Last Snow

iTunes Drabbles - Challenge - [03 SHINee Mix]

Last Snow – Kaya – 04:55
Key/OMC (broken! Key-centric) | 132 Words

Shivering into his flimsy coat he pulled out his phone from the fluffy pockets, staring at the time displayed dejectedly. Sighing into the crisp air he watched as his breath travelled white and heavy across the park. The sudden warmth on his high cheek bones going ignored as he stared blankly ahead, the harsh metal of the bench freezing his already chilly legs.

The snow was almost blinding him as he stared, checking his phone one last time he resigned himself to the fact that he wasn’t coming and he slipped the ring that had promised him too many promises off his finger letting it fall lifelessly into the freezing snow underneath his tired feet before closing his eyes and walking away, his head hung.

This time it was over for good.



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oconje #1
Chapter 12: Amazing writing!!! Cant wait to read more. Takes a lot o skills to convey so much in so little words.
Chapter 3: //spits out drink//

omfg I suddenly saw a name of my old love return...Cinema Bizarre. Oh long time ago.