Chapter 2

Fated By Hearts


I glared at my phone in my hand. How could I get the wrong phone? AGAIN! I looked his phone over. It's the exact same one as mine. I guess its understandable. I dialed my cell phone number.


"Hello?" A semi-familiar voice chimed through the phone. His voice seem to perk my mood up a little.

"You have my phone again." I heard him chuckle.

"You just now realized?" He was right, I had his phone for two days.

"I was kinda busy." Between work and couching myself to become the character of the role I was trying out for tomorrow, I barely had time to look at the phone.


"When can I get my phone back?" He asked like it was my fault he gave me the wrong phone.

"hm..." I pretended to think. "I'm starting to really like your phone. I might just marry it and keep it forever."

"You can, I'm already married to her." He joked back.

"Well I'm sorry to tell you this but she is having my babies." I held back laughter, but he didn’t.

"And how is that working out for you?" He asked, clearly amused.

"Not really well, she is demanding child support." I giggled. "You can get her tomorrow. Afternoon. I have something to do in the morning." I started on my evening exercises.


"Like what?" He asked. I tried to ignore the curious boy, but when he kept asking the same question over and over again, I finally gave up.


"An audition!" I finally said, then regretted I told him.

"What kind?" He asked. I sighed, I don’t know why, I didn’t really want to tell him. But I did anyway. For a moment, there was silence.


"What drama was that again?" His voice sounded like he was smiling.

"Fated By Hearts." I answered.

"Who are you auditioning for?" He is a very curious boy isn’t he?

"The main girl character." I stared on my treadmill.

"Do you know the other characters yet?" Whats with the twenty questions? I didn’t say that out loud though.


"Not yet. But there is rumor that they picked the main guy character but it hasn’t been released. I hope they do that when they pick the girl." I informed him.

"Oh." Was all he said. All those questions and he says oh?

"Where do you want to meet at?" I asked.

"Uhm... bookshop next to the auditorium, its quiet there."



"Hello?" I said into the phone but he already hanged up. I glared at the phone and tossed it carefully onto the nearest couch. to continue running. Thirty minutes later, I started on my punching bag. My roommate, mostly my best friend, and I got one to help protect us from weirdos that hang around Seoul.


And also if my old bullies from high school try to pick on me again. About an hour later, I decided to stop and eat. My best friend, Dajeong, is working late tonight, so I hope, since I have to get up early in the morning, I'll be able to sleep. Since I was getting nervous about tomorrow, I decided on eating something light. Eating the Ramen noodles I cooked, I couldn’t stop thinking about the beast member that had my phone. Why couldn’t I remember his name?


I googled Beast to find out his name. I remembered all the other members name but his. Gikwang. I sighed in relief and looked closer at his phone. On the back, it clearly red, Gikwang. Really? I glared at the phone and ate some more. Sitting there, I got curious about their music, so I typed in and typed in b2st. I clicked on the first one. Breath? I watched the music video insently. The phone rang, without looking at the caller ID, I answered it.



"Is that our song?" Gikwang's voice asked.

"No." I lied.

"Is too! I know our own song." He accused.

"You cant prove anything!" I giggled and paused the video.

"Well Yoseob wanted me to tell you he is coming to make sure you don’t try to kidnap me." He joked.

"Oh yeah because I definitely want to kidnap you, all you have to do it run over me again then your free to go." I joked. I know it was a poor comeback but hey I wasn’t really paying attention to him. I paused the screen on Gikwang's part. He started talking about when we will meet up but I started to daydream....


"Are you listening to me?" He asked a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Yeah, of course." I lied again.

"What did I just say?" He tested me.

"You said, what did I just say." I smiled, taking another bite.

"Before that." I could tell he was smiling.

"You asked me if I was listening." I avoided to go past that. Thankfully, I heard someone scream loudly on the other line. He sighed.


"Be there at two."



What is with this boy and hanging up? I sighed once again and started the music video over. I got addicted to the song, so I replayed it. Then I replayed it again, then again. Then again. I wanted to ignore the phone as it started to go off again. By the third ring, I grew aggitated so I answered it.


"Hello?" I asked absentmindedly.

"You are listening to my song." This time, it wasn't a question. I didn't bother to push pause.

"I was curious." I finally admitted.

"So does that make you a fan?" I heard a smirk through his voice and tried to picture it.

"No." I lied.

"You don't like the song?" He sounded offended.

"Its okay, I guess." I played it off. I hoped my voice didn't give it away.

"How many times have you watched the video? I called you an hour and a half ago and you were listening to it then." He read right through me.


"Only a couple of times." I lied once more. Then glanced at the clock. 11:30.

"How many times is-" he started but i interrupted.

"Okay. well gotta go, see you tomorrow, bye!" I hung up. What? At least I said bye. I felt bad that I hung up on him, so I started to call him back but changed my mind and went to bed.


My alarm went off at 8 the next morning. I quickly jumped in the shower and throw on the clothes I got Friday from the mall. Applying a little bit of make up and brushing my teeth, I left my bathroom. On the table of the kitched there was a box of blueberry muffins, my favorite, with a note.


'Good luck on your Audition! Here are some of your favorite breakfast foods so you don't have to eat mine :) Good luck! I'll be here waiting on you to tell me you got the part! BYE DAJEONG'


I smiled at the note and put it in my pocket. Then grabbed a muffin and left my apartment.


I arrived a little early but I signed in. Mostly before i could chicken out and change my mind. The waiting room was an average doctors waiting room. There were a few girls waiting patiently.


"Sim Cheonsa." I got up and followed the really tall, but skinny, woman to the auditorium. The auditorium was surprisingly big. It has a stage with the audience facing it. A desk sat on the first row. The woman that just call me sat next to a guy at that same table. I made my way to the stairs that led to the stage. Taking a deep breath, the Beast song I had listened to last night had flashed into my head. Trying to hold back my laughter, I stepped onto the stage.


"Sim Cheonsa. You were one of 500 applicants. Only 10 of them are auditioning." The man said in a deep, professional tone. I nodded. Wow. I am one of 10, out of 500? "Here is your script." He handed me a booklet.


"Turn to page 23. You will start at the part were the main characters meet for the first time. Start when your ready."


I flipped through, and like I practiced many times before I became the character. I tried to feel what she was going through, what I went through, before I met Dajeong. I took another breath and nodded to the man to tell him I was ready.


'Mi-cha leans against the edge of the roof.' I leaned against the that was props for the roof and pretended to look over the city.


"Excuse me? May I join you?" A voice came from behind me. I turned to glare at the boy, like it says in the script. I tried to stop myself from being too shocked at who I saw.


"May I?" He asked again. I quickly recovered and continued the lines.

"No, I was here first, go back to your friends, Yongjun." I turned back to look out at the city. He crept up and sat on the table, pretending to sit on the ledge.


"I just asked to be polite." He smirked down at me while I held my glare. "It doesn't matter what your answer is, I'm still going to stay up here."

"Good job!" The director shouted, ending the scene, between me and guess who? No one other then Gikwang himself.

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