
She's Inlove with me [HIATUS]

Everytime I woke up, no one can greet me 'Good morning Juniel'. There's none but it's normal on me.  My mom and dad allowed me to live in other house. I don't care as long as I have my freedom but it's kinda sad. 

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

I pick up the phone, saw that my mom  is calling..... I answered it quickly. 

"Hello mom! I miss you!" I greeted her like a child.

"Hi baby! How are you? I missed you too. How's your bar? Are you going to sing there tonight?" Yes! I owned a bar, my mom gave it to me when I graduated. Luckily, my bar is very successful and when I have time I sing there. 

"Waeyo? Aniyo~ I won't. I'm not in the mood to perform." I mouthed. You know? I'm lazy to go there. 

"Ah. Nothing, I was curious. So, I gotta go now. Take care pretty!" Mom said in her very tiny sweet voice. I wish I can see her everyday. 

Now, what should I do? Err! This is what I hate about living alone.. Argh. 

After an hour of thinking on what to do, I already have a plan. I need to eat breakfast already, but what will I eat? Another thinking.

I went on my kitchen to see what's on. There's a cornbeef, chicken, mango, sushi, egg, sausage and cereal. I get a bowl and pour the cereal an milk. This is my stress reliever, FOOD! 

I keep on eating and keep on watching Romantic Idol, my baby Jonghoon will be having a date. I must die now. I don't want to watch it but I can't turn off the tv. How dramatic I am. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I really can't watch it, my heart is already broken because of him. I turned off the TV. "I need to move on." Am I stupid? Moving on to the person who didn't know me. Crazy Juniel!

I finished eating my cereal and wash the bowl. Now, I need to take a bath and I'll go to the nearest park! 




Note: Hello! Do you think chapter one is so short? I'm really sorry.. TT I'll make the other chapters long. So what do you think about chapter one? I know it's kinda' bored. Keke. Please comment, subscribe and vote! Kamsahamnida for reading. ^ Enjoy!


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Chapter 5: update please! ^^;;
mochi143 #2
update please!!! I really love ur story
Chapter 4: I am really liking this fanfic Micah! Please write more!
Chapter 2: I like it so far! It is really good!