Anniversary - Hyukmin [One Shot]


It's Sungmin and Hyukjae's anniversary...


Just a bunch of fluffy fluff ^^

It's really simple, not anything deep and/or intense emotions like I'm trying(and i think failing) to do with 1000 Paper Stars and Muted Love.

I didn't get my friend to beta this(yup, I get my friend to read over for meaning and spelling before I type it.) because she's lazy. I'm joking, she wasn't at school today ^_^


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Chapter 1: Oww, it's the sweetest thing I've read so far. I love the HyukMiiin here❤❤
Chapter 1: Waaah! My hyukmin feels! :3
Chapter 1: Waaah! My hyukmin feels! :3
bonchan #4
Chapter 1: Hyukmin interaction here was so sweet (>///<)
Chapter 1: The angst in the stories is very addictive, BUT, is very tired :S (It's like drinking a lot of coffee). So.. Thanks for this cute shot. I like it ^^ I really enjoyed it <3
silvermin #6
Chapter 1: Yes! Make more fluffy hyukmin! <3
ecikurcaci #7
Chapter 1: hhihihi.. so cute~
mzjonghyun #8
Chapter 1: awww so sweet I like it