When you come (part 1)

KARA One Shot Story


A/N: NẾU BẠN MUỐN ĐỌC BẢN TIẾNG VIỆT CÓ THỂ XEM TẠI: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/476755/when-you-come-nicole-kris


Kris came to the company with a horrible mood. He always appeared on time in the most perfect shape. Today is an exception, he arrived late. He was late for the meeting and more importantly, he looked extremely angry. Everyone is surprised, but no one dared complain. All staff knows their boss is a monster when he's angry so it's best that they don't come close to him at the moment.

What wrong with you, Kris? You seem depressed? – Chen aka his secretary and was a close friend of Kris who just walked into the office with documents in his hand, he asked.

Chen! There is something wrong.

What is?

I'm about to be a dad.

You’re kidding!

Kris sighed.

Really!? OMG! Great! We should organize a party to celebrate this event, right? I’ll call for Lay, Xiumin, Luhan and Tao to inform. OMG! OMG! We're going to have a baby! I can’t believe it. Kris good job! * Thumbs up*

This reaction is entirely beyond expectations Kris. In other words, the expression of Chen is being fueled rage of Kris.

Get out of my sight before I kill you – Kris throws documents that he signed into Chen, fortunately he avoided it.

Ok! I’ll go. I need announce this to everyone – Chen quickly ran out of Kris's office while Kris was sitting sighed and rubbing his temples. Sometimes he doesn't know Chen is really his friend or his enemy anymore.

Kris, I said this before? – Chen poked his head through the door.

What else?


Damn you, Chen! – Kris throws pen towards Chen but he quickly ran away.

During this day Kris could not focus on anything. He just sat there and thought about what had happened. This morning, a strange girl suddenly appeared and told him that he was going to be a dad! Well, that would be good news for someone but  not for him. Hey, he's only 24 years old. He's still too young to be a dad. How did this ridiculous thing happen to him?

He's rich, handsome and is a CEO of SM company. There are hundreds of girls willing to kneel at the foot of his. One of them may be his wife, but that's the future. Now, he absolutely didn't intend to get married, also he never desired to have a child at this age. It was hell! Can you believe he just woke up after a night and he suddenly became dad of someone. It sounds ridiculous. But the incredible thing often happens in life, right?


Kris returned to his apartment, extreme tiredness. His mood worse when meeting a person he never wanted to see again.

What are you doing here? - Kris said in a cold voice but that girls do not bother with his expression.

I wait for you! - She replied with a smile, even though Kris does not like her, but he admitted that her smile was very charismatic.

Wait for me? Why? I thought I made ​​it clear to you.

No, it has not ended.

I told you what i should say. Now you can go.

I will not bother you!

Excuse me, but when you appear, it was annoying.

Ok, if you do not intend to cooperate, I'm forced to use drastic measure. I think a few newspapers it might interest it - She showed his picture in the phone.

I was so familiar with this kind of threat. The press also often put the damn news. Just give a little money, they immediately shut up.

Or should I send it directly to your grandfather? I think he will be happy to know he was going to have grandchildren - Nicole raised the photos on her hand as she teased Kris.

It seems this was Kris's weakness. He is extremely afraid of his grandfather. He knows Kris is a player, but he was not too bothered about that as long as Kris does not leave anything serious consequences. This time, if it reached his ear, then Kris would get kicked out of SM immediately and he can always cancel Kris birthright. Oh no, that would be a disaster. Kris immediately grabbed the phone in her hand and threw it on the ground that broke into pieces.

What a pity! You have to give me a new phone. Well, I have to tell you that I still saved the original image yet?

What do you want? My money? Ok! I'll give you. You just abortion and later consider as you never knew me.

You're a cruel man! Our baby can hear what you said, you know?

Oh my! What the hell you want?

You should say more politely.

Please tell me what you want? – Kris clenched his teeth, trying to suppress anger.

Give me a place to stay.


I need a place to live.

Fine, I will immediately hire for you a house.

No, I don’t mean like that.

So what are your requirements?

 I want to stay here - in your house.

You’re kidding me!

No, I’m serious!

Go away or I kill you!

Okay, so I immediately reported this news to your grandfather.

Fine! I accept!

You should agree from the first place, honey!

Please, you make me want to vomit.

Don’t worry! I don’t bother you for long. As soon as I find a better place, I will go.

Why did you choose my house?

It’s safe. No one can think that I live here.

God! Don’t tell me you're a wanted criminal.

Please, don’t overreact! I didn’t do anything illegal.

So why are you hiding?

I'm not hiding. I just don’t want to be bothered.

Damn it! I was being bothered.

Be careful with what you say, our baby can hear it.

Oh, kill me! I can’t live anymore.

Well, I told you my name yet?

No need.

I’m Jung Nicole, nice to meet you, again!

Starting from there, Nicole lived in his house. It's a secret, but it seems Kris can’t hide it for too long. Most of his friends knew that Nicole lives with him (must thank to Chen for this) and soon his neighbor also knows because everyday they can hear this couple arguing.


After moving into Kris's apartment, the first thing Nicole to do is lay off maid of Kris for some reason she doesn't want more people to know about her living in Kris house. And she would do housework instead of the maid. Trouble is from that place.

What is it?

It is your breakfast.

I know, but I want to know what this mess is? What dish?

I don’t know. I just took some leftover stuff in the fridge and cook it. Try to eat. It's not as bad as it looks.

Yah! You call this food or what? How dare you cook this stuff for me, huh? - Kris frowned as soon as he tasted the first piece.

Don' criticize anymore, shut up and just eat it. Be thankful that i have made breakfast  ​​for you.

Geez, I would rather starve than eat what you cooked.

It is a bad habit and not good for your health. At least I'm trying to help you quit the habit skip the breakfast.

Anyway, I can't swallow it.

Eat quickly! You're going to be late.

Oh, death! Not again! You always made ​​me delay.

Don't blame on me. You're the one who tried to mess with me before.

I don't have time to argue with you anymore. I have to go now.

Hold on!

What else?

Your tie is skewed.

Oh! - Kris surprised when Nicole proactive helps him adjust re his tie.

Ok, it done, you can go. Baby let’s say goodbye to your dad. Honey, be careful! I and baby will wait you comeback - Nicole stood at the door and shout.

Jung Nicole! Shut up! – Someone roared in the car.


Recently Kris mood changes and it’s too difficult to predict. Sometimes colleagues caught him muttering something in the office, sometimes he frowned but then smiled alone. In short, his expression was no different from those with mental illness.

Now, he is also exposing the unpleasant face when he read the message of Nicole.

From troublemaker: Honey! When you back?

From Honey: What's the matter?

From troublemaker: I miss you! T___T

From Honey: Don’t make me laugh! Say what you want this time?

From troublemaker: Yes, I want to eat crab. Buy it when you return.

From Honey: Why should I do this? Why don't you go buy yourself?

From troublemaker: Do it for our child.

From Honey: See, you go again! Don’t say that anymore!

From troublemaker: If you don't want, I'll ask Chen to help.

From Honey: I'll buy it. Have you satisfied yet?

From troublemaker: Thank you, honey! I know you’re best!

Sighing, Kris never felt myself becoming pathetic than this.


Sometimes, Kris curious about this girl but the conversation between them to no avail and he never could get a clear answer for what he wants to know about Nicole.

Who are you?

I’m Jung Nicole.

I know, I mean I want to know other things about you.


At least I should know who I'm living with?

Ok, fine. Let's ask what you wanted.

What is your job?

I’m a dancer.

A dancer?

What? There is nothing to be surprised? The first time we met, didn't you see me dance?

Well you probably can't remember because then you just stared at my body.

I’m not like that! Foget it!...Ah uhm…Where is your family?

I don't have family.

You are an orphan?

No, I have a father, but I don't want to live with him so I walked away.

Who is your father? What does he do?

I forgot about him. Oh, time go to bed, our baby need to sleep. Good night!

Nicole somehow eluded the issues related to her own lives. Slowly Kris to accept that, after all he was okay with her, don’t necessarily understand her private life.


Kris is changing. He wanted to go home as soon as the job ends. He abandoned the pleasures outside. He didn't participate in the all-night parties and no longer interested in any hot girls. Somehow he always get excited when returning his home. Probably because he knows that someone is waiting for him. Before his house always lack laughter and very cold but now it has been revived. It reminded Kris of his family. Kris rarely mentioned his family or rather he forgot how family since the day his parents died from an accident. He was afraid to recall the difficult days after his parents pass away. So he put heart and soul into the job or immersed in night parties when he was bored. It only really stopped when Nicole walked into his house, Kris didn't feel lonely anymore. Having someone besides yourself is not too bad as well as tonight when Kris found out Nicole was lying next to him, burying her head into his chest, seeking warmth.

Each passing day Kris was able to find more reasons to stick with Nicole. He discovered that the food she cooked wasn’t too bad, although she still occasionally cook up something that he can’t call the name, but overall it was okay and he was still alive. His house is always clean, the fridge full of food. Always have a cup of coffee according to his taste available on the desk when he worked all night. Each morning there will be somebody to wake him up and preparing breakfast for him. Sometimes they quarrel but soon reconciled and everything is back to normal. Kris didn't think about why she appears at the first and he also forgot about intention to extort her out of his home.

Just don't know since when Kris started interested Nicole more than necessary. He behaves with Nicole gentle than before. He didn’t allow Nicole to do anything in the house for fear of affecting the child. He also didn't hesitate to go into the kitchen to help Nicole though he didn’t know what to do except cooked noodles and fried eggs. When Nicole said she wanted to eat something Kris would buy her immediately whether it's midnight. He tried to avoid trips away from home (poor Luhan! he always forced to do the work of Kris) or rather, he didn’t want to leave Nicole alone at home. He spent more and more emotional than for Nicole and his baby but outside he still deny.


Today Kris came home early as usual, he didn’t forget to buy chocolate for Nicole. But Nicole was not there.

Nicole – Kris call her but still no response.

"If i find a better place, I will go" – Her words repeated in Kris's head, made ​​him feel insecure. “There's no way she's gone?”

Kris was looking around the house, but no sign of her anywhere.  Just as he was about to panic then the doors swung open and Nicole entered.


What’s matter?

Where did you go?

I went to buy Kimchi.

Why don't you call me? I will buy it for you.

There is a store close to your home, so I could go myself. Why?

Nothing at all!

Don’t tell me you're worried? You thought I was gone, right? Haha!

I would be glad if you go, I'm just worried about the baby. Next time, don’t do it again. If you need anything, just tell me. You are pregnant. You shouldn’t walk too much.

I know.

But Nicole…


If one day you want to go, please tell me.

Okay, I will say.

And also let me know where you are going to.

What for?

At least I should know the whereabouts of my child.

I thought you said you didn’t like the baby.

Anyway, I was his daddy.

I will definitely take good care for my baby. You don’t need to bother.

How can I not bother about my child?


But Nicole didn't keep her promise. She left without saying a word. She suddenly disappeared just as if she appears. She left a great void in the hearts of Kris. He never felt so alone like that even more than before she came to this house. A part in Kris estimated that Nicole has never appeared in his life because if she didn't come he'd never felt loss so much.

Kris went looking Nicole everywhere but there was no sign of her. Nicole disappeared as if she were melting into the air. All his efforts were in vain. Kris really regret why he didn't learn more about Nicole. Until now he didn't know anything about her than her name.

Kris's life turned upside down again. He's afraid to return to his own home than ever because he knows there is no one waiting for him, no one to cook for him, no one to talk with him, no one made ​​him angry and no one laughs with him again. But what is most feared, everything in this house reminds Kris remember about Nicole. Kris thought that Nicole gave him a home as he had dreamed. But now she's gone and brought his dream to go along.

Kris wondered Nicole has truly cares for him or not in the days they lives together? Her feeling for him what is? Has she ever wants to live the same roof with him forever? Has she ever wished that she would become his family? Probably her answer is "no".

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i changed it to Kara one shot


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Chapter 3: Nicole-Jaejoong pleaaaaaaaaaaassse
vinmya86 #2
Chapter 3: yeay update :-D thank you
can i request for park gyuri x exo suho pairing :-) since you said i can request for any kara member :-D
Chapter 2: Happy Christmas Eve ^_^
This is your present even it's a bit late
I will give you 10/10 stars
This fanfic was really fun it's making me laugh especially the last part
Love the couple so much and this fanfic was so warm-hearted
Hope next time you can make more awesome fanfics
I will subscribe and upvote this fanfic too and have a nice Xmas
karajing #4
I'm glad that I'm not the one who thinks that Nicole and Luhan are completing each other<3
Letterofspring #5
Chapter 2: Crazy couple! Kekekeke.. Cute B-)
Shikshincole #6
Kyaa~ Kai and Nicole cute pairing
Karababies #7
Luhan and Nicole omg I really ship this pairing!they suit each other~
kamiliaforever #8
really love your story!can't wait for other chapter especially woohyun and nicole.Can you add other male idol?if you could can you add exo member? i really like them tough.Thank you!
Chapter 2: omfggggg this is so cuuute! :) and my name Nicole too IM SO HAPPYYYYYYY <3
syerawr #10
Chapter 2: Omg! This story is so cute. I love it!!