Chapter 1: L-locked?!

A little bit of Ice cream









“Hya! S-s-stop chasing me!” Taemin jolted as he ran towards the gate.
“Don’t run away from me. I’m not gonna hurt you…”
“You’re a monster! Monster don’t kill me.”  TT^TT 
“Have mercy. Penguins need me”
*He sees a door and went inside*                  
“O-o-oh!(amazed) It’s dark in here…”
 T,T “Me don’t like dark, dark, dark!”
“Omo. Hya! Wait! I just want…” walked inside as she chased him.



“I just want to have an autograph…” she sighed
“Oh. What the?!” tries to open the door,” Omo! It’s locked! Eotteokhae?!”
“Eotteokhae!!! The door wont open!”


“L-locked?!” Taemin panicked. “W-what do you mean locked? And who are you? Why do you look like a monster?”
                                                                                      “Wait. Are you a girl?”












Hi! I’m Kai Len, Lee Kai Len of section A.


I am a forth year student in Korea Arts High School.





                                                            blah blah blah…




I don’t like boys. No, I hate them.

(A man-hater,eh?)




I am in the same school as my longtime crush, love. (smiles)



Uwa! Aren’t I lucky or not?! (giggles)

You may think I’m contradicting my first statement…but I’m not.




He’s the only guy I would want to talk to, I would want to be with, he’s everything to me b-but…



                                                      HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW










Sheesh…enough about my life. Let’s talk about my love, my heart, and the only person who makes me go gaga.


Ah. Taemin-ah. I mean…(giggles) Taemin-oppa.



Well, He is an idol. A great dancer and a singer. Has a cute face and all…

Has a great smile, well he always smiles, great hair,, great teeth, cute face, cute cheeks, charming, wowow arms, and is skinny...




Just like me. Not that i'm bragging or anything. It's true.


                                                                AHAHA! We're compatible! My gosh.




Last year he and his group had a concert in Thailand and in Japan.



If only I got cash, I could’ve went to their concert. Oh well.

Life goes on.

                                                                   B-but I really wanted to go…




He’s kind and loving and handsome and handsome and handsome…





                                                                             Well, you get my point…










AHHHH… “Taemin-ah…”




I could see his face right now. Oh. “Taemin-ssi…”




He’s coming closer! Omo! “Taemin-oppa!”

*blush* *giggles*



“Oppa. Oppa. Oppa.”



He’s just an inch away from me. I mean his face, his…





Is he going to kiss me?

Maybe. Maybe!


Oh…I never expected this but (what the heck!) I dreamt for this moment to come!



Ah! All my hard work…










“Hya! Dongsaeng! You’re daydreaming again.” Seung yeon stacked a pile of books infront of me.




Daydreaming?! Sheesh.

Was I dreaming? B-but it all seemed real to me.

*remembers the dream*





                                                                   Oh, right! It was a dream. Taemin-ssi don’t even know me, why would he kiss me? Eh.



“Oh. I wasn’t day dreaming…”  I looked around,” We’re at the library?”




“Yes. You were daydreaming…it’s obvious, your eyes were closed, you were definitely salivating, your smiling and somewhat silently laughing, and you were blabbering Taemin’s name…And NO! We’re not at the library. We are having a field trip at an old palace…”



“With books?”


Seung yeon eyed me, “There are no books here.”


“Then what are these?! Eh?” points at the said books in front



“Hya. Hya. Hya. FYI, these are scriptures not some ordinary books...” Seung yeon took the scriptures and carried it to the next table.  “If you’re not helping me with the scriptures, you could go see Taemin. I heard he got hurt when he fell from the stairs.”



“W-what?! W-what did you say, Seung yeon-ah?” *panicks*




“I said…”


“No, I heard it the first time.” “Well, of course! When a person falls from a staircase, he will definitely hurt himself…Omo! Is he okay?”                  




What if he got a bruise or, even worse, a fracture!!! Or maybe he wont be able to walk again! W-what?!




Anni-o! Anni-o.


Stop thinking nonsense Kai Len! *pants*






“Hya. The staircase here is only up to four or three steps…why would you even worry…”




“Seung yeon-ah, I’ll just check up on him. Okay? See you later.” *hurriedly went out of the room*




“You two are not close. You never even had a conversation…” she sighed

“Why would you even be worried about him? Hm?”




“Because!” Do I need to spell it out to you?!



                                                                    You already know that I love him.



Well, unrequited love, that is.



“Hya! Where are you going?!”



I took my cute blue bag, my super special phone by the table and fled away…






I’m sorry, Seung yeon-ah, but I need to… *leaves the poor Seung yeon alone*





Taemin’s POV


“H-hyung. Why does my foot hurt?”  *confused*





“Maybe you’ve dislocated your joints.” Woohyun-hyung tried to move my feet on the chair.




Ouch! That hurt, you know!


A dislocation?! I can’t have a dislocation!




It’s the end of the world. *holds woohyun’s hand*




T^T   Hyung, take care of Key-hyung for me.



Please tell my family and friends that I love them.




Tell Minho-hyung I’m sorry for breaking his ipod. I never meant to smash it with the plunger…TT^TT




Tell Dino-hyung to return my bonnet…because if he doesn’t return it before the moment I die, I will haunt his everyday living!!!



Don’t eat Dino-hyung’s cooking when he asks you to…



Tell Chicken-hyung I’m sorry, I kinda flushed his pager in the toilet… I didn’t mean it…






                                                It was vibrate—y and all, so, I kinda dropped it in the toilet…when I borrowed it.






                                                And I kinda pushed the flush…I forgot his pager was in the toilet.




I’m leaving this world…without even finishing my penguin song.





Oh. How unfair life is.

(He’s taking the dislocation thing very seriously)





“A—am I going to d-d-die?”


Please. Answer me, hyung!



“Aish. What are you talking about? It’s merely a dislocation or maybe not.”




                                                          “I think it’s not that serious, anyway.”





J-jeongmallayo?! Hyung, b-but…

                                                          “Why’d you ask?”




“But you just said…I dislocated my…”




“I don’t know what even happened to you…am I a doctor? Huh?”

Hyung was being sarcastic with me…



                                                          That’s not nice, hyung!





“Taemin-ah, Let me guess, you think you’re passing away…by just falling from the third step of a four-stepped staircase?!”



He laughed at me.



*confused*                                                                      TToTT but y-you…




So, I’m not gonna die?









“Aigoo. What are you smiling about? I need to go back. Sonsaengnim gave me tons of scriptures for the upcoming cultural festival.”



“Scriptures? For what? Hyung?”




“Our section will be setting out a cultural talk for the festival. I’ll be heading to where Section A is, their preparing some scriptures for us.”



B-boring!     (‘o’)





“Oh.” As if, I’m really interested.





“I’ll see ya later, Taemin-ah. Don’t worry I’ll let someone accompany you…” he continued,” That is, if I found someone.


Nugu? *wide eyes*




                                                          TT^TT Hyung! Don’t leave me!





Kai Len’s POV



Eodiyo? Where is he? Oh.

How could I have missed him? Omo.




Uwa! This is one big palace. Imagine, four sections accommodated the place and, look, I cant even spot a single person. WOW! There are about 25 students in each section.






Chakkaman! Is that a student from Section C?

Oh. He’s heading this way!




“Excuse me!”


I don’t think he heard me. “Excuse me.”


Can’t he see me?!



Am I a ghost?




It’s Nam Woohyun. So, I was right! He is from Section C!


AHAHAHA!   Enough of the evil laugh.








Do I need to approach him? But he’s a boy.








“Oh. Kai Len-ssi, can you accompany Taemin-ah for a while?”


For a while? Make it a month, no, a year.



                                                          Make it a lifetime. *daydreams*

                                                          I don’t mind. Keke



Wait. Is this guy talking to me? Did he?



“Kai Len-ssi! Put’akhamnida. (please) Just for a little while.” Nam woohyun begged.



He is talking to me! XD




                                                I cant say no! Ahaha! I cant say no especially when it comes to Taemin-ah! I mean…Lee Taemin.





This is the chance of a lifetime! I have to grab it.



“Hm. Alright, woohyun-ssi. B-but…”


                                                          By the time I was about to finish my statement (ha!), he already left…waeyo? I’m not going to hurt him, anyway…



I just want to ask where taemin is…





Like (duh!) I’ve been searching all over for him…







          Kai Len was wandering around the palace for hours. Approximately 2 hours.


She went to the archery room and almost got shot by some Section C students.


Kai Len then went to the secret garden at the middle of the palace…


                                                “Uwa! This is one heck of a palace! There’s a garden inside!”


But she accidentally touched a beehive and got chased by angry bees.


                                      TT^TT “I don’t deserve this kind of unpleasant fate.”




She then headed to maids’ quarters and the kitchen palace… But, again something happened, she ended up in a sword fight between Sungjong and Sunggyu. The both of them were using the knives for swords.




                                                Son Dongwoon, Lee Gikwang, Hyuna, Jiyoon and Doojoon were there too, but they were taking pictures of some kitchen utensils. They are the Section A’s documentary group. (They are know as ‘The Cube’) They were busy, too busy that they did not notice Kai Len…




                                      “Why does everything in my life a failure? Look. Look at me, I’m a wreck because those stupid, insignificant bees chased me around, I almost got killed at the archery room and now, I’m supposed to fight these two…TT^TT” She whispered,



“Tsk. Tsk. Kai Len-ssi, if you’re not joining us, can you bring this awesome headdress to sonsaengnim?” Sung jong uttered


“We found it by the armory.” Sunggyu smiled



It was like an Indian Chief’s headdress.


“Is he ordering me?! H-how dare…”      


Sung jong placed the headdress on Kai Len’s head.




“Do I have a choice? Eh.” Kai Len sighed



Sungjong and Sunggyu smiled as they tapped her head. “That’s our good dongsaeng.”



“Am I a dog?!” She thought, “Hya. Don’t call me that! T^T I’m not a kid anymore…



She then left and continued to search for Taemin.

(She did not take off the headdress…I mean forgot to take off the headdress, she was busy thinking of Taemin)




                                                                   (Where, oh, where is he?!)








It was almost dark. And still no sign of him…

(Poor Kai Len)


                                      “Does he always disappear like this? Taemin-ssi, please…put’akhamnida!(please) Show yourself to me.” She cried



*snaps out*



                             “B-but I am not forcing you or ordering you…aah! J-just…AIGOO.” She was talking to herself. She was rather crazy but people go crazy when their in love.


She then went outside and something happened…




                                                          Something unexpected happened…






                             Kai Len stepped outside the court yard. She then found Taemin, who was picking some flowers…



He was rather happy when Kai Len saw him.


“He has a cute smile…keke…and for me, though no one at our section notices, he’s handsome and mature by the sense he’s immature.” She blabbered




                                                                   “Oh. I almost forgot. I brought my super special doodle pad. AHAHA!(evil laughs)” She continued,” I could let him sign it…keke. He wont mind, right?


She asked herself. (Is she expecting a reply?)




She then nodded. “Hm! I have to do this…”




Kai Len walked in a very fast pace as she headed his way. She was laughing, giggling, smiling and keeps on staring at him. She was 2 meters away from him




“AAAAAAAH!” She fell in to a pile of dried leaves.





“Oh, no! Penggu!!!!” Taemin screeched



“I cant see. Help! HELP!” Kai Len cried,


“Penggu! He’s dead. Why? TT^TT No. Not penggu!” Taemin walked near the pile of leaves.


He was teary and all…snot coming from his nose.



He then took a stick, a twig, to poke the said penggu, which is the pile of leaves.




“Penggu…T^T You left me here all alone…” Taemin continued,” Chakkaman! Why are you hard? Hm. And your all move-y and shake-y!”



“Ah…what happened?” Kai Len took her notepad and tried to stand up…

She was supposed to hand Taemin the notepad when…



“Ahhh! Penggu! You can move!?” He ran to the gate and to the streets.


Kai Len chased him.


“W-wait! Wait.”



“Penggu…TT^TT don’t kill me. S-stop chasing me…” Taemin headed to the old factory next door, next to the old palace, that is.


----->(OLD. OLD. OLD. OLDSVILLE)< -----



                                                                   “Penggu TT^TT… you are not penggu! Penggu is a penguin and penguins don’t chase Taemin!” 




Kai Len’s POV


“Hya! S-s-stop chasing me!” Taemin jolted as he ran towards the gate.


Wait. Wait. I just want an autograph…See? Look at my cute notepad…



“Don’t run away from me. I’m not gonna hurt you…”



“You’re a monster! Monster don’t kill me.”  TT^TT 


He thinks I’m a monster? *looks at self*


Oh. OMO! I forgot…I’m still wearing the headdress…I’m all covered with dried leaves…and my shirt is all ruined… Bees…sheesh


“Have mercy. Penguins need me”


*He sees a door and went inside*                  




“O-o-oh!(amazed) It’s dark in here…”

Taemin. Where are you?

Don’t go. Wait!


“Stop. STOP!” I was about to go inside…

When I heard Taemin’s voice…

 T,T “Me don’t like dark, dark, dark!”



“Omo. Hya! Wait! I just want…” walked inside as she chased him.




“Taemin, don’t go anywhere. You’ll get lost… T.T if you get lost…”



My whole world would explode!




“I just want to have an autograph…” she sighed


The door closed by itself. What’s this? A horro film? Eh.




“Oh. What the?!” tries to open the door,” Omo! It’s locked! Eotteokhae?!”


“Eotteokhae!!! The door wont open!”



“L-locked?!” Taemin panicked. “W-what do you mean locked? And who are you? Why do you look like a monster?”



“Of course, it’s locked!” I began to get all cranky.

I forgot all about Taemin and only thought about how to open the freaking door.


“T-this cant be!” I cried.


                                                                                      “Are you a girl?”


Huh? Then I noticed Taemin was behind me. About…3 to 4 inches away from me.


I faced him.



It was dark, so I wasn’t able to see his face but I know it was him…Taemin.


His manly features, and obviously his voice.


“Neh. I’m a girl…do you think boys where skirts? Hm?” I asked him.


                                                          “Oh. So you’re not penggu?”


“No. I’m not penggu…who’s penggu?”


                                                          “My imaginary penguin friend, which I made from the pile of leaves. If you didn’t know, I made a statue of penggu made of leaves!”




                                                          “And you’re not a monster, right?”


“Anni-o! Anni-o. I’m a Kai Len from section A.”


Wow. This guy is scared or what? Keke.

Don’t worry, Taemin-ah, Kai Len will be here…by your side…to help you.


I’ll comfort you and…



“Oh. Section A?” Taemin jolted. I cant believe he cut my daydreaming session...




Wait is that what I think it is?


It's a mouse. No. Mice are cute. RATS. Yes, that's a rat! A gross...rat


Rats are big, and gray and fat and pointy nose...




And aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!




(holds to Taemin. Taemin screams after seeing the mouse)



AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!Wait. why am i hugging Taemin? And...why is he...



*blushed while screaming of terror*













Chapter 2: A Rat, a Cat and a Hug. (T'was him carrying me)

This chap is a secert chap...




. 'Everytime I look up at the sky, same thoughts pop ot of my head like Where are you? I wanna know if you're doing fine or not? If you're pushing your self too much, I wanna be there telling you not to.' Kai Len's mind was so occupied,


she didn't even recognized someone came in from the back door.

"Aughh! I'm thinking too much again." She looked around. "Mmm... There's nothing to do in here" All of a sudden, everything turned dark. "Wha-!"





@luchia_pink_143mydhbb94 andK-popCANCER

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Azmaria_Rizz #1
haha? FUNNY? ...omo...wat happened to me? I didnot say it's funny!!!! ToT...hala..ngaa duha? lain na butang ku? oh well ang continuation..mag bday ku lg...
kalleninlove #2
OMG WHAT THE UP IS PENGGU T? LOL XDXD you posted chapter 1 twice dude............IM LAUGHING MY HEAD OFF!!! hahahaha xDXDXD TAEMIN S SO FUNNY! uPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Azmaria_Rizz #3
@SPECIALFRIEND...your tutu(idk) pm-ed me...kamsahamnida..
Azmaria_Rizz #4
silent readers shuld drop a funny comment... :) kamsahamnida....AWWWW.,y special friend hates me.
Azmaria_Rizz #5
comments...are...IDK...ahaha<br />
<br />
Azmaria_Rizz #6
now i think this fic isn't a one shot anymore...because someone wanted me to post...i mean update...
Azmaria_Rizz #7
@redandwhitecandy (sugarcane) i'll be doing a tribute for you..too...i dreamt it like..yesterday...It's about's kinda bit blurry(i mean the story plot) ...another one shot/..<br />
(If ever you see this comment)
Azmaria_Rizz #8
<br />
NXT NXT WEEk..okay kalleninlove?
kalleninlove #9
wrong spelling ang tha mo hahahaha
kalleninlove #10