Chapter 3 - Cold Memories

I Can Dream Too!

I'm sorry, i hate a sad bom as much as the next person but this chapters an angsty one so be prepared ^^


“Park Bom, do you know what time it is?” My brother blocked my path to my room, arms crossed and his eyebrow raised.
“I’m sorry I stayed late and forgot to call.” I winced slipping my shoes off at the door.
“That’s ok, just remember next time. I was worried.” He sighed and pulled me into a tight hug.

My brothers’ name was Yung-Soon Park. He’s 25, tall, medium build, dark hair and almond shaped eyes. His sharp features gave him the impression of being tough but on the inside, he was as soft as a pillow.

“Are you hungry?” He question, letting me go and leading me to the kitchen.
“Mmm… I’m starving.” I clapped my hands together in happiness as I breathed in the delicious scents as I followed him.
“I know you aren’t quite used to Korean food again yet and thought you might enjoy some American food. “He said sheepishly handing me a plate.

I looked down at the round bun and peeked inside to see he tried to make me a traditional American burger and smiled.

“Oh Oppa~ So thoughtful.” I giggled.

He blushed and led me from the kitchen to the lounge room.

“Do you mind if we watch the game?” He asked as we comfortably sat on the couch, his eyes wide and pleading.
“It’s fine.” I shrugged as he turned up the television.

We sat in silence for a while before he interrupted;


“Bommie-ah, I got a phone call from Lee Ha Rin today.” He chewed quietly, observing my expression carefully. My body froze and chills ran down my spine. Swallowing, I tried to remain calm;

“Yeah, her and Chaerin want to come visit, they were coming back to Korea for the summer and-“ I cut him off.
“How long before they arrive?”
“In a couple of days. I know you and Chaerin drifted apart after the accident but-“
“I’m going to bed.” I slammed my plate down and got off the couch.
“Bom, we need to talk about this.” He pleaded.
“No, we don’t.” I replied harshly.
“You’re not the only one who feels pain Bom. They lost their parents too.” He snapped.
“But it’s my fault they’re dead,” Tears spilled from my eyes, “That’s why I don’t want to see them.”
“No, Bom it’s not-“ He got off the couch and attempted to reach me.

I jolted away and ran to my room locking the door. I hated when he brought this topic up. That’s why I left the country, I couldn’t bear to hear the pitiful excuses for what I did. I was the one that killed them that day.No-one understands that it was my fault. I gripped my knees as I fell onto my bed, loud sobs heaving in my chest.

* * *

My eyes were clouded with tears as I choked on the smoke. My legs and arms felt weak and wobbly as I crawled along the broken glass and dirt.

“UMMA! APPA!” I screamed. Stumbling upright, I grabbed onto the wheel of the overturned vehicle. I looked around the burning wreck for any signs of life. Feeling dizzy, I grabbed my matted hair and was surprised when I pulled it back to see blood on my hand.


Chaerin.Rushing to the other side of the wreck I saw her laying on the ground, covered in blood.

“Chaerin! Chaerin! Can you move?” My lip quivered as I grabbed her soft hand.
“Bo-Bommie. My legs stuck.” She was crying hysterically, unable to move. Her chestnut eyes met mine with fear as I began looking for a way to pull her out.
“Don’t worry Chaerin,  I will help you, I will- “ I stopped mid-scream.

I jolted awake with a cold sweat, tears running down my cheeks. Brushing my fridge from my eyes, I wrapped my arms protectively around myself, my heart pounding in my ears. I hadn’t dreamed that since… Shaking my head, I looked down at my shaking hands. It’s just a dream. I tried to convince myself but to no avail as I knew it was once real. It was a memory from a terrifying past. Cradling myself, I laid back down in a tight ball and closed my eyes. Though I knew it was next to impossible to go back to sleep now.  

* * *

We sat in peace, the morning rays lighting up the kitchen. The soft warm colours making the room seem homely and peaceful if it wasn’t for the tension in the room. Yung-Soon and I sat quietly eating breakfast  a dark aura hanging over our heads.

“I’m sorry about last night Bom. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Yep,” I replied harshly, but winced at my own words, “I’m sorry i-“
“Good Morning Bom, Yung-Soon.” Ari interrupted as she bounced into the room, giving him a light kiss on the cheek. She was a petite girl, rounded features, soft honeycomb hair and a kind personality.
“Did- I interrupt something?” She asked, looking between the two of them.
No, I’m going to be late for work.” I scraped my chair back and dropped my plate in the sink.
“Will you be home for dinner?” Worry lines creased his forehead.
“No, you can eat without me.” I hurried from the room, slipped my shoes on and bustled out of the apartment.  I could hear his sigh as I closed the door with a click behind me.


A/N: I haven't updated in almost a week and i give you a short chapter. *Face Palm* I'm so sorry -.-' Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. ^^ There will be more TopBom next time <3 YAY!!!! I Love You All xx 'Till next time, Toshie_Marie

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codebtz #1
Chapter 13: hahaha omg plz continue...its amazing.fighting authornim!!
65384084 #2
Chapter 13: It's really something,.....please update soon
topbom21bang4eva #3
Chapter 12: Oh damn authornim please update soooooonn~
Panda90 #4
Chapter 10: Kyaaaakh!! Update soon >.<
Chapter 10: update soon! Update soon! :D hello! New subscriber's here.. well, I forgot to subscribe your story so I just subscribed it~ And, update soon okayyy!!
Chapter 10: OMG! Seunghyun confess! KYAAAAAAAA
Chapter 5: Oh gd you little tease ^3^
idlearound #8
Chapter 6: Hi there, new reader here. And I really love reaing this fun-filled & light mood story. ^_~
Hope to read more topbom moments soon!