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Bite Me


It's a starry Saturday night so I decided to have a stroll at the park near the house I'm staying at. The wind feels cold against my skin as I pass by. Winter is yet to be near. Why is it so cold? 


As I pass by the swingset, I saw a guy sitting there staring at the sky. Probably trying to count the stars. Something I have been doing for the past few days whenever I come here at the Park late at night. it wasn't such a bother since no one will be waiting or worrying about me at home. Besides, sitting in the park while counting the uncountable stars helps me relax my mind from thinking too much. 


Knowing that the guy probably has no companion for the night, I decided to approach him. 


" Hi. " I greeted then sat at the swing beside him. Upon closer look, you'll notice the he has large spectacles and he has curly hair. He kinda looked cute. I wonder where he's from. 


" Hi there. " he greeted back and smiled. I started to swing and hum a tuneless song. Was there even something like that? My mind. 


" Are you new here? " I asked just to try to make a conversation. A new friend would be nice don't you think? Besides, I haven't seen him around neither at the school so there could be a possibility that he is a lost boy or a teenager for the matter but whatever. at least I tried to show some care or something. 


" Ah. Yeah. In fact I'm still trying to find a house. Do you happen to know one? " he asked me. 


" Hmm. Not really. I don't think there's an apartment available here nowadays. " 


" That's too bad. " 


So he is trying to look for a house. Well, there is my house. 


" Uhmm, if it's fine, my house has extra rooms and it's only a few blocks from here. " I suggested. Yes, my house actually has three extra rooms. i don't even know why Dad bought such a big house when I'm technically living alone. 


" Are you sure about that? Wouldn't it be awkward if you live with me? We're still strangers after all. "  He sounded hesitant that caused me to smile. I forgot about that. 


" Oh yeah. i'm Sunny. Lee Sunny. " I offered my hand for a shake and he took it. I noticed that his hand are kinda rough and caloused. 


" Uhhh. Park... Park Do Bi. " Park Do Bi? What a weird name. 


" Nice to meet you Do Bi. So... Are you up for it? " I asked him again. I knew that what I'm doing is something ridiculous but who cares. I'm trying to be a good samaritan here. 


" I mean, are you really sure? I'm sort of weird. " he trailed and scratched his head and I just laughed. 


" Me too. " 




" So uhm, make yourself comfortable however you want to. " I told him after I gave him a little tour inside my house. 


" Thank you so much Sunny. I'd pay monthly rent as a payment. " 


" No need about that. This house is mine. " 


" How about bills? "


" Do Bi..... "


" I mean it. Really! There could be anything I could pay you with. " 


" Well, you could go out at night. Grab some random stranger and rip their hearts out. Cook it and serve it to me in the middle of the night." I told him and nearly pissed in my pants with his horror stricken face. 


" Wha-" I cut him off and laughed.


" Relax! I'm just joking! I'm not some sort of a cannibal or something. If you really want to help around, you could buy groceries in case they run out or maybe if there somes a time when I might need your help. " I offered him a smile then walked towards my room. It's getting kinda late. 


" You sure you're not gonna ask me to grab some random strangers heart? " he asked timidly and I just can't help but laugh. He really fell for that?


" No! " I shook my head profusely then opened my room door. " Your rooms right across mine so call me if you need anything! " I called out then went inside leaving him a little bit dumbfounded. Not my fault. 


This day is a little tiring but letting some stranger live inside my house won't be weird right? I mean come on! I have a big house and it's getting creepy sometimes with thse extra rooms that doesn't have any border. 




Monday came  by so fast. I didn't really want to greet Monday with my tired self but I couldn't sleep last night. I don't know why either. So far, Do Bi's been very gentlemanly and helpful. Sometimes he would crack some jokes that are too funny. Yesterday we had a little argument about him calling me a minion and then we sort of trashed the kitchen but after staring at each other, I didn't know but I laughed like it's the first time i've done it in my whole life. Do Bi is a really comfortable guy to be with but i really hate the fact that he's too tall. my face is just leveling with his chest. And he teases me because of that. 


Today I'm walking to school alone coz I don't know which school he goes and I forgot to ask But I guess he doesnt go to the same school as mine because I haven't seen him anywhere nor have I read his m=name from the school's ranking last thursday. Maybe I should ask him later becasue he's still sleeping when I left the house and I don't wan to be rude and wake him up so I just left a note in the fridge. Hopefully, he reads itbefore he goes. 



" Sunnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! " Even from the school's gate, I can hear Tiffany's loud voice and I can even see pink aura coming from her. This girl really. 


When she got near me, she was panting. " Teacher said he's gonna transfer you to a special section! " she shouted in my face so I wasn't abe to understand what she just said.


" Mr. Choi said that the school has a very special project going on and that involves you transferring to another section. " 


" SAY WHAT?! " 



" I shall not approve of this Mr. Choi! " I exasperatedly said to my homeroom teacher who was sitting in front of me here in the teacher's faculty. 


" Ms. Lee. It's the principal's decision. Something we can't simply object to. I hope you understand. This is for your grades too and for the reputation of our school. If those students don't pass the September test, they're gonna close the school. We don't want other student dreams to vanish just like that. " Mr. Choi sighed then held my hands. 


Why the heck would they close such a beautiful school?! SERIOUSLY?! Am I the only one who doesn't approve of this. 


" Ms. Lee, you're the only choice we've got. " He looked me straight in the eyes and I'm not so sure if I'm falling for the trap of my 21 year old homeroom teacher. I am not falling for those eyes. 






Or maybe not because I'm here standing in front of my new room. And stupid Fany who just squealed and and pusehd me out of our room. What a very supportive best friend she is. 


Upon entering, I noticed a stern looking teacher standing in front and all of the other students are there. Some are sleeping, some ar playing cards, some have their earphones and one is listening to the teacher. Or probably dozing off. Chai is, well, being chai. Glaring at me. 


ANd that's when I realized that I don't really know The Wolves individually. I just know them as a group but if you'll ask me to name them, it'd be impossobli since I repeat, I don't know them. 


The stern looking teacher clapped and gathered everyone's attention before motioning me to walk towards and introduce myself. Since, I'm a little scared of them looking at me like they want to me or something, I timidly introduced myself. 


" I- I am Lee Sunny. P-please be good to me. " I said quite too fast that some of them laughed me while the teacher just patted my shoulder. 


" Everyone, introdue yourselves. " SHe told them and asked me to sit in the front. 


The first one to walk in front is wearing thick eyeliners and he's so white. He has red hair and slightly small. But he's probably tall if I stand next to him. 



I'll cut it here for now ^^

I just wanted to update ah. 

Just take note of the small clues. :D


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Chapter 2: why you not updating.........PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 2: Please update soon autor-nim......Your story was amazing!
jeonsunhan #3
please update soon~
yow authornim!update soon~
143iloveyou #5
Chapter 2: Update soon please. I really really really want to know what will happen. I just read this today.
Chapter 2: update soon :)
Chapter 2: Update soon!! your story kinda awesome :p
chanxiuhan #8
Chapter 2: Update soon please^^
Lisasa #9
Chapter 2: Please update soon^^ i was thinking it is baekhyun who walked in since he wearing thick eyeliners lol
YoungRi95 #10
i'm waiting for the next update, author-nim~

Hehe :D