
Don't Turn Around And Say 'I Love You'


A/N: Italic means flashback. 



Kyuhyun drives home quietly. The man next to him chirps about something he saw on their way or simply just anything to kill the deafening silence in the car because, one, it’s his nature to talk relentlessly, and two, he knows Kyuhyun doesn’t want to say anything about what had happened. Kyuhyun on the other hand, is in his auto-pilot mode; his body is physically there, but his mind wanders off somewhere back in the past.



“Kyu, are you coming home for dinner?” Sungmin balanced his phone between his ear and shoulder as picked up some fresh vegetables into the basket. The one on the line remained quiet for quite some time before answered a monotone “No.” Sungmin smiled sadly, “Oh. You’re really busy, I assumed,” he chuckles before putting back some of the stuff he had picked up earlier, “I’ll just wait for you then,” “No. Don’t wait up. I’ll be late, I guess,” Kyuhyun mutters the last words. Sungmin just mouthed an ‘Oh’ before the line got cut off.



Kyuhyun wished he could turn back time. He wished he could fixed everything or better yet didn't start the trouble on the first place. If he did so, he’ll still be with Sungmin, they’ll play or might as well argue and fight all day long for all he cares because he is damn sure that they’ll make up afterward…because they’ve promised to never fall apart and not any one of them can live without each other. He mentally scoffs, ‘Promised? What’s so cool about the past when no matter how tight I hold on to it, it’s already gone, Sungmin is already gone, he thought with a sad smile plasters on his face. Without him knowing, the tears that he has been held in for some time now slid down his cheeks.



That evening, Kyuhyun went to Ryeowook’s place, as promised. He waited for a few seconds before the front door opened revealing the petite feminine man. Ryeowook hooked his arms around Kyuhyun’s neck, muttering “I miss you,” as he snuggled on the taller man’s neck, inhaling the manly scent that has always been his favorite. Kyuhyun smiled acknowledging the other man’s genuine love. He lifted the smaller man and kicked the door closed.

It had become a routine for like four months for Kyuhyun to visit his secret lover every evening. He didn’t remember when but he surely has fallen for this man, the man that came to his life and one day he found that this said man has stolen his heart. Sungmin? Never once, he thought about his boyfriend who is loyally waited for him to come home whenever he’s with Ryeowook. Ryeowook was his escapade. Ryeowook made him happy by just being around. They never fight or argue which is contra from his relationship with Sungmin; where they always found at least a topic to fight about every day. Ryeowook was the obedient one; he never talked back at him whenever Kyuhyun vented his anger out. Ryeowook also knew that Kyuhyun had an official boyfriend, though he never met Sungmin personally, but he knew that guy because Kyuhyun sometimes talk about him and no matter how jealous he got, Ryeowook never showed it because he felt that he didn’t have the right to.



Sungmin; a beautiful name with beautiful beholder itself. But, he can’t forget those two sorrows eyes that looked at him, piercing into him when the beholder caught him red-handed.    



Kyuhyun just got back from Ryeowook’s place. He hummed the last song he heard on the radio as he unlocked the front door. The surrounding was dark except there was light from the TV from the main room, he knew Sungmin fell asleep while he was waiting for him and that fact didn’t really made he felt guilty. He peeled off his coat before his phone vibrated. Kyuhyun silently made his way to the bathroom to answer the regular have-you-safely-home-call.

This morning, Kyuhyun had to rush due to his over-slept. Sungmin helped him with his tie, he can’t help but to grin in amuse to watch Kyuhyun’s antics. “Grab some toast before you head off,” Sungmin places a soft peck on the latter’s cheek. Kyuhyun clumsily have a bite of bread and a gulp of coffee before he dashed off to work. Sungmin chuckled, sometimes Kyuhyun did act like a little kid, he thought.

As for Sungmin, he didn’t go to work because no matter how much he wanted to, his possessive boyfriend never allowed him to do so. So, the whole morning Sungmin was just cleaning up their shared apartment. He smiled every time he cleaned a certain corner that reminded him of their memories. The last bit of his clean-up session was their bedroom. Sungmin hastily went to the side of the bed when a flying blue object fell after he waggled it from the bed sheet, it was Kyuhyun’s phone. Sungmin shook his head as he giggled at Kyuhyun’s carelessness. He tried to unlock it but to his dislike, the battery’s flatted. He quickly grabbed the charger so that in an hour or two he could go to Kyuhyun’s office and handed him his phone.

Call it fate, but when he started the phone, a few notifications popped on the screen; a few missed calls and messages. At first, he hesitated but soon he decided to open each one of them.

He felt like crying, screaming and dying when the said notifications are from the same man that called his boyfriend by endearing pet name much to his dislike. He hardly clenched the phone before dashed off to get Kyuhyun and that brought him to catch his boyfriend with another man intimately enjoying their times together…and that also brought us to the earlier incident.



Ryeowook tilts his head to take a look at the unresponsive man next to him. He bits his lower lips at the moment he saw his, now official, boyfriend cries his heart out. Kyuhyun’s sobs become louder every time he tries to stop himself from crying. Despite of the blurry eyes, he stills drive smoothly on track. Ryeowook clutches Kyuhyun’s left forearm, “Kyu,” he pleads, “let’s just pull over for a while.”

Kyuhyun obeys and pull over by the road. He wipes the remaining tears with his head hangs low, he somehow felt embarrassed to be seen breaking down like this. “I’m sorry,” he mutters, “I shouldn’t do that…you know...I just…” Ryeowook cuts his words off when he places his smooth palms on the sobbing man’s cheeks, “I know. Shh. If you feel like crying, just do it. I won’t judge nor prevent you. I know it hurts, I know it’s not that easy.” They hug for a brief moment just enough until Kyuhyun drops his last tears. Kyuhyun sniffs as he pulls away from Ryeowook, “I promise this will be the first and the last I’d cry…because of him. I love you. I’ve chose you. Only you.”       







‘Yes. That’s it, Kyuhyun. You’ve made your mind. You’ve chose this guy…right in front of you.’









A/N: I've tried my best. I hope this will make myself clear and you'll get the whole idea about this nonsense I wrote. unbeta-ed. So? How was it?  

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Updated the epilogue. Turn out the story was ...... (read it yourself kkkkkk :p)


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hohhgoo #1
Chapter 2: Iam really confused about kyuhyun ture love .is it ryeowook or sungmin ? Because in my opinion he seems to love the both of them .but in general I love the plot and your word are very amazing so thank you very very much . I wish it was more longer to let us understand why kyuhyun did this and how ryeowook accept this relationship I am happy for kyuwook because iam kyuwook shipper but in the same time iam sad becaues i can not feel kyuhyun love ryeowook in the same way . I wish minne found another lover but in all meaning I loved your story ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 2: It's heartbreaking for Sungmin...but Im
a kyuwook fan, so i have to admit...i was kind
of thrilled with the ending...
kyusie35 #3
Chapter 2: I don't know why i still crying everytime i read this story..
HinKyuMin #4
Chapter 2: i want KyuMin .. *sobs* :"(
anyway, Thx 4 writing ^^
Chapter 2: According to my credo in a Kyumin story aren't allowed others KyuOTPs! It's that I really can't bear a betrayed and crying Min, unless it doesn't end in a Kyumin anyway! So you understand I am heartbroken right now </3!
superannesnow #6
Chapter 2: so in the end it is kyuwook ? well that kinda sad but hey im
kyuwook shipper. well maybe you can make a sequel ?
so that there is a happy ending for minnie. well maybe with other person who really really love him. ;) that would be great then ^^
bohyemi #7
Chapter 2: You turned Kyumin into Kyuwook!!!!!!!!
meacuiza #8
So it's ryeowook...I know this is angts fic...but I still can't accept the fact ..well don't blame me..I'm a kyumin shipper...><

As for min...bear this in your mind..." find a guy that will pick up every piece of your shattered heart and put it back together; replacing it with a piece of his"

~ well author-nim...maybe an idea for a sequel? About min's happy life with a guy who can put back his shattered heart? Then about kyu's jealousy to min after he realized that min's are the one he truly love and who truly owned his heart but it's kinda too late situation?? Sorry it's just my wild imagination...I just think that kyu need to be teached a lesson after what he had done to min! Served him right!

Anyway this fic is yours. .you are free to do what ever you think is right...and lastly..thanks so much for this beautiful fic....I definitely will treasure this fic in my heart ♥
shinichinarita #9
Chapter 2: To Ryewookie, that is not nice to have a relationship with Kyu knowing he already has a boy friend, especially a faithful one. In real life , there are lots of cases like this. Whether it is a karma or not, there are lots end up, the boyfriend/ husband/ lover they stole would have other secret lover or they are too paranoid that their bf has other relationship elsewhere to the verge of breaking up. But, there are also ones that end happy, because they are more careful , and argue less because they have more experience from past relationships. But there are also a professional stealer, this kind only take what they need such as fame, wealth, etc, once it is gone, they will find new faces. So beware! To the one who is betrayed, do not bury yourself in regrets, move forward, regain your self esteem, make lots of friend, enjoy your freedom, be positive. Once you get into relationship again please be equal in the relationship. Do not sacrifice too much. That way, your bf will respect you more. That is why I love my Sungminnie.

shinichinarita #10
Chapter 2: Dear Sungminnie, you sacrificed a lot for your ex, so possessive that you did not even have a job. You dedicated your life for him and this is what you got. Life is so unfair. However, you should start a new life without him. Prove that you could earn and independent, and find a new love. You are so brave. The fact you release your ex with smile showing what kind of person you are. Fighting! I love you Sungminnie!