When you come (part 2)

KARA One Shot Story

Hi, Kris! Have a long time no see you?

You know me?

Of course! Two months ago, we met at Triple Eight club.

Really?? I didn't have any impression at all. Sorry but I'm busy. I don't have time to speak with you.

I bring you good news.

I'm not interested. Ideally, you should go.

Do you like baby?

What do you mean??

I'm already pregnant!

So what? What is relevant to me?

Of course, it’s related to you and because you're the father of my child.

That is the most insane thing I heard!

Nicole thought maybe she made a wrong decision as soon as she met Kris. He doesn't seem to be a good person except that his good looks, he really is a man brusquely and annoyed. The way he talked to Nicole as if a second later he could strangle her. Nicole really worried. Although the baby is son of Kris, but between they don't exist the so-called love. Everything takes place simply because of alcohol. After that day she also intends to meet this man again but ironically, she had to do this.

When she knew she was pregnant, Nicole was confused because she thought everything happened between her and Kris that's just a minor accident. Yet she still decided to birth the baby. After all, this baby is her child even though it came out of Nicole expectations but baby is still part of her. Besides, she also began bored with her lonely life, she needed a home. The baby will be her family, only her and her baby. But there's a problem occurs. Nicole's job is a dancer and if she wants to keep the baby, she must temporarily stop the work she's doing. She can't continue to dance while she's pregnant and it also means that she can't make money. Moreover, Nicole's father is still tracing her, to avoid him she needs a new home and discreet enough to not be detected. Kris is the ultimate choice of Nicole (even she couldn’t believe why she made ​​a stupid decision like that).

The result exactly as Nicole's predicted, this man almost went crazy when he saw her. Looking at the expression of Kris, well enough to know that he would never accept the proposal of Nicole.  She thought instead of trying to convince him she needs to use a stronger measure to force Kris surrender. Perhaps save his image in her phone as a smart decision by Nicole. Now it has become a weapon to force Kris to compromise. In fact she only just saved a picture of Kris that she was taking after that night. Basically, the picture is nothing special but at least Kris was threatening by Nicole and most importantly she knew his weakness. Kris immediately accept Nicole's request without giving any conditions. It was a success beyond expectations of Nicole. She doesn’t think that Kris is too stupid to be fooled so easily. It seems to deal with him wasn’t too difficult. But Nicole was wrong as soon as he regained his calm Kris sought to extort her out of his house. When Nicole said that she would work instead his maid which means she dug her grave.

Yah, Jung Nicole! Who told you to touch my document huh? Where did you put it?

It is located in cabinet that next to your desk.

I don’t see it. Come here and find it for me!

But I’m busy.

I don’t know. You must find it, right now!

Ok, ok. I’ll find. It's annoying!


Yah, Jung Nicole, why my shirt turned out like this?

Well, yesterday when I was ironing, you told me look up records for you ...  so... so...

So you burned it? Did you know it’s very expensive? How you dare…

It’s your fault. If you don't tell me to go find that document, it will not burn.

Ha, now you dare argue to me?

I’m not, I just…

Enough! Iron other shirt for me. Aish, jinja! You didn't do anything all.



Hey, this coffee tastes weird.

Why? I think it’s also delicious.

But to me it was terrible. Mix another cup.

Why are you so picky?

What are you mumbling??



Oh dear! What is this? You...you trying to kill me or what? How can I swallow this stuff? Cook again.


Yah, yah, Nicole! Clean my room. Hurry up! You’re too lazy!


Did you break my perfume anymore, huh? You deliberately do it, right?


Yah, Nicole! There is too much dust in my desk. Go wipe it.


You don't know how to wash clothes? Why do you put underwear in the washing machine? Get it out and wash by your hands.


Yah, Jung Nicole!

Jung Nicoleeeeeeeee!


In the first month, Nicole live in Kris's house is really hell. Despite knowing that Kris is a nasty man, but he's actually worse than that. He is a man who doesn't know how to behave to be exact he is a jerk. He treated as if she was his slave. Kris always scowling, he always kept the uncomfortable expression on his face. He's judgmental, disparaging everything, outlined small errors of Nicole.  She extreme hates his smirks and his sarcastic tone. Nicole just wished she could punch in his face every time you see that smirk. Luckily she did hold back, anger is not good for the fetus. Nicole told herself that she should be familiar with the attitude of Kris and it is best to ignore his words. She should not expect Kris will welcome a stranger as her and a child that he is not wanted. At least she should thank God because Kris did not kill her to hide it.


As time went by, the situation has improved a little but still tension between them. Controversy is inevitable, but at least it was okay and it also helps them to understand each other better. Kris began to curious about Nicole but she never mentioned too deeply about her private life. Maybe Kris thought Nicole deliberately concealed her identity, but she didn’t want that. She was not lying when she said that she have no family. In fact there is nothing to be proud of her family when her dad was a gangster well exactly, he’s boss. Her mother passed away in another round of payments between two gangs or rather her father was the cause of the death of her mother. She also had almost died in that accident. Fortunately it didn't happen. After that, Nicole had left her father and her living as a dancer in the club until she met Kris. The rest of the story, everyone has known. Initially, she intended to find a place to hide and wait for the baby was born. She never thought would stick with Kris or forcing him to accept responsibility. But Nicole's feelings were beyond her control. By this time, she truly cares for Kris. She can't deny that she loves Kris.

You should bring an umbrella. I heard it will rain today.

 I’ll bring it. Thanks! I think you shouldn’t have to go out.

But our fridge was empty.

I will tell Chen to help you.

But he's going to complain again.

Ignore him. You don't have to cook dinner for us.

Why? You'll be home late?

No, we are going out to eat. I heard there is a Chinese restaurant that food is delicious. I want to take you to that place.

Really? You’re so great!

It seems you are happy.

Of course!

So, later I will take you go out more often. Now turn back your bed and rest. I see you're not feeling well. Don’t do anything all, Ok?



Kris is not a bad person. He was not cold as his appearance. Although he was the one who kept keeps the nasty face and say harsh words but deep inside he is a very warm heart. The more you close to Kris the more you'll see lovely aspect of him. His tenderness is revealed more clearly. He didn't come home late. He didn’t complain about her cooking skills anymore. Although he is clumsy but he still helps Nicole doing housework. He worried about her health and also concerned about the baby. Every time he put his ear to her belly to listen to every beat of the baby which make Nicole happy. They are together as if they were a happy couple. For a moment, Nicole really wished that this was her family and Kris is her husband.

Nicole, have you to think of a name for the baby yet?

Well, let me see. Name him is Jung Jinwoon.

It's so normal!

Uhm,...so... call is Jung Yunho. He is not only famous artist but also very handsome. I wish my baby was like him.

Are you dreaming? He is my son. Of course, he looks like me how he can look like another guy. Anyway, I don't like that name.

So… Jung Jung Hwa??

Too rustic! You can't think of anything better?

Jung Il Woo??


Jung Woo Sung???


Aish, jinja! So you want to name the baby be?

Ace - The name sounds very interesting.

You’re kidding me?

You don’t like it?! So… Ben Ben? Oh, right, Ben Ben! It’s cute!!

You are mentally ill or what? How you dare call my baby like that? Ace? Ben Ben?? You thought that you were naming puppy? Such an idiot!

Who are you calling idiot?


How you dare… yah Jung Nicole stay still!

Do you want to hit me? Somebody help me! He wants to kill me! Help!!!!!!!

Yahhhhh, Shut up. I haven’t touched you.




Nicole realizes that her feeling for Kris is growing which made her to be afraid. It is not allowed to happen, absolutely not. Kris didn’t love her. Kris accepted her presence in his house because he fears he will be deprived of his birthright if his grandfather found out Nicole and the baby. And what he's good to her simply because he does not want to have more trouble. Faced with new emotion is forming in her heart makes Nicole even more nervous. If she is closer to Kris, she would not want to separate from him. Maybe she should soon leave this place before she became greedy and she can’t control herself anymore. So Nicole decided to leave quietly. She has promised to tell Kris when she goes but in the end she still choose to go away without saying a goodbye. Nicole was too weak and she was afraid that if she looks into the eyes of Kris, all her determination will disappear.

Leaving Kris is a difficult decision than she thought. Nicole could not believe that Kris has a great influence on her like that. Anything also reminds her about Kris. She constantly worried about Kris after she left. She wonders what Kris is doing? Is he still doing good? Did he skip breakfast again? Did he continue working all night?...

Sometimes Nicole startled at midnight she still keeps her old habits looking for Kris but her side was empty. Nicole actually craves Kris's arms where she feels very solid, very safe and warm than anywhere on earth. She found herself going mad when she can't see Kris.


Today is the last day of her stay in Seoul. Nicole decided to return to Kyungsangdo - his mother's home to give birth. The desire to see Kris again flared up in her heart. Especially today her baby seemed very uncomfortable. Baby constantly struggle inside her belly as if he's not satisfied with the decision of Nicole, as if he told her that he wants to meet his father. She's convinced herself that baby need to see Kris again before she’s carrying him away. But she just dare came to Kris house instead went to meet him. Nicole really didn't know how to react when met Kris at this time. It's still very difficult for her. But things did not turn out as Nicole intended. Kris was right in front of her. Now Kris is working and Nicole sure that he was present at the company, unfortunately that didn’t happen as she guessed. Kris had left documents at home and he has to go back to get it. Thus he has a chance to see Nicole.

Hi! Long time no see you!

What are you doing here? - Kris didn't dare to believe that the person standing in front of him is Nicole who he was looking for. Somehow he felt so angry instead of happy.

Well, I just, uh, I want to say goodbye to you.

Really? Shouldn’t you do it sooner?

I’m sorry! Uhm… because it is too urgent, so I didn’t  have time to talk with you, but so now I've come back to …

So that's the reason for you to appear in my house once again? I don't think that's your main purpose. How can you say goodbye if you don't see me? Perhaps you are trying to steal my property.

I'm not that kind of person.

Who know? How can I believe you after what you did?

I should go now! It seems we can’t continue to talk to each other anymore.

Stop it. Jung Nicole, you think who you are? Why not quietly disappear as you did? You only bring trouble to me when you come.

I'm sorry! From now on I will never bother you again.

Who gives you the right to do it? You are not allowed to bring my son go along - Kris almost screamed, his body trembled with emotion.

Kris, what wrong with you? Right from the beginning we agreed that we just…

Throw away this damn deal. Didn't you promise that you'll tell me if you go away but the result you're not kept your word.

I’m sorry!

Sorry?? That’s not enough for what I had to endure. If you knew that I was such an idiot, I went looking for you everywhere. If you know how I was worried?

I don't think that would make you worry. I sincerely apologize.

If you didn't want to stay then you shouldn't have come here right from the start.

I’m… sorry!

Don't say it anymore! You can't tell me anything other than apology?

You’re right. I shouldn't have come here. So I will instantly disappear as your wish.

Stand still, you’re not allowed to go anywhere. You just do what you want why do not you ever wait until I can say what I want, huh? Who said I want you to go away?

You said.

You can’t understand what others say is the true or a lie?

I don’t know.

Okay, if you don’t know so I'll tell you. Don’t go!

I lied when I said I want you to disappear from my eyes. I lied that I hate baby. You and baby, I love you both. I know you may hate me but I still hope that you will stay by my side. Can’t you?

If I stay you will lose a lot of important things.

Lost what?

Your birthright and the position you hold.

I'm not an incompetent man. I can start over.

Even if you don't know who I am but you still want to have me by your side?

That’s not a big problem.

I may be a thief or a swindler or worse yet, still okay?

You definitely don't have that kind of person.

If my father is a gangster, you think?

You said… what??

See, you scared, right?

Of course not, just a little surprised. I’m ok with it. No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, I just need you - Jung Nicole.

Are you sure? Don’t regret it?

I’m sure!

Good! Because now I don’t intend to leave anymore even then you want to kick me out. I'll still stay here - in this house and next to you forever.

Kris hugged Nicole, he felt his heart beating peaceful than ever. A person that he was missing eventually she came back. This time he will never let her go. Nicole is really happy in the arms of Kris. This is the embrace that she expected. She will never leave it again.


Now, they only know immersed in their own world and forget everything. But wait, wait a minute ... I don’t think this is the end for all.


Something wrong?

Kris… My stomach…

How is your stomach?

It’s hurt. I think I'm about to give birth.

Eh??? How could you?

Maybe the baby will be born prematurely.

Why did he choose this moment to come out?

How dare you say that? You don't want the baby to be born?

Nooooooo, I didn’t mean it.

OMG! Kris! I’m hurt!

Nicole! You, alright? Oh god what do I do now?


Chen, I’ll call Chen. He knows how to do.

Krisssssssssssss! What are you doing??

Wait a minute. I have to call Chen.

Come on! Don’t do these things in vain! Take me to the hospital, quicklyyyyyyyyyyy!

Oh yeah, go to the hospital.

Where are you going?

I’m looking for the key of my car.

It’s – in – your - hand. Silly!

Ah, I forgot! I’ll go get my car.

You are not taking me along? Oh dear! Why you can be so stupid?

I know, I know! I immediately take you to the hospital. Nicole, you are lord of trouble. Every time you appear, I will be in trouble.


I have worked very hard. Proud of myself. keke!

If you want to read Vietnamse verion for this story you can visit: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/476755/when-you-come-nicole-kris

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i changed it to Kara one shot


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Chapter 3: Nicole-Jaejoong pleaaaaaaaaaaassse
vinmya86 #2
Chapter 3: yeay update :-D thank you
can i request for park gyuri x exo suho pairing :-) since you said i can request for any kara member :-D
Chapter 2: Happy Christmas Eve ^_^
This is your present even it's a bit late
I will give you 10/10 stars
This fanfic was really fun it's making me laugh especially the last part
Love the couple so much and this fanfic was so warm-hearted
Hope next time you can make more awesome fanfics
I will subscribe and upvote this fanfic too and have a nice Xmas
karajing #4
I'm glad that I'm not the one who thinks that Nicole and Luhan are completing each other<3
Letterofspring #5
Chapter 2: Crazy couple! Kekekeke.. Cute B-)
Shikshincole #6
Kyaa~ Kai and Nicole cute pairing
Karababies #7
Luhan and Nicole omg I really ship this pairing!they suit each other~
kamiliaforever #8
really love your story!can't wait for other chapter especially woohyun and nicole.Can you add other male idol?if you could can you add exo member? i really like them tough.Thank you!
Chapter 2: omfggggg this is so cuuute! :) and my name Nicole too IM SO HAPPYYYYYYY <3
syerawr #10
Chapter 2: Omg! This story is so cute. I love it!!