My Yoona... (epilogue)

Time Machine

Im Yoona. The girl of my dreams. The reason why I live is gone. Perished. Raised to heaven. All the words that describe the death of a person is what happened to her. If not, even more. To me, her death was like I was dying instead of her. My heart stopped beating for a reason to live. I'm dead now. I'm not the usual Baekhun anymore. I'm not the guy who laughed and teased people. I'm not the guy who got in trouble for passing notes in class. I'm not him anymore. That guy is dead. He died a long time ago.

Since I was dead, I thought I wouldn't have emotions for anything in this world. I thought I would live as a zombie for the rest of my life. But I was wrong. I had some emotions still left inside of me and it was all spent when I saw the invitation to her funeral.

To: Yoon Baekhun

We are inviting you to the funeral of 

Im Yoona

Please arrive at 1:00pm. We would like you to arrive at the location of: Seoul Second Baptist Church.

We would be glad if you came and mourn for the loss of our daughter. Thank you.

- The Im Family

With this invitation in hand I had cried a river. No, that was an understatement. I cried until I could fill up the entire ocean. It was then when I realized how precious my Yoona was to me and I felt guilty for not saving her. 

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Chapter 1: i like the intro of your story-chapter one
this story sounds really interesting. im guessing the story will be moving. good luck writing!