Meeting the members

(❀) N E W ♛ S O U N D OF KPOP

Narrative P.O.V


    There he was, Lee Soo Man the producer of SMtown Entertainment himself! YoonJi thought she was not worthy, Seohyun felt starstruck. Chan Mi felt a whole new feeling of nervousness wash over her. Aimee did a 90 degree bow, and Kimiko just stared at him with an unimpressed look on her face. She grabbed the back of Aimee's shirt and pulled her up, snapping her bra strap.

"Ow! , what did you do that for?" Aimee whisper-yelled. Kimiko smiled and rolled her eyes, waving off the subject with her hand. Aimee pouted, then turned back to the most important person in the room. 

"I see you've already met up." Mr. Lee said, gesturing to all the girls. They nodded in union. All except for Kimiko. She wasn't going to be intimidating by his power or money. This girl wasn't going to be broken down, she was going to stand her ground like she was at his level. Aimee stared at her friend nervously. She loved her, but she needed to learn respect. How old was Lee Soo Man compared to her?

 As if almost in union, as soon as Mr. Lee finished speaking all girls put their head down and bowed a 90 degree bow, Aimee pulled Kimiko down with them. Lee Soo Man smiled, pleased with their respect. He whispered something into one of the guard's ear, and they walked back into the building.

   "You are all gathered here today to begin your lives. Your real lives. As SM trainees." He circled them, examing them from head to toe. Chan Mi stiffened.

  "You have been picked and chosen out of the best, so you should be glad you are here. Many would be glad to trade to be in your positions. So watch yourself," He whispered directly into Kimiko's ear. She shivered, and nodded, temporaily under his spell.

"You will train, sweat, bleed, pry, and cry to get to the top. You will have concerts, real concerts. But you are not training to be a group of your own, you are training to join a group that is already the best, SHINee." He gestured his hand to the double doors, which opened and five handsome pretty faces walked out, in union, looking like sparkling models.

At least in YoonJi's eyes.

She struggled not to break down and cry, jump and leap towards her favorite boys.

Chan Mi's eyes bulged out of her sockets, staring at all the guys then her guys stopping at Taemin. Taemin spotted her gaze and smiled back, which made ChanMi feel light headed. Seohyun's eyes were immediately glued to Jonghyun, the shining star of them all.  He was the voice, he was the body, and he was the face of SHINee! At least she thought so.

  Kimiko flashed her brilliant smile at Onew, her eyes scanning his body for any signs of attraction to her. She couldn't really tell-- his face was blank and unreadable. Kind of like all the other members. Why weren't they all staring at her? Why weren't they all running towards her and bowing to her beauty? She was beautiful! Prettier than any of the other girls here. At least, she thought, facial wise.

Aimee examined the boys each carefully, picking which was her favorite by first meeting. She still couldn't choose! They all looked so yummy and hot in their own way. She didn't want to be a and say she wanted them all, but she just couldn't pick...

"Hello, we are shining SHINee!" the SHINee boys told their jingle and bowed, the girls following and bowing again.

"Hello, we are shining ST☆RR!" The girls said and bowed. All of their hearts were beating, and they were all controlling themselves not to leap and tackle their idols right now. YoonJi the most. 

Lee Soo Man smiled, then nodded. "You girls will be moving into the same building as SHINee, though you will be in a different dorm room. You will train and sing and dance with these boys until one of you remain. Relationships are strictly forbidden." Lee Soo Man cooed, hissing out every word. All the girls froze, shocked and surprised. YoonJi squeaked out a quiet "what", and tears started forming in her eyes. Ah, every the crazy fan girl, YoonJi was.

Kimiko stomped her foot and crossed her arms, pouting.

"I thought girls only do that in movies," Taemin whispered to Key.

"You see divas everywhere." Key whispered back. Onew glared at them to motion them to stop, the girls would overhear.

But the girls hadn't heard anything, they were at a safe distance where all they said was barely a whisper.

"Follow me," Mr. Lee said, and all the girls and SHINee followed him into the building. They were lead into a waiting room, where Mr. Lee left them to chattign and mingle, and get to know themselves.

Silence filled the room, as the guys stared at the girls and the girls stared at the guys. No one dared to break the silence, it was just too awkward and well... strange.

Onew, as the leader he decided to break the ice and be a gentleman, show some leadership. He stepped forward and smiled. Kimiko's eyed were glued to him.

  "Good evening. I'm sure you may be a bit baffled and overwhelmed, but lets introduce ourselves properly. I'm Onew, SHINee's leader---"

"Real name Lee Jinki. Born December 14, 1989. Height if 177cm. Favorite Food is Chicken and Favorite color is white. You were found in the 2006 SM Academy casting, you once got swine flu, your nickname is Dubu for tofu, you are the second main singer and you are a single child,  and once you got curious after hearing that “if there is something heavy on your chest, your thoughts will become heavy too, and you will experience illusions”, so you went to sleep hugging a box, hoping to enter a land of illusions but nothing happened…" Yoonji chanting, shouting fact after fact the truth. Onew stared at her, weirded out, creeped out, his eyes darting around to the other girls and the members. The members started to look freaked out too, and Onew took a step back.

 "I also know all the other members too! Lee Taemin, Born July 18 1993. Height 175cm. Favorite color is white, Favorite Food is steak, and you were discovered at the 2005 SM open weekend casting, you're studying bejing in china as of 2007, your nickname is handy boy Taemin and you have and older brother, you love to dance and you are the groups main dancer, You hate being called cute and want to be seen as a man, your catchprhase is "I really don't know anything!" You carry a bag of sweets around and give them to noonas when you see them, oh, and you can also play the piano! Very beautifully, if I may add." She said, smiled and pointing to the bag Taemin was holding. He took a step back, frightened.

 "Kim Jonghyun, Born April 4, 1990. Height: 173cm. Favorite Color is black and green, and Favorite food is Pork Dish. You were discovered in the 2005 casting system, before debuting you sang an abulm called Wrongly Written Love with chinese singer, Zhang Liyin, for her debut abulm, I will. Your nickname is Bling Bling Dino-- I mean Jonghyun, sorry." She coughed and laughed awkwardly, then continued. "You are very proficient in the guitar, bass, and piano, you talk really fast when you're nervous and when you were in highschool you formed a band but didn't tell your mom because you were scared she'd disapprove. But then you told her and she was all cool with it was like, 'If you want to do it, do it! ' " Jonghyun's eyes widened, when she got practically every single detail right, but paused when she said his nickname. Bling Bling what? Dino? Dinosaur?! This offended him.

 " Kim Kibum--"

"Okay! Okay, we get it. You know a lot about SHINee. You know maybe everything about them, and very, creepy facts too." Aimee stepped forward and stopped the chatter box from continueing any further, because YooNji was starting to creep her out. And possibly, or definitely the SHINee members too. YoonJi frowned at her and Aimee gave her an apologetic smile. This really bothered Key, because he was kind of looking forward to all the things she knew about him.

Aimee then stepped forward and bowed, taking notice to the swell set of eyes now glued to her chest. "My name is Aimee, Phun Nguyen i'm seventeen, I was born in London, so i'm half english, though my roots go back to Vietnam. and an Aquarius. I enjoy singing and dancing, though I would say my specialty is singing. I use to be a runway model, but now i'm happily training to become a singer, I looked forward to working with you all." She bowed again and smiled, turning back to the rest of the girls, gesturing for them to step up too. YoonJi just about jumped right infront of Aimee with glee, introducing herself.

"My name is Park YoonJi, i'm eighteen, fully korean and born in Seoul, and i'm a cancer! I'm a truly devoted SHINee fan and have been ever since 2008, May 25 when I waited and counted down the moments until SHINee was born! To tell you the truth, i'm not sure if I can sing or dance but i'm not a terrible singer and I can follow a steady beat when it comes to dancing so I hope that you'll all teach me well and take care---"

 "Okay, okay, yeesh! You'd think a parrot was going off in here." Kimiko pushed YoonJi aside and stood next to Aimee, her hands on her hips. Kimiko smirked at the boys and began her rather egocentric introduction.

 "Hey sweetcakes! Okay, the deal here is me, Kimiko Takahashi, Seventeen too and i'm Japanese! I'm a Gemini and I enjoy singing, and singing only. Dancing makes you sweaty, and you get pimples. Though that seems to not effect you guys...Oh well. If you couldn't already tell i'm a massive diva, and a complete hottie, Aimee is my best friend." Kimiko grabbed Aimee's arm and hugged it, winking and holding up a peace sign to the boys. "I use to model for the japanese magazine Popteen and Popsister, and i'm sure that wasn't the first time you've seen me, nor is it today. I've been caught in the news for more than one occasion because i've been on stage with you guys, multiple times." Kimiko blew a kiss in Onew's way, and he twitched. He knew he recognized her, they all recognized her. She had been that crazy fan that had jumped on stage and smiled at the camera, making the news on more than one occasion. The boys almost got a restraining order agaisnt her. Taemin was most afraid of this chick, but Key was liking what he saw. Yeah she was hot, and he loved girls who spoke their mind and didn't back down.

And Kimiko was oh-so that girl.

Minho thought she was a . Jonghyun thought she was hot but too much to handle. Taemin thought she was a , too much to handle, and she scared him. They were just meeting and already two of the girls he didn't like.

 Aimee turned around and looked at the rest of the girls, urging them on.

"Um, so yeah." Seohyun stepped up and bowed, pushing her bangs to the side. "My name is Park Seohyun, born April 8th,  same month as Jonghyun." Seohyun stopped and smiled, and Jonghyun smiled back in surprise. "My hobby is singing, I really like singing. I've been doing it for awhile now and won a couple of awards too at competitions. Though I love reading as much as I love singing, and have read a pretty good sum of books. Let time I checked the record was around 832, actually, and still counting. I am a devoted SHINee fan and look forward to working with you guys." Seohyun bowed, ending very much like Aimee.

The very last one was Chan Mi, and everyone stared at her with an expectant look on their faces. Her face turned beat red and she breathed, taking a step forward and bowing twice.  "Um, ah... Good evening! My name is Kwon Chan Mi and i'm korean, i'm seventeen years old and I'm kind of shy...though I do like to dance. Really love to dance, it's kind of my passion, and i've been doing it since I was really small. It's kind of like walking to me, I must do it to survive." She smiled shyly, and all the SHINee members stared at Taemin, expecting him to be immedaitely attracted to her. But he just smiled and nodded, understanding her. He looked over to the other SHINee members and a panicked look crossed his face. What? did they randomly expect him to just fall in love with her? No, Taemin wanted a real love story, not one where he just looked at her and was attracted by interests. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, dismissing their judgment. The members shrugged.

"And well, even though i'm nervous I do really like dancing and wouldn't mind doing it on stage, that's why I accepted this challenge, and I also want to be closer to my favorite idols..." Her eyes were glued on Taemin as she smoke, and he refrained from putting it head in his hands and shaking it. Now all the guys would be rooting for her and him to get together. But honestly, he was kind of more attracted to Aimee...

All the SHINee guys had an image of who they liked as their ideal already, and it was now time for the evaluations.

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I updated and then lost two subscribers? should I not have updated then?
YAH YOU UPDATED!!! Love this chapter and how Yoonji tries to not be all fangirling over SHINee lol. <br />
KEEP WRITING!!!! Loving this story <3
b2utifulhuman #3
asdfghjkl <3 please update! i lalalove this story
x) This is so cute ! I feel like Jonghyun and Seohyun will start to like each other, I dunno. Maybe the crazy fangirl is for him, xD <br />
Well, anyway, you're just great at writing. ^^<br />
TaeMinho303 #5
I love it so far ill be waiting for more =)
Sorry, I forgot to do it yesterday...<3 :D
ah! forgot to say! your fic is so nice!)))) <br />
<br />
will u also read and subscribe mine?