
Childhood Love

"Agashi! A bowl of kimchi jjigae please!!" Haerim smiled as she gave the customer an okay sign. Kimchi jjigae was the Jung's specialty. It never failed to satisfy the customers' stomachs.

The Jung's Eatery was the most famous eatery owned by Haerim's family. It's so famous that critiques didn't dare write a critic on the eatery. Haerim was definitely proud of her family's eatery.

Haerim set down the bowl of kimchi jjigae in front of the customer and beamed. "There you go sir! The Jung's special kimchi jjigae!" 

The customer looked at the delicious Kimchi jjigae and dug in. He gave her a thumbs up in between bites. "This is this the best Agashi !" 

Haerim felt a swell in her chest as she bowed to the customer. She couldn't have been prouder. Until....

"Haerim!" Oh Sehun was standing in the doorway of the eatery. He waved her over. Haerim felt herself blush as she walked over to him. "He seriously is the most perfect boyfriend, I could ever have."

Oh Sehun. The prince of her dreams and the king of Seoul High School. His ability to make girl swoon in just a glance is what captured Jung Haerim's heart. Being the school's football captain was definitely a plus to his status.

Haerim felt herself melt into a puddle as Sehun pulled her to his side. "How are you my princess?" whispered Sehun, nipping her nose with his fingers. Haerim felt herself blush harder under his gentle arms. He just knew how to make a girl feel good about herself. A true prince indeed. 

"Jung Haerim!" Haerim snapped out of her dream land. Her mother was motioning her to come over with a ladle in her hand. Haerim pouted as she broke out of Sehun's comforting arms. Why couldn't she be with her prince for once in heaven's sake?

As Haerim turned around to face Sehun, he blew a kiss to her and gave her a fighting sign. Feeling a renewed energy vibrating into her body, Haerim waved goodbye to Sehun and happily skipped to her mother who had her hands to her hips.

"Jung Haerim. Can't you see the customers waiting?? How can you just stand there like an idiot with your boyfriend?" Mrs. Jung blew at her bangs. "Seriously, I can't believe you are actually in High School." 

"Umma! How can you be so cruel to me??" Haerim asked and playfully hit her mother's arm. Mrs. Jung chuckled at Haerim's youthfulness. "Alright I forgive you this time. Hurry up and take their orders." 

"Yes ma'am!" Haerim saluted and skipped over to the waiting customers. Mrs. Jung shook her head as she saw her daughter bouncing up and down in front of the male customers, who laughed at her cute aeygos. Jung Haerim in spite of her age was seriously a toddler deep inside. "Aigoo. What am I going to do with you?" Her mother thought as she tasted the jjigae. 


"Umma! Hurry up!!" Haerim tugged at her mother's shirt. "I need to get home and start studying for my home ec exam!" Mrs. Jung laughd as she closed the doors of the Jung's eatery. "Arraso. Umma will hurry."

Haerim pouted as she watched her mother take a gazzillion years to lock the doors. Seriously. Who takes that long to turn a freaking key??

"Umma you're turning into a freaky halmunnie." muttered Haerim as soon as Mrs. Jung turned around. Mrs. Jung puckered her lips at Haerim. "Atleast I'm not a freaky toddler. That's a bless." 

"Umma!" Haerim lightly slapped her mother. "That's two times in a row today!!"

Mrs. Jung stuck her tongue at Haerim. "Race ya home!!" With that she dashed off leaving Haerim eating her dust. Did she just run off like a three year old??

Shaking her head, Haerim ran after her mother.


Haerim snatched the keys away from her halmunnie mother who fumbled with the keys in front of their apartment door. Her mother really needed to work on her agility skills. No joke.

Taking less time than her mother, Haerim swiftly unlocked the door, leaving her poor mother in a daze. "Am I really that slow?" Haerim rolled her eyes and pulled her mother inside. 

Jung Haerim's apartment was a shabby apartment. The kitchen was small and the walls of the room were peeling. Despite their incredible cooking skills, the Jung's were a poor family. Being able to cook Korea's legendary kimchi jjigae apparently didn't turn them into wealthy famous cookers.

"Home sweet home!!~~" Haerim cried gleefully and dived into her puny bunk. The stuffed animals bounced up and down as Haerim cotinued her toddler behavior. "Ayee, Ayee!!!" It's a wonder how a handsome boy like Sehun chose to be her boyfriend.

While Haerim was doing her childish acts, a boy younger than her peered closely at her from the closet. His small yet cute eyes sparkle with amusement as he saw her bounce across the room. It was really hard for him to imagine that a girl like her was really a year older than him. 

Sensing that someone was watching her, Haerim immediately quit bouncing on her bed. Her stuffed animals fell neatly in order as she hopped out of bed. Cautiously, Haerim tiptoed to her closet: the source of the creepy stare. With trembling hands, she gripped the door knob and turned it slowly. But before she actually opened the door, the door automatically opened on its own.


Haerim screamed a piercing and fell backward landing on her . Who the hell was that??

Clutching her heart, Haerim looked up to a face with small shimmering eyes and let out a gasp.





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_koreanfanfics #1
Chapter 1: kyahhh!!! this is cute n good!
Chapter 2: Next!, i like the story
Update soon please ^^