Meet the house

Desperate Love

Jieun was dumfounded. The secret port they were talking about was a two stories house. She looks around and all that she founds were woods. Woods everywhere. Jieun sighed.

"We're here!", one shouted. He look out at Jieun and held out his hand. "You want to come in ?", he smiles.

"Oh sure ~", Jieun took the guy's hand. She glance at him and saw him blushing. Jieun just gigle silently. 'Kyeopta!'

The other elevens walk in the house with them. Many reactions were given. 

Jieun stood at the front door. Her jaw dropped in amazement. The house was to fancy to be built in a deep woods. There was a big tv brand samsung in the hall way with a coffe table in the middle and two sofa around the table. If you walk further, you'll see a kitchen filled with many kinds of food.

The guy who was holding Jieun's hand earlier let go. 

"Lets show your room first," the one who traded the offer said while pointing to a stairs.

"Okay." Jieun replied.

The others followed them upstairs to show her room. There were laughing and hissing heard. Sometimes Jieun wonder how could they live with twelves different guy with different personality.

Jieun was wandering. Then, she bumped into the guy in front of her. ( He gave her a weird look like this -> o_O ). They stopped in front of a room.

"Here's your room!", one shouted from behind. The others just laughed over his dorky personality.

Jieun took a look around and nodded in satisfaction. "Pretty ~", she mumbled and turn around, facing the twelves. "How do you guys decorate this room ? I mean- it's too pretty/clean for a guy .. You understand right ?"

A guy was just about to answer when there was a thirteen years old look like kid came in. "Guys ! Who's up for some pizza ?", he shouted so the others can hear. He held his phone tightly.

"Me !"

"Me too !"

"I want too ~"

"Hey ! Don't leave me ~ I want pizzasssss too"

Many comments were heard. 

A look like gentle guy chuckled. "Minsoo ah ! We have visitors here ~", he said hummingly.

"Sup!", the kid wave at Jieun. She waves back. "Sooooo.... I'll just make it 13 boxes ?"

"Will do", a guy nodded. "Now the others, you can go back to your bunks or go straight to the hallway ! Pizzas waiting for us ~", he shouted playfully =3

The others just walked out of the room leaving Jieun alone. Just when Jieun was about to close the door, a guy came in. "Hey .. Made yourself like home okay ? Anyway, come down in 5 minutes. We'll meet you at the hallway". 

Soon after the guy closed the door, bad memories came tickling Jieun around ! 'Aniyaaaaaa !!!!' Jieun wailed in her thoughts. Again, tears started to flow down her cheek ="(


A/N: Annyeong !!!! Yeah I'm back ~ Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes or anything. I know, i know. It's very hard to tell who's who. Don't worry! I'll reveal everyone in the next chapter =D Btw, thanks for those who subscribe *wink ^.<



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Sounds really interesting! Update! xD
Arasseo my buddy......palli update!