
Time Machine

Super Junior Miracle MV- http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lVbsfG729l0


I stumbled back as the priest released his grip. How did he know where I was? The priest chuckled at my shocked face.

"Yoon Baekhun. Suicide is not the only way to reunite with Yoona." the priest said jokingly. I sheepishly stared at the ground. Even if he was joking, he was still right. Suicide is not the only way. What was I thinking?

Slowly, I turned to the priest and let out a weary sigh. "Well, then what other ways are there?" The priest grinned and held out an old fashioned watch. "You could go back in time."

What?! Is he crazy?! I'm asking for real life solutions not solutions that would work only in fairy tale land. I took in a deep breath and tried not to yell at him. After all he was the only person that was trying really hard to help me. Everyone else kind of just patted my back as a console. 

"How in the world does this going back in time exactly work?" I arched my eyebrow at him, expecting him to say he was only joking. Instead the priest just grinned. He grinned a sincere grin not a joking grin. I watched him with a crazy eye as he winded his old fashioned clock backward. When he stopped moving the hands of the clock he grinned again and said, "Look around you Baekhun."

I did what he asked and grew speechless. Am I hallucinating?? Am I really looking at dinosaurs?! Priest laughed at my awe. "Still can't believe me?" 

I shook my head no. I couldn't trust myself to speak. Chuckling, the priest turned the hands of the clock one more time. This time I didn't stare at the priest wounding the clock. I stared at the world changing rapidly around me. I watched in awe as the trees quickly changed colors from red, green, orange and yellow. Am I still dreaming? 

"Yoon Baekhun." I snapped myself out of gaze and turned to the priest. The priest pointed a finger a girl and I turned to look at her. "Im Yoona.." I whispered as I watched the girl laugh at Dongjoon's joke. Her glimmering laugh was music to my ears. I felt a trickle of tear run down my face.

A handkerchief appeared out of no where. I gratefully took it, knowing it was priest. He gave me a sympathetic smile as I returned the handkerchief back to him. "Miss her huh?" I nodded my head and gave him a genuine smile through my tears. But I broke down afterwards seeing her live again was too much for me. 

"There. There" The priest patted my back. I sniffled as I came to a stop. "Y..you th..think I c..can go b..back to her?" I asked between each sniffle.

Smiling, the priest stood up and pulled me up with him. "I think you know that answer yourself, son." He patted my back and handed me his clock. I looked up at him in surprise as he closed my fingers around the clock. "You're giving this precious clock to me so simply??" 

The priest shrugged. "Maybe, not simply. You might have to pay a fee of some sort." 

"What fee?" I asked as I kneeled in front of him. "Tell me what I can do to pay for this."

The priest sighed and looked at me square in the eye. "If you want Yoona to live and pay me your debt, it's gonna cost your life. Instead of Yoona dying, it'll be you dying in place of her." The priest furrowed his eyebrows. The joking priest was serious this time. 

I gulped down a lump in my throat as I nodded. Even though it'll cost my life I'll do anything to save Yoona from her death. She deserved life more than I do. 

Clutching the clock to my chest, I watched the priest salute a goodbye as he sauntered off into the distance. When I sure he was gone, I took the hands of the clock and wound it back to the day Yoona and I started our senior year in high school.

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Chapter 1: i like the intro of your story-chapter one
this story sounds really interesting. im guessing the story will be moving. good luck writing!