Chapter One

Fated By Hearts


I glared at the big glass doors in front of me. It was closed, CLOSED! How could it be closed? It was friday afternoon. I wanted to get a new outfit for a try out I had on Monday. I was suppose to be trying out or a part in a drama. Aside from acting, the auditon also included a dance routine and a singing part. I was trying out for the main girl character. This was my first public audition, so you can imagine my nervousness. This was my dream. To become an actress. And someday I will. 
The main guy in the drama was unknown yet. But there was rumor that they already had the main guy pick out. It was called 'Fated by heart' . It was about a girl, hopefully me, going to South Korea from a different country, in my case America. She was an orphan but grew up in South Korea. She had a hard life growing up. Everyone constantly picked on her. Even in High School, she was always picked on. She had no friends until a new boy came, the 'hero', and became the most popular guy in the school.Everyone looked up to him and admired him. Soon, he caught on to the fact that everyone was picking on the poor orphan girl. The two young kids always bumped into each other secretly, like on the roof, where she would hide from her evil classmates. When he lends a helping hand she trys to push him away, showing him she didnt need anyone. But he ignored it, and finally after a while they became friends. Then she gets into a terrible accident and loses part of her memory. He trys to help her remember everything, anything. He spends extra time helping her and finally gets her to remember. By then thery are already attached to each other.
  I felt like the part spoke out to me because in the beginning, the girl and I were alike. I too was an American living here in South Korea, also an orphan. I was picked on all my life. Throughout highschool and even sometimes now that I am an adult. But no guy came to my rescue. So maybe, I thought, I could escape reality for a while and pretend I was the character I hoped to play.
"Are you ok?" A lady asked curious. I realized I was still glaring at the store while my mind wondered dreamily. 
"Oh.. uh.. yeh." I replied with a smile, a quick bow and rushed on. Now where am I to go? I scratched my head thinking. My second favorite store was near by, so I decided that would work well. I skipped to my next destination hopping the day was going to turn around. I looked up at the tall building that held clothes from my 2nd favorite store, hesitant to go in. I took a deep breathe and started towards the door when BAM I landed on my . Yeah that hurt.
"Are you alright?" A sweet voice asked, reaching out a hand to help me up. I took it, allowing them to help me up. 
"Why did you attacked me?" I asked the person smiling and brushing myself off. I looked up to find a young looking boy standing in front of me. 
"Are you ok?" He asked again, his eyes twinking in curiosity. He looked familar, but I could pinpoint how. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry I was in your way, I'm sure your in a hurry." I said stepping out of his way. His smile was gorgeous and mesmerizing, showing all his pearly white teeth. His eyes showed amusement and for a short moment, I was stunned by his smile, when I heard a shout. 
"He's over here!" A young girl yelled, following her was a mob of girls. 
"Thanks." He mumbled, quickly grabbing his phone off the floor. He ran away from the crazied mob of girls chasing after him. Just before the girls got to were I was standing, I grabbed my phone off the floor. Before they could stomp on it, breaking it. I waited for the line of girls to end before I made it inside the store. I picked out something cute but simple, blue jeans and a light blue shirt. I wasnt trying to look y ok? I was fitting the part. I made it to the check out when my phone rang. Thats weird. Noone has my phone number, I only have it in case of an emergency. Without checking the caller ID, i answered it.
"Hello?" I asked only half interested in the conversation.
"Hey, where are you? Hyung is looking for you, you were suppose to be here thirty minutes ago." The voice on the other side seem annoyed but playfully too. 
"Im sorry. you have the wrong number." I told him and quickly hung up. Seconds later, it rang again.
"Who is this?" It was the same voice that called moments before.
"Well since you called my phone, why dont you tell me your name first?" I teased.
"I asked you first." He joked with me, but I heard weird swishing noises and a new voice came over the phone.
"Where are you?" His voice was deeper and more annoyed then the other boy's. 
"I told your friend, you have the wrong number." I payed the cashier for the clothes and left the store. I decided to get a smoothie from the smoothie king just across from the store. 
"Who is this?" The guy asked me sounding a little more irritated. 
"You tell me who this is, then maybe I'll tell you who you are talking to. " I stated. I tried to hold back the laughter that was trying to burst from me. Once again, I heared the phone make more swishing noises. The guy who called in the first place had now taken the phone to say,
"Where is Hyung?" The male sounded worried. Like I, of all people, would do something to his hyung. 
"Who?" I asked something wasn't adding up.
"Sorry, I'm late." I heared a new voice say on the other side of the phone. I assumed he was the guy that they were talking about. 
"Hyung!" The guy yelled while still on the phone with me. 
"Ok. Good, so you found him. Bye bye now!" I said, ready to hang up. 
"Hold on." The boy said. I heard a few whispers. Something about 'what happened to your phone'. Then I heard the boy they were looking for say something about how he was holding it. Then I couldnt hear anymore. I sighed just as I started to hang up, another voice come on the line.
"Hello?" A boy asked. It was the voice of the guy they were looking for. 
"Hello?" I asked back confused. 
"Are you the girl that ran into me earlier?" I could hear the smile in his voice. It made me smile as well.
"Oh you mean the girl to ran over? Yea that's me." I guess it was the same guy. As he spoke, I realized I recognized his voice.
"No, way you totally ran me over." He joked.
"Yeah, well I'm on my way to the hospital now. Between you running me over and your crazy fangirl mob, I have a serious injury." I lied, smiling big.
"Really? Can you get smoothie at the hospital?" 'Busted'. I looked around and didnt see anyone.
"They are about to. They are adding it to the menu." I heard a chuckle. 
"Meet me outside." With that, he hung up. I glared at the phone until the picture light up. My eyes grew large the picture was of the boy I ran into with five other boys. Definitly wasnt what I had on my phone. I sighed as everything started to make sense. I got my smoothie and about halfway to the outside door, the phone rang. 
"Hello?" I said. I didnt bother to look at the caller ID, I know I wouldn't recognize the name. 
"Are you out of the hospital yet?" The voice chimed in. I giggled. 
"I think i'll stay in here for a while." I joked, slowly heading out of the smoothie king. "I don't get ran over in here.
"Haha. Come out." I giggled and hung up the phone. I walked even slower to the door. Seconds later the phone rang again, a text message. I opened it up.
'Are you really walking slower?' I smiled and texted back.
'I'm seriously hurt. Hint: reason why I'm in the hospital.' I giggled and finally made it through the door. I started to limp to the closest table outside and sat down. 
"OMO- You really did hurt her!" A brown haired guy exclaimed rushing to me, examing my 'hurt' leg. I tried to hold back laughter. He was tall and had a thin, long face. I recognized his voice as the one who called me first. 
"I did not!" Two more guys followed him. They all took seats around me, eyeing me like I was a terrorist. 
"What?" I asked confused and slightly amused.
"You don't know who we are?" One of the guys asked. His voice was the voice of the person I had talked to second. I glanced at the phone and lite it up. The three guys in front of me, were three of the guys in the picture. Above that, they had a name. It all snapped as I realized where I had seen them before. 
"Your B2ST?" I asked unsure, hoping that they didnt realize that it was a question.
"Your not a fan?" The brown haired pouted. I recognized him as Dongwoon. 
"I dont listen to music much." Which I dont. I only know the name and members because the girls I work with are completely obsessed with them.
"But you know who we are?" Asked the guy I talked to second on the phone, I recognized him as Doojoon. 
"Most of you." I said shyly. Shockingly, I couldnt rack my brain to remember the third member. 
"Which one do you like the most?" Yoseob asked curiously. I shrugged. 
"Well you realize, you have my phone?" The third member asked. I looked at him. He was so stunning, I couldnt think to remember what his name was.
"Yeah. Sorry." I hand him back his phone. The silence dragged out for a while. 
"Um.. well wheres my phone?" I asked him. 
"I guess you will get that when your hurt leg gets better." My mouth dropped open as he started to walk away. The other two members continued to sit stunned.
"Oh no you dont." I jumped up quickly and stood infront of the door, blocking his path. I gave him my best glare, but his adorable smile made it lighten up. 'Thanks' I thought as I smiled back.
"Here." he handed me my phone and left.
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