Noona! I'm Here to Stay ~ keke

Childhood Love

"Oww!" Baekhyun yelped as Haerim dragged him by the ear. "Noona! It really hurts!!" Ignoring his pleads, Haerim didn't stop until she completely dragged him into the shabby living room.

"Umma. What is this brat doing in my room?" Haerim spat the words out as she let go of Baekhyun. Baekhyun fell to the ground and doubled over in pain. Haerim's mom poked her head out and gasped at Baekhyun who was rolling around the ground clutching his ear. "Ommona Baekhyun! What happened?!" Mrs. Jung rushed out of the kitchen and knelt down in front of him. 

Haerim felt her jaws drop as she saw her mother cradling Baekhyun's boulder like head. "Umma!" Haerim cried and pouted. "You're suppose to kick him out of the house not encourage him to stay longer!" 

Mrs. Jung looked up from the ground and glared at her daughter. "Jung Haerim! How could you abuse my son-in-law like this?!" Mrs. Jung ignored her daughter's shocked face and turned back to Baekhyun. "I'm sorry son that your wife had to treat you like this." 

Haerim felt a furious bubble of anger rise up inside. Who was she to call that brat her husband. Her husband should be Oh Sehun, not this little brat! 

"Noona?" Baekhyun made her snap out of her angry thoughts. With vile in she hissed between her teeth. "What?!" 

Baekhyun flinched at Haerim's hostility. From one moment she was bouncing and the next she is hissing. She sure is a mood swinger.

"Noona. I know you are angry at me but will you please listen to me?" Baekhyun glowered under the fiery gaze of Haerim. "Please??"

Haerim let out a sigh. She knew she couldn't stay angry forever at her dongsaeng. Sure he is annoying, but still...

Turning sharply to Baekhyun, Haerim looked at Baekhyun square in the eye. "What do you have to say?"

A smile broke out across Baekhyun's face. "The old witch actually softened quite a bit over the years..."

Haerim snapped her fingers in front of Baekhyun's face. Baekhyun blinked his eyes out of trance. "Hurry up and spit the words out!!" "Damn she's cute."

Baekhyun shook his head out of dream world and cleared his throat. "Noona... I'm staying here for a year before I move back to China." Baekhyun smiled a playful grin. "Isn't that wonderful!!"

Haerim dropped her jaws for the... I don't know however many times probably third?? "Byun Baekhyun!!! Do I look like I'm kidding with you!!!!!!!!" 

"He's not kidding ddal. He's going to stay with us for a year to study before going back." Mrs. Jung smiled at the two of them. "He could really help us out at our eatery too. You know his pretty face can help us get more female customers." Mrs. Jung winked.

"Umma!!! How can you gang up on me!!!" Haerim buried her face into her hands as Mrs. Jung chuckled. "My life now. Thanks a bunch Byun Baekhyun..."


"Noona wait up!!!" Byun Baekhyun huffed and puffed as he tried to catch up with Haerim. 

Haerim pretended to not hear and increased her walking pace. She didn't want people think that child was her boyfriend or even worse... lived with her. Haerim shuddered at the thought.

Baekhyun puffed his cheeks out and pouted as he saw his Noona speed past the corner. That woman just can't stand being with Baekhyun huh? For some reason that one fact made his heart ache a little. After all dongsaengs love their noonas.... Right??


Haerim looked to her left and right to see if Baekhyun was still following. She sighed in relief when she saw no sign of him. Clutching her snoopy backpack, Haerim strode into her class. Her face lit up when she saw her prince waiting for her at her desk.

"Hammie... Why didn't you call me yesterday. I was really worried that some guy from your eatery seduced you and left me alone." Sehun pouted as soon as Haerim came over. 

Haerim bit her lips. "Damn you Baekhyun!"  With an innocent face, Haerim pouted at Sehun saying she was the one waiting for him to miss her and call her. Lies....

Sehun chuckled and pulled her close to his side. Did he just buy into her fib?? 

"Ofcourse I would miss you. What kind of guy wouldn't?" Sehun rested his chin on her head. Haerim let a weak smile escape. "Whew... I'm saved."


Haerim jerked up to the sound of the bell. Sehun rubbed his chin that turned red from the impact. Haerim sheepishly gave him an apologetic glance at Sehun as she shuffled toward her seat. 

"Alright class!! Turn in your homework!" Mrs. Yoo gazed around the class as the students reluctantly took out there homework. She had a history of giving out zeros just because a student forgot to put a dot after their sentences. Stingy that teacher is.

Haerim took out her homework and saw that she has written only two words: Oh Sehun. Turning red, she quickly stuffed the paper back into her backpack. Mrs. Yoo who had keen sense of eyes caught Haerim in the act.

"Jung Haerim?"

Haerim looked up at the teacher in embarrassment. She had to give it sooner or later. Why not now?

Sighing Haerim took out the paper and smoothed it out and handed it to the teacher. Mrs. Yoo frowned as she saw the two words she had written across the paper. To Haerim's relief, Mrs. Yoo took the paper back to her seat without a word.

Haerim slumped into her seat as she took out her textbook to work on her assignment. Today was gonna be a long day for sure.


"Noona!" Baekhyun grinned as he sat next to Haerim. "Ahjumma packed us kimbap for lunch today!!" He carefully took out the hello kitty lunch box and handed it to her. "Eat up Noona!!"

Haerim took one disgusted glance at her lunch and shook her head. "Do you think I'll eat anything that comes from you? Did you even wash your hands??"

Baekhyun stared at Haerim and pouted. "Noona. Just because I didn't send you love letters for the past five years doesn't mean you have to be so hostile to me." Baekhyun blew air into his cheeks and tried to act cutsie. "Come on Noona say ahhh."

Haerim whacked the kimbap out of his hands. "Who says I'll take food from you and talk about love letters." Haerim scoffed. "In your dreams boy."

Baekhyun pouted once more. "You're so cruel." 

Haerim smirked. "Just figure that out??" 

Just then Oh Sehun appeared out of nowhere and sat on top of Baekhyun. "Nice cushion you've got there." Haerim widened her eyes at the two of them. Baekhyun broke out in sweats under the heavy load on top of him. Seriously? How much does he weigh? And who is this guy?


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_koreanfanfics #1
Chapter 1: kyahhh!!! this is cute n good!
Chapter 2: Next!, i like the story
Update soon please ^^