Evaluation Part 2

(❀) N E W ♛ S O U N D OF KPOP

Key's P.O.V


      Well this seemed to be working to my advantage. Jonghyun was into some all new other girl, that meant Kimiko was all for me! Usually i'm not the type to go chase after a girl, but this girl was the type God only made once in a blue moon, so I hurry and snatch her up before Jonghyun changed his mind. I don't know why he was reading YoonJi's, that crazy fan girl. But i was curious as to what she knew about me...not that I cared anyways. A girl like that was just crazy.

In my opinion, Kimiko was the cutest. Not that the only girls weren't cute either, it's just everyone else was boring. Chan mi was too shy for my liking, a girl who is sweet and shy and innocent doesn't attract me at all. Let the maknae have her. Seohyun and Aimee...were pretty but... too. goody-goody for my taste? And Aimee is suppose to be Kimiko's best friend, shouldn't the y-ness rub off? Oh well. And Kimiko was japanese too, I could practice my Japanese on her, we could talk about our favorite dramas and stuff.

I know you may be thinking that Kimiko in some way is also crazy like YoonJi, because she jumps on stage too and tries to kiss us and find ways to be in pictures with us, but YoonJi was probably the second closest to my ideal type. Not because I really liked her, but because all the other girls were just too far from my ideal. I noticed Kimiko had given Onew the googly eyes, and had blew a kiss his way. she liked him. I glared his way, hoping to get his attention.

"Uhh, what?" He asked when he noticed me staring.

I kicked my feet off the desk, placing them back on the ground. "My girl likes you." I sneered. Minho broke out into laughter, and Taemin snickered. Onew's eyes bulged, and his mouth slammed open.

"She's not your girl!" Jonghyun said, scowling and then reaching for her portfolio.

"You just noticed? She's been giving Onew-hyun the look since she saw him." Minho laughed. I sighed, he was right.

"So that's why she winked at me...I don't like girls like her, she has no respect." Onew shuddered.

 "Perfect for Key-hyung." Taemin muttered. Usually I would have cared, but right now, I needed to get Onew to turn her down.

"Well, I need you to make sure she ends up hating you. Like, try to be a complete -head and stuff."

"So basically, he has to act like you." Jonghyun smirked. Minho and Taemin stared in horror.

"What was that, Bling Bling Dinosaur?" I mocked, making T-rex hand signs. Jonghyun glared at me and stood from his seat, trying to tower over me. That's when the Leader finally decided to act like a leader.

 "Okay you guys, you need to stop. We can't start fighting now, Plus Jonghyun, you know very well everyone in here is taller than you. So you can't really tower over anyone. And Key, don't pick a fight with someone that can snap you like a twig." Ugh, I hated it when Onew was right. Jonghyun was stronger and he has abs, he could crush me like a bug.

But seriously, I hate fighting with my members. "Sorry." I muttered. Jonghyun rolled his eyes and nodded, sitting back down. "It's alright, dudes have their rumbles once in awhile." We both smiled at each other, but in a flash our attention was back to the portfolios.

"Okay, so you know what, we should hurry and decide the weak and strong ones and hand them over to Mr. Lee Soo Man." Taemin suggested, we all agreed, and started laying down the facts.


Minho's P.O.V


So we spread out the portfolios, and got started on picking our favorites. Well, the best and the worst. I slammed mine down first, smirking in a triumphant way. 

"This gal definately got some potential." I said. Everyone rolled their eyes, reading right through me. "You only like her 'cause she's hot." Key commented. I shrugged. It was true, but that wasn't all.

"No, not only that. She's a really good singer and she's very respectful. Plus she's a dancer too, her portfolio here says she use to be part of a dance team, and she's won a couple of singing competitions. She's also very rich, and...she use to work with victoria secret." I whispered the last part, so no one would think I was a ert. It wasn't that much of an important fact, but it was impressive to me. Plus I like respectful girls, not ones like Kimiko that just say whatever they want and get away with it.

"It's true if she's rich...she can be the one to pay for all those resturant dinners we have. More money, more chicken!"  Jonghyun pointed out, laughing with Onew and high-fiving him. I sighed. Sure yeah, it would be awesome if she could pay for some stuff, I have been needing some new addidas...

Wait, no! this is wrong, we can't use her like this!

"We can't use her like this! Using her just because she has money. I mean, like you said we should look at the talent. I think she is going to be a strong opponent to defeat."

"Yeah, she acts all sweet and respectful but to be best friends with that japanese girl, she must a couple of tricks up her sleeve too..." I glared at Taemin, but he had a point. It was suspicious that she was best friends with such a girl.

"What about Chan Mi?" Onew-hyung asked.

"I think she may be a weak point, we need someone who can handle the light and fame." Key said.

"You never know, she may be the strongest fighter. She's a hell of a dancer, she's won a lot of rewards. And there is even a reccomendation in here, and it's pretty good. She may just appear shy, but like our litte maknae could be a fierce fighter on stage." Onew pointed out. We all stayed silent, thinking about it. He had a point, he could be right.

"What about Seohyun?" Taemin asked. Onew had her portfolio is his hands.

"She isn't bad either. She doesn't really seem like a strong fighter in a sense that she would push people down to get what she wants, but she seems like a strong fighter as in she would unconciously knock everyone down while just doing her thing. She is a very good singer, as good as Jonghyun. So I think she may be a silent fighter. Kind of like Chan Mi. She's nice also, kind of has the same aura Aimee has."

 "Except Aimee's aura radiants, 'my daddy is the one that got me here, i didn't have to do no work for myself!" Key laughed, doing a mock impersonation of her. Ugh, he was such a jerk sometimes. Sometimes you wanted to kill him, and other times you wanted to laugh with him. Sure, Aimee was massive rich, but that doesn't mean she has never done anything for herself in life.

 "I know! When she came in, her and Kimiko stepped out of a huge helicopter!" Jonghyun exagerrated by making chopper sounds with his hands. Everyone laughed, it was kind of funny. And when we heard those choppers, we all knew some completely interesting person was coming. The place kind of got silent and everyone started staring around, all avoiding one person.

"Since no one wants to touch this subject I guess i'll touch it first. What do you guys think about YoonJi?" I asked, deciding to be the leader in this one. Jonghyun shrugged.

"I mean, she's nuts, okay. But so are most of our fans, i'm assuming who are crazy about us. You can't really blame her for acting this way. Though it was creepy, I read her portfolio and she seemed kind of neutral. Like she can sing or dance, and doesn't lean towards one as her best. She's very determined, I can say that." It seemed like Jonghyun-hyung was the only one that had read Yoonji's portfolio, and that was making the other members suspicious.

"Hey, I don't like the chick but didn't want to be unfair. We have to judge people on their talent, not their personality."

"That doesn't seem to stop you from liking Kimiko," Taemin commented.

We all cracked up.

"I agree with Jonghyun, she doesn't seem to have a weak or strong spot. Neutral. So if I had to pick the weakest out of everyone, I would say there isn't any. they all seem equally good when you think about it." Onew-hyung spoke.

"Actually, despite what we said about Chan Mi I would choose her, just because she seems really sensitive. I mean you know how fans get sometimes, a bit too rowdy and she seems like she may not be able to handle that. And during variety programs too, sometimes they make fun of you just to be funny--"

"But we aren't talking about variety we're talking about talent." Key interrupted me for the UMPTH time. Though I hated to say it, he had a point.

" Let me finish, I would think YoonJi would be a weak point. Since she doesn't have a beast quality like all the other girls. She said it herself, 'i'm not really sure what i'm good at'. If she isn't an awesome singer like Aimee and Seohyun they're probably going to dump her as a rapper and then she'll just be like... an addition instead of someone who stands out."

"But she seems like she would be a hit with the fans, like in variety and stuff. She just needs to be taught what to say and what not to say." Taemin said, and I slightly agreed with him. She may be good in variety, but as Key stated, we aren't talking about variety right now.

Taemin's P.O.V


    "But wait, I personally think Kimiko is one of the weak ones." My speaking out and sharing of my opinion got me two dirty stares. "No offense, but all you guys have said about her is that she's a mean, deceiving . Not really a complement, and I don't really see how she would do good with a company like SM. If she's the type of girl that can stir up trouble, then she'll stir up trouble whenever she wants. She can't be stopped, she'll do whatever she can to have whatever she can. Other idols won't like her when they get to know the real her. Not only that, but her portfolio doesn't say anything about her being amazing at something. She can sing, but she hates dancing. That isn't a plus. And no, it isn't just because i'm the dancer than i'm saying this, but because if she hates dancing, you know how our group is known for their really good dancing, and if she's the iest then we'll loose our mark. Plus she hadn't won any awards for singing or anything like Seohyun and Aimee have. She hasn't won any awards, not even modeling. Think about that, guys." I wasn't going to let everyone get up and give the wrong report to Mr. Lee Soo Man.

We analyzed everyone else but Kimiko, and I wasn't going to let that girl slip without a thorough inspection.

No one seemed to argue with me, just stayed quiet and seemed to let my words sink in. Onew finally spoke.

"Well, it seems like we know who are the weak and strong. Let's go report this to the boss."

So, this was finally it! We had finished our evaluation and we were heading over to Lee Soo Man's office to give him the details. We carried all the portfolios to him, and he let us into his office with no problem.

"So, why don't you boys tell us about the girls here?" He was rotating in his chair, speaking.

Onew spread about the portfolios infront of the boss. He pulled out three portfolios, and opened them to their most important pages.

"We think these are the girls with the post potential. Aimee, Seohyun, and Chan Mi. The other girls, Kimiko and YoonJi, are weak points."

The boss thought over about this, staring at us hard. "Chan Mi? She seemed like the quiet shy type."

"Yes sir, but we feel as if she could be double faced, like Taemin here. Shy in apparence but fierce in battle." I didn't know whether to feel flattered or insulted, but the comment seemed more like a compliment. So I took it as that.

The boss nodded. "I see, I see. But why do you think YooNji and Kimiko are the weak points? They both seem like they would be fierce and unforgiving in getting what they want."

"Yes, that's true sir but that also seems to be the only thing they are good at. Park Yoonji is just neutral, isn't good or bad at singing or dancing, but isn't strong in it either. Kimiko is just good at singing, but hates dancing. In a group like SHINee, we feel singing and dancing is an important part of our overall performance." I stared at Onew-hyung in amazment, he seemed to be capturing all of our comments and concerns into one! He was definately like a leader. But after looking at Key-hyung, I knew he wasn't happy about this.

"Hmm. It seems you boys have thought a lot about this. I can trust you to be serious and observing when you need to be. Alright then." He stood up, gathering the portfolios and snapping his fingers for the guards to come in.

"Lets go give these girls a visit."

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I updated and then lost two subscribers? should I not have updated then?
YAH YOU UPDATED!!! Love this chapter and how Yoonji tries to not be all fangirling over SHINee lol. <br />
KEEP WRITING!!!! Loving this story <3
b2utifulhuman #3
asdfghjkl <3 please update! i lalalove this story
x) This is so cute ! I feel like Jonghyun and Seohyun will start to like each other, I dunno. Maybe the crazy fangirl is for him, xD <br />
Well, anyway, you're just great at writing. ^^<br />
TaeMinho303 #5
I love it so far ill be waiting for more =)
Sorry, I forgot to do it yesterday...<3 :D
ah! forgot to say! your fic is so nice!)))) <br />
<br />
will u also read and subscribe mine?