Scary movies


Super junior can't sleep after the horror film. 


(For Shenaux. Sorry it took so long ><)


Ryeowook huddled in closer to the cushion that he was holding to his face. He could feel his heart pounding out of his chest and an arm tighten painfully around him. 
Yesung's breath was hot on his shoulder and he turned to hide his face in the older man's chest. 
All of the members screamed as the zombies reappeared on the screen. Sungmin whimpered pitifully into Kyu's sleeve as the boy patted his back comfortingly. Before the film ended, the leader took one look at everyone's terrified faces and turned the film off. 
"Alright, that's enough for tonight!" he called. "Come on, or else we won't sleep at all." 
Yesung and Ryeowook were up first and to the bathroom, beginning to brush their teeth and get ready for bed. Every so often, Wook would glance at Yesung, and the older man would give him a gentle smile. "It's okay Wookie, it's only a film."
As they got into the room, they heard the other members climbing into bed and calling goodnight. Switching the light off, they jumped quickly into bed and hid under the covers. Ryeowook turned over in his bed to look at the form of Yesung, already asleep under the warm blanket. He marveled at the older man's ability to sleep so quickly, and wished that he was as lucky. Staring up at the ceiling, he turned over and over on his own bed, trying to get comfortable. He jumped and trembled at every noise in the house. 
Getting up from his bed, he walked to the other side of the room and patted Yesung's shoulder. "Hyung, hyung can I sleep with you?"
Yesung opened his eyes wearily and shuffled to make room for the smaller boy. "Scared of the movie, Wook?"
"I don't like zombies, hyung. They're so creepy." His voice was quivering and small.
"I know, but there's none here."
"I promise. Sleep well and close to me, okay?"
They curled up together, but then both of them jumped to hear slow shuffled footsteps approaching the room. Tightening his grip on Ryeowook and reaching blindly behind him for some kind of weapon, he grabbed a hairbrush and raised it in the air.
The doorknob slowly turned and the door creaked open. Ryeowook screamed loudly as a face appeared.
"Ahhhhh" he screamed, hiding his face in Yesung's shoulder.
"Ahhhhh" screamed Sungmin from his place at the door.
"Oh, Min it's you!" Ryeowook tried to bring his breathing back to normal as the boy came through the door.
"We didn't mean to scare you" said Kyuhyun as he followed Min. "But Min was really scared and so I said we should sleep with you."
"You were scared too Kyu!"
"Was not!"
"Was too!"
Yesung laughed at the pair and motioned for them to take Ryeowook's bed. "Of course you can come and sleep with us. I think we're all scared tonight."
But the pair didn't move towards the bed. Instead, Min turned his big puppy-eyes onto Yesung and whispered quietly "Could we sleep in your bed?"
Shuffling over further, Yesung's back was pressed tight against the wall and Ryeowook was lying almost on top of him as they all tried to fit on. 
"Sorry hyung" whispered Wook, as he tried to get into a different position so that the older boy wouldn't feel as squished. 
"No, don't be. I like it."
"You like being squished?"
"I like being squished by you..." Yesung's voice was small as he voiced the truth, scared of how the boy would react. Would he feel awkward or scared? Yesung had felt this way for a while, treasuring the hugs and touches that the younger boy gave him, but he had always been nervous about telling his friend of his feelings towards him.
Ryeowook leaned down and pressed a kiss to Yesung's lips and the older boy hugged him tighter. "Really hyung? You like me like that?"
"Yeah.." came the shaky reply. 
"I love you too hyung."
"Aww" came Sungmin's voice, and Yesung and Ryeowook blushed as they remembered that they weren't alone. There was a shuffling on the bed as Kyuhyun got up. 
"Min, let's give them some privacy." His tone was caring and gentle.
"No, it's okay. Lie back down Kyu, we're not going to have ." Yesung laughed loudly. 
As Kyuhyun lay down, Yesung began to moan loudly on the bed and bounce up and down on the mattress. Wookie joined in, Yesung's name over and over again.
Sungmin laughed, "Please be just joking" he warned. 
Ryeowook laughed too. "Just joking" he whispered back.
In the next room, Heechul and Hangeng were entwined together. Every time there was a noise outside, or a small creak, they would tighten around each other and Heechul would hide his face in Hangeng's chest. The taller man soothed his back and his hair, but he was trembling himself. They got up as another creak sounded through the dorm, and held hands tightly as they went down the corridor. 
"Kangin." A knock at the door. "Kangin."
The sleepy man opened the door and glared at them through half opened eyes. "Come in" he said after he saw their scared expressions. They went into the room and immediately lay down on the bed next to Kangin and screamed as a figure moved in the bed next to them.
Henry poked his head from under the covers. "Hyung, why are you screaming? What happened?"
"Nothing Henry, try and go back to sleep." Kangin lay down on the full bed and pulled Henry close to him, sleeping almost immediately. Henry shuffled so that his head was tucked against Kangin and put his arms around the stronger man. After a few minutes, he fell asleep too.
Feeling safer now that they weren't alone, the hanchul couple slept happily for the next hour until there was a loud shout and a smash.
The whole dorm was awake at the sound of the smashing, and Siwon got up to see what had happened. He saw Zhoumi shaking and Shindong laughing hysterically. There was glass all over the floor from where the tall man had dropped the jug. 
"What happened?" shouted Siwon angrily, putting his arms protectively around Zhoumi.
"I hid behind the door and then when I saw it was him I pretended to be a zombie and jumped out at him." Shindong could barely breathe from laughing at his prank.
"That was mean" said Eunhyuk, from his place hiding behind Donghae. They were hugging close together, and looked like they hadn't slept in a week. 
Donghae's eyes were red and it was obvious that he had been really scared by the film. Siwon took their hands and led them to Leeteuk's room. 
The leader was still asleep, even through all of the noises. Going to his shoulder, Donghae patted it gently to try and wake him up.
"Hyung, hyung" He shook a little harder. "Oh no he's dead." Hae's eyes filled with tears as he shook the man violently, shouting his name.
"Hae, please be more gentle" came the sleepy voice. "That hurt."
"Sorry hyung, I thought you were dead. Please can we sleep with you?"
"Of course, come in with me. Are you scared of the film? Don't cry Hae, you're safe."
They nuzzled into the soft warmth of the bed, feeling safer now that they were with the leader. 
"Have you been to sleep at all?" he asked gently.
They shook their heads and he pulled them close. 
Meanwhile, Sungmin was desperately hugging Kyuhyun, the younger boy almost falling off the bed from the movements. 
"Min, please. I'm going to end up on the floor."
"But Kyu, can't you hear the noises?"
"I'm sure it's not the zombies Min. What is it though?" 
Padding gently down the hall, the noises were getting louder and louder. Sungmin clung tightly to Kyuhyun's hand as they walked slowly and nervously to the source of the noise. Pushing the door open slowly, they found where the terrible noise was coming from.
Shindong rolled over as he snored loudly, the noise echoing through the dorm. It sounded like the moans of the zombies, and Min wondered how Siwon and Zhoumi were able to sleep through it. The pair were snuggled up tightly together on the other bed, their arms around each other.
Sungmin pulled Kyuhyun gently to the bed. 
"Shall we sleep here with them? Yesung and Ryeowook could do with some privacy."
Kyuhyun nodded and pushed over the sheets so that they could slip in. Nuzzling tightly against Siwon's back, and feeling Min's body warm against his own, he slept happily.
Suddenly, the wind picked up speed outside, the rain smashing into the dorm and waking everyone up.
Leeteuk sighed a little as he saw all of the members gradually assemble in his room. In small groups, soon everyone was sitting on the big bed and hugging tightly to each other. 
"The signal keeps fading on my phone hyung.. That's what happened before the zombies appeared."
"And the tv keeps going blurry.."
Leeteuk pulled Sungmin and Ryeowook close. "I'm sure it's just the weather that's doing it." 
"Or the zombies.." said Shindong. He put the phone close to his face like a torch, and began to talk in a creepy voice.
"The zombies are approaching, coming closer and closer. Soon we will all turn into them. In fact, there may already be a zombie here...." He leaned closer to everyone, and then let his limbs go floppy as he stretched his arms out towards Wook, terribly. 
"Brains... brains..." 
Wook let out a scream, and Yesung pulled him tightly to his chest.
"Stop it Shindong" warned the leader, placing a caring hand on Wook's shoulder and kissing Hae's hair as the younger boy pressed into him for safety.
"Alright, we're going to watch the end of the movie. You will all see that the zombies are dead and then you'll be fine. No more fears and everyone will sleep well, does that sound like a good idea?"
Everyone nodded and they gathered into the living room to watch the movie. Flinching from the jumpy scenes, they relaxed as all the zombies were defeated and the remaining people survived. Smiling happily and feeling safe, everyone relaxed and Leeteuk silently congratulated himself for the idea.
But, after the credits had ended, it showed a large bite on one of the survivor's arms. Slowly, the camera swivelled around to show the new zombie's face, and the words "They will never be defeated. They will kill you all!"
"Teukie hyung!" everyone shouted unhappily as they hugged together. Leeteuk dropped his face in his hands, and went to make mugs of hot chocolate. No one would be getting any sleep after that film, he was certain.
When Kibum finally got back from his schedules, he saw all of the members huddled together on the sofa. They had finally fallen asleep after hours of fear. Taking off his coat, he curled up next to Siwon and joined his sleeping friends.


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Shenaux #1
Oh and I forgot to say earlier. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! ^_^
Shenaux #2
Hahaha! Oh I love this. It is so something I can imagine the boys doing too! Perfect way to end a long busy day, thank you so much!