Chapter 1

Best Friends
"Hey!" Chunji clasped hands with L Joe, who had come over to play some games that he recently bought.
"I'm so kicking your ," L Joe smirked at his friend, reluctantly releasing Chunji's hand, and bypassing his friend to hit the game room.
Chunji followed, ears tinted red as he held his hand briefly to his chest, before shaking his head clear of any erted thoughts. It wasn't as if L Joe liked him the way Chunji did. L Joe was straight as a pole, having dated other girls before. Chunji, himself, hadn't dated. No, his mind and heart was consumed by L Joe and he didn't think there was room for another.
"Hurry up!" L Joe called out from the game room.
Chunji stepped in and sat down beside his best friend. And that was all that they would be, Chunji was sure. He didn't want to ruin his friendship with L Joe if he confessed and L Joe rejected him. It would be safer this way.
"Let's play already!" L Joe called impatiently, holding the controller for the xbox 360.
Rolling his eyes, Chunji started the game, and they lost themselves in Mortal Kombat, the game that Chunji bought. Without their notice, they began to drift closer to each other, but then they tried to shove the other in hopes of them messing up and letting them win. It was a very competative game, shouts and curses escaped them when they missed or lost, and exclamations of joy came from them when they gained the upper hand.
It was only an hour into their playing, when their stomachs rumbled, and they decided it was time to eat.
"What are we having?" L Joe asked his friend from where he sat.
"Pizza?" Chunji suggested, though he already knew L Joe would agree with him.
Chunji pulled out his cell phone and ordered their pizza, not noticing the look he was getting from L Joe.
L Joe stared at Chunji, his heart pounding beneath his chest. He knew how he felt about his best friend, hell mostly everybody he talked to knew about it, except Chunji. And he didn't want Chunji to know. He didn't want to ruin the relationship they had. They were best friends, and that was it. L Joe was content just seeing him everyday as a friend, even though he wanted so much more than friendship.
"The pizza will be here in fifteen minutes." Chunji spoke, interuptting L Joe's thoughts.
L Joe nodded, before they grew silent.
"So how's Jiyeon?" Chunji asked, breaking the silence.
"Oh, I broke up with her a few weeks ago." L Joe replied.
Chunji was a little surprised by that. Usually L Joe's relationships lasted at least a month, not a few weeks. "Why?"
L Joe rubbed the back of his head, "She got too clingy for me."
"Oh." they grew silent again.
L Joe mentally sighed. He didn't really like talking about his past relationships. He didn't like the nauseating feeling he got when he spoke of the girls he dated. They weren't ugly, far from it. If anything they looked like super models, with long legs and pretty smiles. But they just didn't make his heart race the way Chunji did. The only reason he dated them was to try and get over the fact that he was in love with his best friend. Because he knew Chunji didn't like him that way.
Chunji, on the other hand, was trying not to smile. He never really like Jiyeon, or any of L Joe's girlfriends for that matter. He didn't like the burning jealously he got whenever L Joe was with one of them. But what could he do? They were just friends. And even though Chunji wanted L Joe to stop dating girls with piss poor attitudes, L Joe was first and foremost his best friend. So if he liked girls like that, then Chunji would support him even if it hurt.
The doorbell rang, signaling the pizza was there. Chunji got up and went to get the pizza, coming back after a bit.
He smiled, placing the pizza down in front of L Joe. "Let's eat!" L Joe nodded and flipped the pizza box open, practically drooling at the sight. They ate in companionable silence, the only sounds being heard were them chewing.
"Ready for round two?" L Joe asked, after they had finished the pizza.
Chunji nodded, "Get ready to lose!"
They played for what seemed like hours, the sky darkening as they continued in their battle for being the best.
"Hey L Joe," Chunji called when they started yet another round.
"Hm?" L Joe replied, already picking his fighter.
"Liu Kang."
"We're best friends, right?"
L Joe nodded, as the round started. "Of course."
"And we tell each other everything, right?" Chunji bit his lip, what am I doing?
"Well, yeah."
Chunji didn't know what he was doing. He didn't want to lose his best friend. His mind screamed at him to stop talking, to not say anything further but he couldn't help it. His feelings for L Joe were something he could no longer deny. He needed to know what L Joe thought. If he no longer wanted to see him, then Chunji would live with it. He took a deep breath, to steady his nerves. "I like you."
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joeji93 #1
Chapter 1: wowww
so cute <3
can i translate this fanfic?
i promise to give credit fully
angel4life1123 #2
Chapter 1: Omg no why?? I need a sequel!!! >_<
ILoveYou_Forever #3
Chapter 1: I'm sure Byung would accept him!!~~~~~~~ Channie did the great thing!
Chapter 1: What happen ... Omg !!!!!!
Chapter 1: Whaaat no Way what happened next!!! Sequeeel!!!
Chapter 1: Aww I hope you just put complete because you're finished writing all the chapters!! Please tell me there's an update with his reaction
Chapter 1: Ah.. When you end it like that, it's teasing! XD.

This was definitely cute though. I wish it wasn't complete, lol. I want to know what would happen later^^ ♥
Aw, it sounds like it will be cute^^