
I Remember [hiatus/discontinued]
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Eunmi's POV

Jonghyun has been such a good friend lately. For the past weeks, he's always been the person that I could pour all my stress and worries out to surprisingly. I would've thought that I would be discussing these types of topics with Secret, Danbi, or even Daehyun. The last person that crossed my mind was the Dino head Jonghyun.

But look at me now, mindlessly ranting my thoughts out for him to hear.

"And I mean can you really believe it? I had to walk ten blocks just to get that iced Americano he was waiting for and then he goes and tells me 'oh no thanks'. Something about coffee being bad for the body." I rolled my eyes, hugging my knees while clutching onto my phone to my ear.

A chuckle responded. "It's true Mimi ah. Coffee is bad for the body. That's why I don't drink it."

"Yeah I know." The iced coffee incident popped into my head. "But this is Himchan oppa we're talking about here. The Kim Himchan that drinks five cups of this caffeinated drink a day. I mean isn't that too much, Dino head?"

I could practically imagine him shrugging on the other side. "Don't know. But cut the man some slack. Didn't you say that B.A.P has been busy shooting MVs? You must know how much work that is; they must be exhausted."

My shoulders sagged with guilt at his words and my lower lip burst out pouting. "Oh my god you're right. They all have been looking really tired lately. Maybe I shouldn't have overreacted like that. I was just so mad at his sudden change in mind that I wanted to... to..."

"To what?"

"Throw the coffee at his face then slap his pretty face with the cup."

Jonghyun then burst into laughter, cackling like a mad woman on the other side. "Oh my god, Eunmi."

"What? Don't laugh. It's so not funny."

"Maybe not to you but for me, it's hilarious." I waited patiently til his laughter finally started to settle down. "Have I told you how much I love you?"


"Oh... Well I love you my little Mimi!"

I couldn't help but to chuckle at his outburst. "Thanks Dino face."

"What? No 'I love you' back?" he complained with a whiny tone.

"Never in your life."

"At least a man can dream." He scoffed and I let out a small giggle. "Then what about Yongguk? Do you loovveee him?" he stretched out the word love teasingly. Dang it; I knew I should've never told him about my recently restored crush on Yongguk. This teasing idiot.

"Well do you loovveee Key, you over possessive freak?"

"Yah! Don't bring Jongkey into this!"

"Who's the kid now? Ha, in your greasy face!"

He snarled, actually growling to my surprise. "Wait until you return to Korea, Jung Eunmi. You'll get it soon."

I tauntingly raised the pitch of my voice. "Ooh, I'm so scared. What are you gonna do? Hug me to death with your flimsy little dinosaur arms."


This was normal. Our somewhat sentimental and deep conversations always ended up with bickering. Jonghyun was a very good friend though. And even if he didn't seem like it, he gave the best advice and always listened to my nonsense which I'm really thankful for.

"So when is my lovely Mimi going to return? The guys miss you."

I glanced over to Jongup and Daehyun who were busy scavenging the room in case they missed anything. Then I looked down to the suitcase I was holding.


"What?!" His shriek made me drop my phone onto the hardwood floor. Not cool. Scrambling for my phone, I yelled at him for his sudden outburst only to get a scolding in return for not telling him sooner. Huh, shouldn't I be the one upset?

"Stop your whining, Dino face. It's annoying"

"It's oppa to you! I'm two years older."

"Oppa my . How can I call you oppa when you act more childish than me?" I questioned, helping my brother stuff all his clothes and souvenirs in the bag. "Don't even dream of it."

"Tch, this ungrateful brat. Think of all the things oppa has done for you."

"Hajima." I clicked my tongue, now helping Jongup reorganize his clothes and his recently bought Chris Brown albums. "You sound like a child."

"Fine, brat." He grumbled some not so nice words under his breath. "Well I can pick you up at the airport right?"

"Micheosso?! Do you know how many fans and paparazzi they'll be there? Even I can't stand close to B.A.P and will have to take a separate van from them. It's too risky, Jonghyun."

"It's too risky." He mimicked my in a high pitched voice which made me want to smack him through the phone. "Hello sweetie? Ever heard of a disguise? Oh it's such a fascinating invention! It helps one conceal his identity. Perfect for what I'm using it for! And that's even better. Instead of going to some measly van by yourself. I'll drive you. Our destination is the same place anyways. Come on Mimi, what do you say?"

I bit my lip at his answer, actually debating whether or not. He does have a point actually. Why would I go ride alone when I could ride with a friend? I reluctantly agreed and he cheered in success, telling me that he would be holding my nameplate when we arrived.

"It's gonna be around noon though. Are you sure you don't have a schedule? I mean you already missed enough with your hospitalization, don't you think?"

"Ah no biggie. It's all our day off by the time you come back, what? You’re gonna arrive the day after tomorrow? Then after I pick you up, all seven of us can hang out at the dorms. Sound like a plan?"


So it was decided. Jonghyun would receive me from the airport. We chatted for a few more minutes before wrapping up our conversation with him having to go to a schedule.

"Who was that?"

A wild Jongup magically appeared beside me, glancing curiously at my phone. Out of surprise and shock, I held my hand up to my chest and exhaled a shaky breath before giving his a firm slap. "Don't scare me like that, pabo!"

"Who was it, noona?"

I shrugged, plopping onto my bed in delight. "It was Jonghyun."

His eyebrow rose, clearly unamused which puzzled me. "So you talked to him for over half an hour?"


"Noona! Don't you know how expensive international calls are?!”

I chuckled at his frugal nature, patting his arm. "I do know Jonguppie but have no fear. I used Skype's voice call? See? Free of charge." I grinned, showing him my account. "So stop worrying. You sound like my brother." I once more as he took a seat next to me.

"But noona... Aren't you getting too close to Jonghyun sunbae?"

I glanced at him, surprised. Oh not this again. “Jongup, are you getting jealous again?” I sighed, looking at him sadly. “Cause you know that I would never choose them over you guys.”

“Oh no no, noona. You have it all wrong, noona. I’m not jealous of Jonghy

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Chapter 21: Aaaa what happened between those two?
I'm so curious xD
Thank you for the update author-nim. ^^
Chapter 20: Ahh! It's so sad T-T Poor Gukkie! I seriously can't wait for the next update <3
Chapter 20: My poor heart cant take this pain!! Aaaaa so many feels, my poor yongguk! TT_TT
Aaa author-nim, you're going to be my death. xD
Chapter 20: First off thanks for updating! I know how busy life can get so it's good that you found time to update! Secondly, I loved this chapter! Aghhh the feels! I think I can understand Eunmi's decision after all the pain she went through, if I was her I'd do the same :P That and I kinda like her with Jonghyun lol Keep up the great work! I'll be patiently waiting for the next time you can update :D
Chapter 19: Yongnam T-T my goodness man. I've been up reading this and i'm just so in love, and torn between Jonghyun and Yongguk. Uuuuuuuugh why why WHY DID I ENTER THIS KPOP WORLD!? T-T
Chapter 19: Waaaa, Yongnam...this might get even more interesting!!! ;)
Chapter 19: So unexpected yongnam ?? Wow Author-nim!!^_*
Chapter 19: *whispers* Yongnam~~ uuh~~
Chapter 17: Wow what happeneds next !!!! ^_^
Chapter 18: oooooo i really want to see what happens next o.o