Chapter 6: The Unexpected Gesture

The Same, but Different

Your POV


The rest of the day passed uneventfully except for me almost killing Mi Hi a number of times for teasing me yet again. Even now, I was guiding her down the street by her ear.

“Ow, ow, ow! Ae-Sook!”

“Serves you right for saying that in front of Tao. I mean why would you call me by his last name anyway?”

“It was just a joke…you should’ve seen the look on both of your fa-”

I squeezed her ear harder and she yelped.

“You do know that you’ve just made things that much awkward? Right?”

Mi Hi blinked.

“As if! I’ve seen you two in action, you’re bound to flirt with each other anyway. The problem with you two is moving to the next step.”

“What are you talking about?”

I let Mi Hi go and she rubbed her ear.

“Kissing, duh! Someone needs to take the plunge and kiss the other. It’s painfully obvious that the interest is there, but no one has the guts to take this flirt fest to the next level.”

“Why do you want us together so badly?”

Mi Hi stopped in thought.

“Because you two were made each other.”

“How do you know this?”

“I can feel it.” She smiled confidently. “Every fiber of my being is screaming for you two merge together as one and I’ve never been surer about any other couple before you two. Whether you choose to believe me or not, you two are missing pieces of each other.”

I sighed dramatically.

“Now, you’re just being a hopeless romantic.”

Mi Hi punched me.


“That’s for doubting my match-making powers!” She yelled and jabbed me in the arm again. “Never stop believing in me!”

“You’re crazy. How does Kris put up with you?”

“Well he’s not exactly sane either…we’re a crazy couple with a healthy relationship.”

I stopped.

“Is that even possible?”

“It is for us.”

I decided to change the subject.

“So when are we going to the mall?”

“5:00 is the decided time.”


“Oh, and Ae-Sook?”


“Try to be on time. I don’t wanna be by myself again.”

“I’ll give it a shot, but no promises.”

Mi Hi shrugged and turned at the fork in our paths.

“Fair enough.”

She waved and I waved back before she disappeared behind the first mansion on her street.

I continued to walk home in the setting sun, getting to my street about ten minutes later, my usual time. The porch light was on which meant two things. Either my parents back from their business trip or my brother was back from college. I opened the door and saw a flash of fiery red hair and chains.

It was my brother, Kwan.

“Annyeong Kwan!”

The was a burst of commotion from the kitchen before the redheaded boy emerged with a pot in his hand.

“I take it that college was too boring for you, today?”

My bother graduated from high school last year and not only me, but the rest of the family jokes on why he comes back home so often.

“Maybe it’s because I miss you guys?”


I placed my hands on my hips.

“Alright, alright, I ran out of food in my room.”

“Just go to the cafeteria!”

“They close at four, Ae-Sook.”

I moaned.

“I gotta go Kwan.”

“So soon? And for what?”

Kwan asked as he followed me up the stairs.

“I’ve got shopping to do.”

“Since when do you shop?” Kwan lifted an eyebrow. “Or have I been gone that long?”

“Since I got invited to Hye Su’s party.”

“WOW! I must’ve been gone forever if you’re friends with her.”

“No, we still hate each other.”

Kwan sat on the last stair next to my room.

“Then how’d you get invited and why are you going?”

“Aren’t you full of questions…Mi Hi wanted to go and Tao got us invited.”


“A transfer student from China.”

Kwan shook his head.

“I’ve heard that name before.”

Yeah, he was the little boy with the wushu moves that you fought.

That fight ended in a tie. My brother was also taking Judo at the time, so they both ended up messing each other up with the same amount of damage.

I decided not to help him remember and grabbed my wallet off of the dresser.

“Oh Ae-Sook, I forgot to tell you that I borrowed about fifty bucks…”

“Oh, you’re kidding me.”

“I’ll pay you back later.”

“Great…what am I supposed to do with twenty five bucks?”

Kwan shrugged.

“Well, since you took my money without asking me, you owe me a favor.”

Kwan stood up.

“And what would that be?”

I picked his keys up and he nodded, understanding what they meant.

“But DO NOT wreck my baby!”

“Wouldn’t dream of it bro, see ya!” I ran outside and unlocked the white 2010 Altima. The engine purred as I started the ignition. “Let’s go baby!”

I slowly backed out of the driveway and drove down the street.

Maybe shopping won’t be so bad after all…


Mi Hi’s POV


I took a sip of my iced coffee, fueling up for the shopping journey ahead. From the smirk on Tao’s face, I’d better prepare.

Surprisingly, the teenager had beaten me to the mall.

I watched him as he took in the surrounding of the many stores around us.

Ae-Sook better get here soon.


Your POV


I parked my brother’s car in the parking lot. I finally found a spot at the end of the mall. I shrugged and got out of the car. I had a lot of walking to do, so I might as well get started…


Mi Hi’s POV


I glanced at the clock on my phone. It was ten minutes until five o’ clock rolled around and there was still no sign of Ae-Sook.

Where are you?


Your POV


I saw Mi Hi and Tao sitting at a table by the fountain in the middle of the mall.

“It’s about time!”

Mi Hi said from her spot.

“What do you mean?” I checked my clock. “I still had five minutes to 5:00.”

“If you say so…anyway, let’s go already!”

Mi Hi bounced happily, but I only smiled.

“But you guys, there’s a problem.”


I showed them my twenty-five dollars.

“My brother took some of my money and this is all that I have.”

Mi Hi took out some of her money out of her purse.

“I think I’ll have enough to help.”

“Or I can help.” Tao pulled a couple of hundred dollar bills out of his wallet as if they were dollar bills. His actions stunned both Mi Hi and me.“There’s only one catch to my offer.”

Of course it wouldn’t be that easy…

“What is it Tao?”

“I get to have input in what you pick. That’s all.”

Mi Hi looked at me and I stared at Tao.

“Are you serious?” Tao nodded. “Oh fine Tao, can we start now?”

The two agreed and happily made their way to the escalator for the second floor, dragging me along with them.

Mi Hi pointed to some fancy looking boutique.

“Let’s go in there!”

We all entered the little pink boutique.

People gave Tao weird looks because he’s a boy, but he ignored them all. Opting to sit by dressing rooms to wait for us.

In five minutes, Mi Hi was already holding a ten to twelve dresses to try on.

“Oh this is just great!” She gushed, running to and fro in the store. “I can’t wait to try on all of this!”

“I can’t wait to see you in it.”

Mi Hi glanced at me and picked up yet another dress.

“What’s wrong Sookie?”

I smiled.

“There’s nothing here that I care for.”

My friend exhaled loudly and walked over to me.

“So what do you want your dress to look like?” I shrugged. “Fine, answer these questions.”


“Gown or cocktail?”


“Light colors or dark colors?”

“Dark of course.”

“Too cute or downright y?”

I hesitated. Cute or y?

“I don’t know.”

Mi Hi held up a sparkly dark pink cocktail dress and then a tan flowy one with one sheer strap.

“Pick your favorite out of the two and we’ll use this choice as an answer to the last question." I picked the second choice and she smiled a devious smile. “y it is!”

With that said, Mi Hi commenced with the next phase of her dress hunting. Trying all of the dresses on. And making Tao and me watch as she did.

“I don’t care for that one.”

I mumbled as I sat by Tao who judged her looks with a critical eye.

“It’s too gaudy.” Tao glanced at me. “So why aren’t you trying anything on?”

“I didn’t see anything that I liked…I’ll find something, don’t worry.”

Tao nodded and continued to critique each of Mi Hi’s dresses until Mi Hi finally took our breath away with her last choice.

“Mi Hi’s you look perfect!” I complimented. “It fits you perfectly!”

Tao agreed.

“You really do look like an angel.”

The brunette smiled, genuinely happy with her choice.

It was a light and flowy white cocktail that hugged her figure nicely. The dress had a button up collar that kept the torso in place and the back was out.

“Thanks guys, I think I’m done here except for clothes and accessories. Next up is Ae-Sook.”

Mi Hi paid fifty bucks for her dress and we all left the store for another across from the boutique. We really couldn’t see what was inside because the store’s lights were so dim, but it was highly unlikely that they had any formal gear because the store’s appearance gave off a rock theme.

“Maybe we should go somewhere else.”

Mi Hi and I nodded.

“Lead the way.”

“That looks like a good place to start.”

The next store definitely had a party theme, but their outfits were tight and trashy when we got a closer look at the clothes.

“Is there anything that catches your eye?”

Mi Hi asked, trying to hide her distaste for the clothes.

“Yeah, but not in a good way.”

“Let’s move on then.”

The next store seemed more sophisticated than the last one, but it didn’t really have any dresses that were worth looking at…the majority of them were for business.

“Next.” I pointed out the next store. “That one looks okay.”

It was a store with a purple sign on it. When we went inside I smiled.

They had party dresses, but they weren’t trashy or cheap looking. There were a few that caught my eye and pretty soon I was buzzing around the shop like Mi Hi was earlier this morning.

“Looks like you’ve found some dress…here, I saved a dressing room just for you.”

Mi Hi said leading me towards the back of the store.

I followed.

Tao sat on one of the benches in front of the dressing rooms with his eyes closed.

“Did she find anything?”

“Yeah, she’s got a least six dresses.”

“Good, can’t wait to see them.”

Mi Hi smiled, the gears in her mind started turning. I almost hit her when she dodged me and hid behind Tao.

“Try and get me now!” She taunted me from behind the slightly shocked boy. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

I glared at Mi Hi.

“You gotta come out sometime, and I’ll be waiting.”

I went into one of the dressing rooms and stripped. I picked up the first dress and slipped it on. It was a black cocktail with a tan bodice with lace sewn over it. I walked out of the dressing room.

Tao however, didn’t look so impressed.

“It’s okay I guess…”

Mi Hi agreed and nodded her head.

“It’s a no for me.”

I shrugged and returned to the dressing room.

The next dress was another black cocktail with a splash of sapphire blue. There was no lace, but it had a silk ribbon that tied under the bust before the rest faded to black fabric that stopped at my knees.

When I showed Mi Hi and Tao the result was practically the same.

“It just doesn’t give you that wow factor, Ae-Sook.”

I turned and entered the dressing room once again and repeated the cycle of trying on dresses and being rejected. This was beginning to get tiresome.

But there was one more dress to try on.

I didn’t bring it, it was strewn across the floor in a nearby corner. I picked it up.

It was yet another cocktail, but this one stood out from the rest. The majority of the ensemble was red and the crimson mingled with the color black beautifully. The torso was practically covered in glimmering black beads. It also had a ribbon running under it, but it was way thicker than the last one and it was a satin wrap. In the middle of the wrap, it was a giant crimson flower with a dark red gem as its center, but it did nothing but make the dress more beautiful. The rest of the dress was a flare out with a sheer layer of black lace with flowers designs imprinting the red fabric underneath with the same little black beads in the middle of them.

I crossed my fingers and tried the dress on.

It was a perfect fit!

The dress stopped a little above my knees.

“Um guys?” I got their attention from the other side of the door. “I didn’t pick this one, but I think it’s the best out of all of the ones that we’ve seen so far.”

“We’ll be the ones to judge that.”

Tao answered back. Mi Hi’s voice came from beside the door.

“Now come on out so we can see it!”

I took a deep breath and opened the door.


Tao’s POV


I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Ae-Sook when she walked out in the red cocktail.

It was perfect for her.

“Turn for me."

I demanded a little too eagerly. She blinked at me and spun three times.

The dress flared out, revealing some more of her pale legs as she did.

Can someone please tell me why my mouth went dry?

“I-I love it, you look stunning Ae-Sook!”


Mi Hi’s POV

I inwardly cheered at the sight before me.

Sookie had all of Tao’s focus right now and she was smiling too!

Tao’s wide eyes slowly ascended from the floor to her face and vice versa.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear Ae-Sook ask for my opinion.

“Mi Hi!” I jumped at my name. “What do you think?”

“I think you’d be a fool to leave here without it.”

She smiled.

“I guess I found the dress then.”


Your POV


I closed the door to the dressing room and changed for the last time. Tao paid eighty bucks for my dress and went to our next destination, a men’s warehouse.

Suits of every color were lined up along the walls for every color and occasion.

Tao went straight to the black suits and started gathering them to try on.

We followed him to the dressing room.

“Wait here.”

He put on the first one and came back out for our opinions.

“The bow tie’s a bit too much Tao.”

I agreed with Mi Hi’s statement and Tao went back for another one.

I tilted my hand back and forth with narrowed eyes. It was okay, but it seemed too casual for the party.

The last one however, had my heart thumping and my hormones bouncing across my body. Mi Hi had even fallen silent when she saw him.

Damn, I knew he was hot, but I didn’t know that he could look like that!


“Wow Tao, you look amazing.”

Mi Hi couldn’t even say anything, she just gaped at the hot guy in front of us.

The black suit exalted him. The tie hung from the collar, making him look formal, however if any girl were to look at him, they would’ve melted. His pants were loose, but it fit him perfectly.

I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood.

“I like that look on your face, Ae-Sook, you should wear it more often.”

I chocked on air.

Mi Hi patted my back and Tao smirked and returned to the dressing room.

“Yeah, I think I’ll buy this one.”

After Tao bought his suit, we went around the mall buying shoes and other accessories.

Mi Hi got silver four inch pumps and silver chandelier earrings.

I got a big red ring with black and red four inch stilettos and lacy gloves.

Tao bought black shoes and some earrings for his piercings.

At the end of the day, we all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

I started my brother’s car and pulled out of the parking lot, anticipating seeing Tao all dressed up tomorrow.

“I like that look on your face, Ae-Sook, you should wear it more often.”

I blushed at the memory.

Tao should've came with a warning label when he moved to Korea.



Author's Note: Hey you guys, I'm glad that you're liking the story, but can I also hear what you have to say about it in the comment box below the chapters? I love reading about what the audience's a guilty pleasure of mine. So please?

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Chapter 18: Yes! A sequel!!
JennyPark2ne1 #2
Chapter 18: You should do a sequel <3
minzysantamaria #3
Chapter 18: I loved it and you should definitely write a sequel. I would be willing to help if anything I could at least proofread the chapters before you upload them.
Chapter 18: OMG the ending was really something. I liked it a lot. It would be awesome for you to do a sequel
JennyPark2ne1 #5
Chapter 17: Please Update!!
Chapter 17: Ohmygoshwhywouldthatcrazygirldothisomfg SERIOUSLY THIS GIRL NEEDS TO BE SHOT D:
Chapter 17: What the hell! Why would she just kill Eun! She wasn't great and all, but she had more sense than that stupid Hye Su!
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Chapter 17: I'm crying. And I'm soo on edge right now. ;O;
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Chapter 17: Ohhhh I have the chills!
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