The Dark

Brighter Than Sunshine

Part XX (875 words)
The Dark


The lights are off and as usual Taemin is absolutely terrified, but for the first time it’s not for the same reasons. When he looks up, all he can see is Jinki―his smile, his nose, his cheeks, his eyes. Jinki is all he can feel, all he knows, all he wants, and that is what scares him. In the dark Taemin isn’t reminded of the accident but instead of the hidden touches, of Jinki’s warm hands as they brush over sensitive skin, of soft lips sweeping over his cheeks and pressing kisses to them. He’s afraid to want this as bad as he does, even if it’s too late to turn away―how can he even think of running when the very thought of Jinki makes him pink with exhilaration?

Jinki’s body traps Taemin underneath on the bed and he doesn’t ask if Taemin is okay because he already knows he is. When he kisses Taemin, he kisses him like he’s trying to steal the breath from his lungs, mouth hot and wet as it drags against Taemin’s, indulging in the younger man’s small whimpers and trembling lips. Jinki’s hands are burning as they trace lines into his skin, leaving a trail of searing fire in their wake and making Taemin’s eyes flutter closed as he sighs.

He barely conceals his disappointment when Jinki stops kissing him to lie on his side instead, dragging Taemin close so that his back is against the elder’s chest, Jinki’s nose buried in the crook of his neck. Taemin’s fingers curl into the bed sheets when he feels Jinki’s warm breath against the sensitive skin on the back of his neck, and his face flushes scarlet because he wasn’t expecting them to just snuggle.

“We’re not…?” he doesn’t know how to word his question, embarrassment intensifying even more after the words leave his lips.

Jinki just chuckles and Taemin hates him right then, hates how calm Jinki is compared to him. “Do you want to?” he asks instead.

Dismayed, Taemin realizes that Jinki was going make him ask instead of just giving him what he wanted. “I really hate you,” Taemin replies, snuffling and swallowing thickly. “I really, really do.”

“Oh, really?” Jinki asks, and his chest vibrates with laughter as he plants another kiss just under his left ear. Taemin jolts with surprise, electricity traveling through his veins and sending a shock to his groin. “Because I was under the impression that you were in love with me.”

Taemin is left speechless, unable to breathe when Jinki’s hands start traveling lower, digging into Taemin’s sides. He can’t help the gasp when Jinki’s fingers lift his shirt to expose his stomach to the cool air. Taemin struggles for a second, cheeks hot and panicking because he’d never done anything like this before. His entire body tenses to a halt when he feels teeth enclose onto his earlobe, involuntary moan trickling out of his lips. “Jinki―”

“Shh, Taemin-ah,” Jinki mumbles, pressing his hands into Taemin’s stomach and making the younger shudder and whine at the contact. “Just let me take care of you.” His voice is so comforting, so gentle and so earnest, and Taemin feels tears well in his eyes as he nods in response, pressing back firmly against Jinki’s chest.

He lets Jinki’s fingers trail over his skin, thumbing at his s until they are hard, tracing the slim curves of his body, sinking lower to slip into the waistband of Taemin’s jeans. Taemin lets the whimpers and moans out into the open, unable to help himself when the heel of Jinki’s hand presses against his crotch, hips bucking forward as he curses. Jinki continues rubbing him this way, marks into Taemin’s neck and whispering heated words that make Taemin hot all over.

Taemin has wanted this so bad, has dreamt about this so many times after that first time, that Jinki barely even touches Taemin’s before the younger is already with a low cry. Undeterred, Jinki him through the , and it isn’t until he’s trembling afterward that Taemin realizes what just happened. The mortification he feels in incomparable to anything that had ever happened to him before, and he covers his red face with his hands.

“Oh god,” Taemin mutters, curling into himself, “oh god, this is the worst.”

Jinki just laughs at first in response, but not mockingly so. He doesn’t let Taemin retreat very far before he’s pulling him back against himself again. “Hey,” Jinki mumbles, fingers pressing into Taemin’s jaw and turning his head so that their lips could meet in an indulgent kiss. Jinki’s tongue traces the contours of Taemin’s mouth, on his lower lip and biting it until it swells beautifully between his teeth. “Don’t worry about it.”

His fingers are digging into Taemin’s waist again and he trembles at the touch, loving the feeling of Jinki’s hands on his skin. “How do you expect me not to worry?” Taemin questions exasperatedly despite the happiness that swells in his chest at the sight of Jinki’s wet, pink lips and wide smile.

“You won’t worry because…” Jinki pauses for a second to peck another quick kiss against the younger’s lips, and Taemin breathing stutters when Jinki’s hands suddenly start slinking down again, the elder continuing to speak with an impish smirk as he says, “… we have all night.











a/n: sorry it took me so long to finally update this! i have no one to blame except for my own laziness... u__u;;
anyways, thank you all for sticking with me these past nine months despite my slow updates!
i hope you all enjoyed this fic as much as i enjoyed writing it <3

and nikki, this fic is for you. i love you lots <3 ^u^

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I'm not home, so no updates today.


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Chapter 20: nicely done :)
Chapter 20: nicely done :)
Chapter 5: I am so not rereading this whole thing...
This is so awesome!
Chapter 20: i completely agree with Louvegrise - I usually never read OnTae because honestly, it's one of the two ships (the other being TaeKey) that I don't like at all. All the other ships I can picture but this one... I just can't. Still, because it was your fic, I decided to read it and boy am I glad that I did! I absolutely love it! It was funny and cute and fluffy and heartwarming. It's probably one of the only (if not THE only) OnTae fic i like and I just want to commend you on your amazing writing in make these two interesting and fun to read to someone like me!

Amazing job. Fighting Author-nim!!
Louvegrise #6
Chapter 20: This is the first OnTae I read because usually I don't like OnTae, don't really know why ;; But I was interested by your abstract so I found myself reading the first chapter, and the secund, and the third, and I couldn't stop reading before I finished the story >< So yeah, your story was awesome! I really enjoyed reading it! Even if your chapters weren't very long, that was fine with me, to begin with the OnTae pairing >< I liked how Taemin was responding to Jinki XD And how Kibum and Gwiboon pushed them together XD
I think I'm going to check your other stories ><
Thanks for writing this one ♥
Chapter 20: my smuuuuuuut ;;;; nah. i am kidding. thank you aliza for finishing it ;; i loved it ;; and i am really looking forward to wild child and pirate of cloud9!! ^3^ or any ontae you are willing to write! /hug~
Chapter 20: *whistles* that was AWESOME lol