Taeyeon's advices

Girls Generation One Shots

Something different.

Taeyeon and Sones.













Hi, Sones!


Good morning sones, it's 4 o'clock in the morning and I'm still not sleeping! eeeeerr. can't sleep! help me! So you know... I just made an Instaengram account ehem... instagram account, to get closer to all of you although, we can’t avoid bashers right? As much as I want to de-activate my account... you know exactly that I’m somewhat emotional huhuhu. Kiddingsss! ^^ I'm one happy person but keep this as a secret, I try my best to be happy for every sones out there Going back, I just couldn’t delete our account... I keep hearing some voices in my head that I shouldn’t mind those pessimistic people and just post pictures about my girls and ginger and make sones happy! hihihihi~ eeeeek. and I believe those voices belongs to our loving fans, arrrg you know I love you right? and I cherish you all right? I hope you understand me sometimes, I can get a little of immature or moody in some gatherings, just don't mind me, my body is a little tired huhuhuhu but but but knowing you are always there keeps me moving and keeps me stronger! haisst, sones why are you all so perfect?! *.* Pleaseuuu! I demand an answer!!! hekhekhek that's so chessy. Anyway, why am I babbling? Do I seem like talkative? Hahahaha. Just in writing, I’m quiet behind close doors, keeping my thoughts in my head, I don’t know... sometimes sharing problems ... feels like I'm sharing the burden to other people. I might be a burden to someone else? Who knows?

Am I a burden to you? >.< I know I'm not right??? I keep you happy right? I keep Sones happy? Do I???

Anyway, this is as real as it gets. There’s something that I’d like to share with you. Something that has been running in my mind for so long but our busy schedule is restraining me from writing this. So this is my question;






Do you believe in destiny?


I guess, some of you don’t and some of you does. Think about this, there are probably more than seven billion people all over the world trying to steal, kill or even terrorized neighbouring countries, but of course there are also people who were born to be hopeless romantic when it comes to love and destiny. But no matter what kind of person we are, what kind of parents raised us, where were born and what race we belong there’s only one thing that each of the 7 billion people primarily needed, we are just hopelessly looking for love.


For all I know, I wasn’t the one looking for love. Maybe she was... but then she made me realize, I was too.


I do believe in destiny. One of these billions of people is fated to enter in our lives. Some our lucky but there are more than unfortunate people who regretted their choices at the end of it. But who to blame? After all, we are just human beings discreetly in need of care and security. Our best friend could be our destiny, one of our classmates could be or even our professor, a cab driver, a co – employee, a pilot, one of our neighbour, a worst enemy. Or even a stranger you just met a week ago while waiting for your coffees and suddenly he/she accidentally took yours, a stranger you just met a couple of minutes as both of you were eating an ice cream and yours unintentionally fell on his shoe. Or maybe your co - member of some famous girl group?


People had this kind of story. Mine was... the closest to it.


Although there is destiny, but remember there are always choices in life. You can’t choose who we meet every day and night but if destiny brought someone to you and you exactly know where you will end up. It’s your choice whether to do something about it or not. And if you allowed destiny’s command in your life, are you even prepared? Let’s say you’re prepared perfectly but are you ready? Redundant? No. One big no. There’s a fine line between being prepared and being ready.


I thought, I was ready but then someone came from across the world and changed my every perception I had in life.


Fate is presented, as always, impossible not to miss. If fate and destiny works together, let’s not expect a happy ending, shall we? It is never a good combination but it has to work as one in order for memories to be made, fate can be playful nearly every time, it’s the cause of happy and worst incidents of your life but without it; you will never learn. You’re here to learn, grow, experience the games of life and love although it would crashed us with pain and profound ache. Although destiny does not mean that both of the parties are meant to be together for eternity, it has something to do with reasons and purposes. But whatever reasons and purposes destiny has to offer— we’re all just blinded, deaf of these reasons and focused to what we call as happiness. Inviting the martyr destiny that would cause you to hope for something not hopeful, to love someone who’s not worth it or worst, to love someone whom you’re not allowed to have.


Well, are you curious about who's my destiny?

I bet you know who she is.








eeeeeeeeeeeeeeekk!!! I had to suffer some english crisis -.- 

at least? applause for my english speech???!!!! I put so much effort into it. ^.^

Hoping you learned something from me though?

Did you?! :o











                                                                                                                                                                      From your dorky immature leader!

                                                                                                                                                                            ~    Kim Taeyeon




























Some sort of realistic advices from our leader. Well, as what she asked you, did you learn?

Poor kid. talking about destiny and stuff, I didn't know she has some romantic bone huh?

Something fun and different ayt?

Comments? Lol.

A comment will earn you, being Taeyeon as your destiny. <3

How is that great.


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Chapter 3: Leído
Chapter 4: please update soon
Chapter 4: Who's the "Someone"?
The girl from LA or the girl from SF?
Chapter 4: someone from across the world made Taengoo realized she needs love toooo~
someone from San Francisco? I know so~ /bricked
Chapter 3: Jeti please~ ^^
Chapter 2: OMFG THE SOOSICA ONE-SHOT SAÇ´]LDGT~DFG[JKDGH Sooyoungie is the luckiest woman on earth ;A;
And I remembered that one time when Sooyoung said that Jessica sometimes didn't like to wear clothes right after showering and OMFGGGGGGGGG <33 /nosebleed
Chapter 2: Omg this is such a funny soosic oneshot hahaha. I like the way you write btw :)))
Chapter 2: hahaha very funny
unique kind of writing.
I likey "D
Chapter 2: "I could be your breakfast, lunch and dinner."
Oh god that was so hot!!!

I just realized how unlucky I am...ahaha
Hope you make more SooSic :)