iTunes Drabbles - Challenge - [03 SHINee Mix]


Some drabbles written within the timeline of 12 songs from iTunes whilst on iTunes DJ. Various pairings but predominately OnKey focused.


Title: iTunes Drabbles - 03
Pairing: OnKey, OnHo/TofuHo, (broken!) JongKey, some Onew-centric and Key-centric
Rating: PG-13-15
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst, Drama - a mix
Words: 1768 words (in total) - 12 drabbles
Disclaimer: I do not own SHINee (oh the shame), unfortunately all I own is the fragments of my over imaginative mind.
A/N: These seem so stupid, haha but I like doing them. They are a lot easier than writing a whole new story out. Anyway if you do read, please feel free to comment and tell me what you think, or just say “Hi!” haha, whatever I don’t mind as long as you like this (o⌒.⌒o). Taken from my LJ account; villa_visualkei.


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oconje #1
Chapter 12: Amazing writing!!! Cant wait to read more. Takes a lot o skills to convey so much in so little words.
Chapter 3: //spits out drink//

omfg I suddenly saw a name of my old love return...Cinema Bizarre. Oh long time ago.