Chapter 7: Finally Moving Forward

The Same, but Different

Your POV


When I got home, Kwan was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels.

“Hey sis, did you have fun at the mall?” I grinned and nodded. “So, what’d you buy?”

“I just bought a ring, but my friend bought me a dress and shoes.”

Kwan raised an eyebrow and turned the television off.

“Mi Hi did this? Or was it Tao?” I could tell by the suspicion in his voice that I had his full attention. “Well, which is it?”


I couldn’t help stammering under Kwan’s suddenly rime stare.

“Be careful Ae-Sook. Usually when guys buy things like clothes for girls, they expect something in return.”

I knew what he was implying, but Tao’s not like that.

“Not all guys are like that, Kwan.”

“I know, just the vast majority.” There was silence between us. My brother switched the subject. “So let me see what you got.”

Happy with the switch, I had no problem going along with it.

“Okay. Show it or model it?”

We have this tradition in my house where you have the option to take your clothes out of the bags and show them, or you go all the way and try them on for your mini audience, or in my case, my brother.

“Model them, of course.”

I ran up the stairs to my room and changed. A couple minutes later I came down with the outfit and the shoes.

Kwan let out a high pitched whistle.

“Woah! Someone grew up while I was gone!”

I looked away sheepishly.

“Hye Su better bring her A-game tomorrow…Is Mi Hi all glammed up too?”

I nodded and described her outfit.

“Man I wish I could be there to see the look on her face when she sees you two strutting in there. It’ll be priceless!”

“How about I tape it for you?”

“If only you could…” Kwan sighed dramatically and put a hand to his forehead. “Go, you’re starting to make me feel old with all this senior madness!”

I laughed and left Kwan on the couch.

My mind wandered over the recent events that occurred over the last few days.

Once upon a time, I remembered Tao as a bad dream, but now... that was almost like a distant memory.


Tao’s POV


I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

Her laugh, her smile, her sense of humor, and how she looked in that dress…

I want to be around her all of the time, but I don’t know how close she’ll let me get to her before she pushes me away.

I know that she still remembers me as the bully from elementary school. I can see the hint of fear in her eyes every time I look into her eyes.

If things are to change, then I need her cooperation. I need to apologize to her and soon or I might as well forget about her.

Which will be near impossible if it ever came to that.


Mi Hi’s POV


I hung my new outfit in my closet and put my accessories in their appropriate places for tomorrow.

I have no idea to how describe what I’m feeling right now…I mean, sure I’m excited, however there’s something that keeps eating at me about the party. The That painfully numb feeling that you get when you're faced with danger.

It's an omnimious sensation, but we’ve already bought the outfits, so there’s no turning back now…

I guess I’ll just have to wait on tomorrow for an answer.


Hye Su’s POV


I called Eun on my phone and put her on speaker phone since my nails were wet.


“Eun, there’s been a change in plans. I have a much better plan and all I need you to do is get Ae-Sook’s cell phone. Understood?” Eun sighed on the other end. “What’s with you?”

“I don’t like where this is going…what happened to the simple ‘Dump Paint on Them’ plan? What are you planning that requires Ae-Sook’s phone?”

“I’ll tell you when you do your part.”

I didn’t need her backing out of my plan now.

“I’ll see what I can do.”

Eun said stiffly.

“That is all that I ask, Eun.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bye Hye Su.”

The call ended and I immediately called the next number on my list.


A deep voice asked. I smiled.

“Hey Kang-Dae, I need a favor…”


Your POV


I was nervous about tomorrow, but it calmed me a little bit to know that Mi Hi and Tao would be there with me.

I shrugged.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to handle whatever Hye Su throws at us.

I put my things away and took a quick shower before I settled into bed. My eyes closed and the world around me faded away with dreams of the party.

“Wanna dance?” I smiled coyly. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Tao grasped my hand and gently pulled me to the dance floor. At the beginning of the dance I was struggling to keep up with him. I stepped on his foot and he looked down at me.


“Don’t panic, everything’s alright. I’m here, just follow my lead.” I nodded and rested my head on his chest as we glided across the dance floor. “See? What’d I tell you?”

I giggled and we left the dance floor for the balcony.

“Have I ever told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

“No, I don’t think you’ve said anything about it until now.”

He scooted a little closer to me as we leaned on the stone rail.

“Then please forgive me for not saying anything about it until now.”

Tao replied with a smirk playing on his lips. We were now face to face. Our noses almost touched as he tilted his head and got even closer.

I started to back up, but when he glanced up at me I couldn’t force myself to move away. Those dark eyes had me frozen.

He leaned in closer to the point where I could feel his breath on my lips.

…Almost there…

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The alarm clock near my bed got louder as I repeatedly hit the stupid thing until it quieted down. I cursed the alarm clock for waking me up. I couldn’t have one more minute?

Sometimes, Reality’s a .

Sighing, I rolled out of my bed and got ready for the day, heading towards the bathroom for a shower when my phone vibrated from my nightstand.

I looked at the screen to see a text message from my parents.

Hi Ae-Sook!

I hope we didn’t wake you up. I just wanted to let you know that we’ll be returning in a couple of days…maybe a week tops if your father makes us late for our flight.

See you when we get home, sweetie! And Kwan too, who’s probably eating up our food at this very moment…


I sat the phone back on my nightstand and went to go take a shower.


Mi Hi’s POV


A pillow hit my face.

“Yah! Mi Hi wake up!” I mumbled something that I didn’t even understand. I just wanted some more sleep. “Mi Hi!”

“Wha? Huh?”

I managed to open an eye.

“GET UP!” My mother pulled the sheets off of my bed and I slowly came awake. “I swear…you’ll sleep away the whole day if I weren’t here.”

I sat up.

Crap, I totally forgot that the party was today!

“What time is it?”

“Almost two o’clock. Why?”

“Ugh, I gotta get up…I need to get ready for the party…”

“Mi Hi, I know that you’ve already told me about the party, but why are you going if this Hye Su girl doesn’t like you?”

I honestly had no valid reason for that…

“I just want to go, mom. There will be food, dancing, not to mention that everyone else is going…”

She obviously wasn’t buying it.

“Is Ae-Sook at least, going with you?”

“Even better. I also have a guy coming with us.”

“Kris right?”

“No mom, it’s another guy. His name’s Zitao Huang and he’s my newest friend at school.”

My mother nodded.

“Just be careful Mi Hi. I don’t like that Hye Su girl, she’s trouble.”

“Oh trust me mom, I know.”


Your POV


When I got out of the shower, I headed down the stairs for an early lunch when I heard Kwan talking to his girlfriend on the phone.

“Yes baby, but-”

I heard her voice cut him off from the other end.

“I gotta watch my sister right now.”

The voice on the other end was screaming now.

“Alright, alright! I’ll come as soon as I can!”

He yelled back before he ended the call. The red haired college student put his phone back in his pocket and turned around to see me.

“Oh good, you’re awake.” He walked into the kitchen and I followed. “I’m going out for a while and I won’t be back until probably four, do you need anything while I’m out?”

I shook my head.

Kwan grabbed a steamed bun out of the microwave and ran out of the house, only pausing for his car keys.

“See you later Sookie, and if I’m not back by 7:30 then have fun at the party.”

“Bye Kwan.”

The door closed with a thud and I heard him crank up his car as he pulled out of the driveway and drove away.

My phone in my room played Rainbow’s song as it did practically every day when Mi Hi would call me. I ran up the stairs and answered it just in time.

“Hey Sookie, do you have any idea what time it is?”

I glanced at my phone.

“Almost 3:30, why?”

Mi Hi was quiet on the other end for a moment.

“Have you not started getting ready yet?”

“Mi Hi, the party’s at 7:30. Why would I get ready now?”

“I’m just saying…it’s just so much to get done. Hair, nails, shaving…etcetera. Girls take longer to get ready. I just got done with my hair.”

“But no girl should have to start at 2:00 to be ready by 7:30. I’ll start at about 4:30 or 5:00 instead.”

“Okay…you know you’re always late...”

“I promise I won’t be.” The doorbell rung downstairs. “Sorry Mi Hi, I gotta go.”

“Oh alright. Bye Sookie.”

I walked down the stairs.

“Bye Mi Hi.”


Tao’s POV


I have been standing outside Ae-Sook’s door for five minutes now. I have no idea what possessed me to drive all the way over here, but since I was here, I might as well try to get to know my crush a little better.

I still can’t believe that I’m pursuing her. I’m so used to girls coming up to me, that it feels awkward to ask a girl out. Tired of dealing with doubts, I took the plunge and quickly touched the doorbell.

Of course with my misfortune, the bells worked and the bells resounded throughout the house.

It was quiet at first, but then I heard footsteps and the burgundy door opened.


Your POV


Taking a look out of the peep hole, I could easily see Tao looking around at the flowers on my porch. I opened the door and stuck my head out.

Tao looked like a rock star today.

He wore a white dollar print shirt with a red and black plaid button down shirt and a blue jean jacket. His pants were black and had holes in them with white tennis shoes.

“Hey Tao. The party’s a little later-” The young man shook his head furiously. “I’m here for something else.”

“Oh? What is it then?”

“I um…”

His cheeks had tinted pink.

Now I was really curious. What could have Tao blushing like this?

“I was wondering if you’d like to spend the day with me.”

I forgot to breathe for a moment. Did he just ask me out?

I looked around and he chuckled.

“Yes, I’m talking to you.”

Well, what do you know? Mi Hi was right after all.

My heart swelled in my chest.

“Well, I um…” I rubbed the back of my neck. “Sure.”

Tao’s smile widened.

“May I come in?”

“Sure, the TV’s over there and there’s the kitchen. Help yourself while I go change.”

I ran up the stairs and tripped on one of them, but I made it to my room safely. I grabbed some ripped dark blue jeans and a pink shirt with black typing written all over it before I headed back down.

It was eerily quiet when I descended and then I saw the problem.

There were now two people in the dining room. One having fiery red hair being Kwan while the darker haired one was obviously Tao. Both of them were standing up, facing one other as two enemies would when they're about to face off.

“Ae-Sook!” Kwan yelled as I reached the last step. “This is the Tao from last night? The one that's also from China? The grade sch-”

“Yes Kwan." I said, interrupting him. "I thought you said that you’d be home later.”

“I finished early.” Kwan remarked coldly. “You must’ve lost your mind to be friends with this tyrant! Are you forgetting how many times you had to go see a therapist because of him?”

The memories of sitting on the couch and talking to the therapist flashed through my mind.


He shot me a look that stopped me from saying anything more.

“Don’t tell me that you were stupid enough to forgive him!”

Tao exhaled.

“I understand your anger Kwan, but please try to hear me out now. Eight years ago, I was a bully that tortured everyone that was weaker than me. Their gender meant nothing to me, but I assure you that I’ve changed for the better. I do not fight anymore unless I am defending myself or someone that I care about is in trouble.” Tao then turned to me. “Ae-Sook, I truly am sorry for bullying you all of those years ago. It was wrong of me to harass you and abuse you like that. Please forgive me?”

My brother however, grabbed Tao’s shirt and brought their faces close.

“Don't talk to her. Do you know how much damage you’ve caused to our family?” Tao was silent. “Bastard, don’t you dare ignore me!”

“A lot.” Tao responded, his voice deathly calm. Kwan threw the younger man back and Tao landed on the floor. “I deserved that.” Tao murmured, picking himself up. “Since we can’t put the past behind us, let’s just settle this now.”

Kwan cracked his knuckles eagerly with a smile on his face.


Tao just stood there, waiting to take the incoming blows from my brother.

I had seen enough.

“Stop it, stop it right now!” Both of them turned their attention to me. “Kwan, don’t you lay another finger on him. I invited him in our house as a guest, not to have him treated like some criminal!”

My brother scoffed.

“You would’ve done no such thing if we were still in China…his group would’ve still been giving you hell. The only difference is that now…you managed to escape eight years and he’s in Korea all by himself. The tables have turned, Ae-Sook.”

“So what? I’m supposed to be out for revenge now? How does making me the bully fix all of this?” I stared at Kwan incredulously. Was he aware of what he was he saying? “What sense does that make? In the present, Tao has done nothing to insult me in any way. He’s even helped break a fight that I almost got in the other day! He apologized for his mistake, what more do you want?!”

The tension in the room had begun to simmer as reason overpowered the rage in my brother’s eyes.

“If you can forgive him, so can I.” Kwan walked towards Tao and the two shook hands. “Can we start over Tao?”

The younger male nodded before he was pulled into a hug. I joined in too.

“That’s better.” I glanced at my clock and gaped. “There is no way it’s almost 4:30! I’m sorry Tao, but I can’t go with you today.”

Frustrated with myself about losing track of time, I failed to hear Tao calling me back down the stairs. I jumped when he touched my arm.

“Wait Ae-Sook!" I stopped and turned to look at him. He looked down and our gazes connected again. "Then can you at least be my date to the party?”

I looked at Kwan who shrugged.


A dazzling smile spread over Tao’s lips.

“Great! I’ll pick you up a seven.”

He leaned forward and kissed my cheek, making my heart stopped for a moment before it resumed its steady rhythm inside of me.

I watched Tao happily leave my house.

Mi Hi would've been too happy right now.


Tao’s POV


Now I finally have a chance with her since we’ve now moved forward. It wasn’t my plan to get into a near fight with her brother again, but who knew that the ending would’ve been her accepting my request to go as my date to the party tonight?

I certainly didn't.

I started my black Corvette Stingray and drove away, looking forward to tonight's party more than ever.


Author's Note: Hey you guys, don't forget to leave your comments below! I'm honestly working on updating once a day, but no promises...I'll give it everything I got though. Thank you everyone who has subscribed to me and or posted comments on this story. I really do appreciate your support.

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Chapter 18: Yes! A sequel!!
JennyPark2ne1 #2
Chapter 18: You should do a sequel <3
minzysantamaria #3
Chapter 18: I loved it and you should definitely write a sequel. I would be willing to help if anything I could at least proofread the chapters before you upload them.
Chapter 18: OMG the ending was really something. I liked it a lot. It would be awesome for you to do a sequel
JennyPark2ne1 #5
Chapter 17: Please Update!!
Chapter 17: Ohmygoshwhywouldthatcrazygirldothisomfg SERIOUSLY THIS GIRL NEEDS TO BE SHOT D:
Chapter 17: What the hell! Why would she just kill Eun! She wasn't great and all, but she had more sense than that stupid Hye Su!
Shizaya #8
Chapter 17: I'm crying. And I'm soo on edge right now. ;O;
the-totoro #9
Chapter 17: Ohhhh I have the chills!
Shizaya #10