swing and looked at the man.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"I was looking for you all night. Where did you go? Do you know how ing scared I was?" He raised his voice. I felt really bad. *Was he really looking for me all night?* The dark circles under his eyes were becoming very prominent.
"Mianhae." I said quietly. I lowered my head. 
"Jagiya." He whispered. He walked over to me briskly, pulling me into his arms. "Don't ever do that again. Why did you even run out anyway?"
"Sungmin said some things." I told him.
"Aish that bastard. Still that doesn't mean you should run away. You should've came to me. I would've beat him up for you." He told me. "Come on. Let's go back." He took my hand in his as we made our way back to the dorms. Honestly, I wasn't so keen on going back in there because I knew I would break Sungmin's face if I saw him. It's funny huh how someone can go from being the person you cherish most in the world to the person you hate the most. It was hard to believe that there was a time in our lives where Sungmin and I would do anything for each other. *Things sure do change fast.* 
"I don't feel like going back." I told Heechul. He gave me a questioning look.
"How come?" He asked me.
"Everyone's gonna be mad at me." I told him. He gave me a bright smile and ruffled my hair.
"They'll only be worried. Come on." He reassured me. We rode up to their floor in silence. As we approached the dorm, my worries suddenly vanished. *I can never truly hate this place.* "WE'RE BACK!!!!" Heechul screeched for the whole building to hear as we entered the dorm.
"We?" I heard the guys ask.
"Hey guys." I casually said taking a seat on the couch.
"Where'd you go?" They all asked.
"I had to clear my mind. There was too much testosterone in this place." I joked.
"Aigoo.....almost giving us a heart attack for no reason." Leeteuk huffed.
" please you were the only one that was having a seizure." Heechul said to him.
"Yeah we all know Hee can handle herself." Shindong said.
"Teukie seriously! You need to chill." I patted him on the back when he sat down next to me. "Aigoo ahjussi!" I playfully punched him.
"Who you calling an ahjussi you ahjumma?" He stuck his tongue out at me. I gasped and stood up.
"Yah do I look like a ing ahjumma to you?!" I spazzed.
"Do I look like an ahjussi?!" Leeteuk screeched playfully. I was about to jump on his back when I felt someone pluck me out of the air.
"Girl da fuq is wrong wit chu?" Henry said as he restrained my arms.
"Yah let go of me you chipmunk!!" I thrashed around in his arms but he still refused to let me go. I finally gave up and just stood still. "Arasso I give up. Now let go." I demanded. 
"Promise you won't hurt hyung?"
"Neh I promise." *At least not now....* 
"So where did you go?" Donghae asked me innocently. The others leaned in to hear my response. *Aish you curious fishy!*
"I just walked around." I told them. Siwon raised a brow at me.
"So you're trying to tell us that you walked around Seoul the entire time you were gone?" He asked me. *Come on. Help me out here Shisus!*
"Yeah I just needed to clear my head. Now if we're done, I'm gonna go take a shower." I said and got up. I went into the room I shared with Heechul, Zhoumi, and Siwon. I quickly grabbed a towel and went into their bathroom. It wasn't until I had taken all of my clothes off and got under the shower head did I realize that I needed some shampoo. I knocked on the wall as hard as I could hoping to get the guys' attention. "OPPAS I NEED SOME SHAMPOO!!!" I hollered.
"HOLD THE UP, I'M COMING!!" I heard Heechul scream back. Yep this is how we communicated. A few minutes later I heard the door open. I peaked my head out of the curtain.
"Oppa did you bring the vanilla one?" I asked him cutely.
"Aniyo. I ran out. I only have coconut left." He told me giving it to me.
"Ehhh oppa but I like the vanilla one!!!!" I whined. He frowned at me.
"Yah Eun Hee how old are you to still be using aegyo?" He asked me.
"Oppa?" I asked him shyly.
"Neh?" He said.
"Come join me." I told him slyly, curling a finger at him.
"Some other time maybe." He mumbled and left. *He never refuses taking showers together. Something's going on?* I pushed that thought to the back of my head. I quickly washed up and got out of the bathroom. I yawned as I searched for some clothes in Zhoumi's closet. I smiled as I found one of his cute shirts. I put it with a pair of my skinny jeans and looked in the mirror.
"At least one oppa has decent style." I muttered to myself.
"Why thank you." Someone said from the doorway. 
"Oh hey Mimi oppa!" I waved at him. He smiled and sat on his bed crossing his legs as he watched me. I shook my wet hair out trying to decide what to do with it.
"Here let me dry it for you." He offered. As Zhoumi was looking for his blow dryer I took the time to check him out. *Damn, he has a good body. I do like taller men.....* "I found it! Come here." He told me. He plugged it into the wall and sat on the bed patting the spot between his legs. I sat between his legs, pulling my knees to my chest. "Tell me if it gets too hot okay?" I nodded as he began. Being like this with Zhoumi, it felt good. He gave off this warm feeling that just made me want to be around him. 
"Xiè-xie (Thank you) Mimi." I told him.
"Méi guān-xi (No problem) Hee." He told me.
"Mimi? Is something going on with Heechul?" I asked him. He turned off the blow dryer but didn't answer. "Is he cheating on me?"
"It's not like that." Zhoumi told me quietly.
"Then what is it?!" I asked turning to face him. I stood up. "Zhoumi what is going on? If something is happening, I want to know."
"Everyone is going to kill me for telling you." He muttered.
"Hold up! All of you know?" I questioned.
"Yeah we figured it out a while ago." He told me.
"Why didn't you guys tell me?! If it has to do with my boyfriend, why shouldn't I know?!" I shouted at him. 
"We didn't want you jumping to conclusions. Please don't freak out. I'll tell you everything we know so far only if you don't mention it. Okay?" He made me promise.
"This is why I love you Mimi. Now hurry up and tell me." I told him.
"Well a few weeks ago Kangin saw Heechul leaving the dorm around 3 in the morning. Heechul didn't have a schedule that day so Kangin followed him to what he was up to. Even though Kangin was tired, he wanted to know what was up. He told us that Heechul met up with a girl and he got into her car. Kangin followed them around for a while in a cab. They went to what was presumed to be her dorm. We all think she's an idol too. Every night since then he leaves around that time in the morning to meet up with her. Leeteuk tried to convince us that it was probably a friend of his that needed some help with something. We're all starting to think otherwise." Zhoumi informed me.
"I really wanna give him the benefit of the doubt but Heechul isn't one to hide things." I mumbled to myself. "Have you guys confronted him yet?" 
"We don't want to jump to conclusion either. You know how he gets. If we confront him then he'll think we've been stalking him." Zhoumi told me.
"But you have been stalking him. For a good reason though!" I interjected.
"He's been leaving his schedules early sometimes too." Zhoumi said.
"Oh really now?" I asked with a frown on my face. I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed. 
"Yah don't frown. You'll get wrinkles." Zhoumi said caressing my face to smooth out my frown lines.
"It's not like it matters. I'll never have a stable relationship anyways." I whined.
"Yah stop that! Of course you will." He tried to comfort me. I looked at him with a blank stare.
"I'm gonna be a forever alone ahjumma!" I wailed.
"Gurl chill before you start growing gray hairs. Then you'll really be an ahjumma." Zhoumi joked trying to make me laugh. I giggled a little and looked at him. 
"What would I do without you Mimi?" I said.
"I know right! I'm so amazing." He joked in a cute voice. He gave his hair a little flip then smiled at me.
"Ayy~~ don't get too full of yourself." I warned him, jabbing him in the chest.
"Don't worry, I won't. You're too cute." He told me. He planted a kiss on my forehead then got up and left the room. I was just stunned. *Such a cute and intriguing man.*  
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I didn't like her either
Chapter 23: omo
Chapter 21: Omg don't let it start again
Chapter 21: nice chapter!
I hope she isn't starting to fall for the other members
she might do the same thing....
Chapter 18: you do good s
is that weird??
but I like the new chapter
for a week?
hmmmmm whats he uptoo
Chapter 15: HAHAHAHA yall had to go in swim suits
awe mimi I think you showed up at the wrong time~ update soon!!!!!!
Chapter 14: kekke good chappie!!!
update soon!!
Chapter 13: oh boy!!! you are going to be in more trouble now i sorry to say buy PICK ONE MAN GIRL
I know there all hit and stuff but jeez!
Chapter 12: O MY GOD!!! wtf is yalls problem
and you guys betry her like that?!
smh good job lc9 at least your there for her!