Surviving the woods

Desperate Love

Jieun ran and ran non-stop. Tears flow down her pale cheek. Jieun tried to forget the fight she had earlier but failed. The forest seems to get thicker by the moment Jieun ran. She found herself completely alone and lost but she doesn't even care.

Finally, she stops by the flowing river. She took two steps further and kneeled beside the river. She cupped the water with both of her hands and took a sip at it. Jieun let out a small 'ahh~' for the refreshing water. After that, she washed her face with the water to keep her eyes wide open.

Jieun stands up. She has no where to go now. She decided to just build a camp fire and a small tent made out of woods downright there. Fortunately, she knows several tips on how to survive in the woods.

She started to gather nearby sticks and stack them at one place. Jieun pick out a box of matches that she always keep in her pocket. When the fire has light up, she blow the matches and throw it. Jieun fanned the fire to make it bigger. She kept the remaining woods beside her.

After the fire are done, Jieun looked for a fallen tree nearby. She build an A-frame shelter by stacking branches along both sides of the fallen tree, then over the branches with lots of leaf.

Jieun knew she gonna need foods and purified water for tomorrow. Since she was near a river, she decided to catch some fishs. Jieun took one long stick and sharpen the end with her pocket knife. She walk slowly into the river, letting her pant gets wet. Despite the cold water, she managed to catch three fish.

The fish were covered with leaves, not wanting the other wild animal to eat it. Jieun then found a kettle. She thought it must have been left by the owner so she use it to boil waters.

Jieun stands in front of her tent and the handmade fire, admiring her handwork. "That should do ..", she mumbled to herself.

While she was admiring, Jieun heard bushes moving and making noises. She look around trying to figure out where the hell did the noises come from. She saw someone running in the bushes but it doesn't make sense because the thing was very fast.

Then she realise she's not alone. Jieun eyes froze at a body figure.

"You shouldn't be out here, dark and alone girl". The guys in the black shirts smirked.

Jieun look around and found out there were twelve of them. Looking fierce and scary. She's terrified !

"Uhuh ! I know .." she mumbled

The guy slightly vanish in front of her and re-appeared at the back of her. "You smell sweet ..", the guy said while smelling her at the neck.

"Yah ! Stop it ! You're scaring her .." the other interfere. This one looks kind. Short black hair, has an average height for a boy and wears a white t-shirts. "Pabo !" he said while knuckles his friend's head.

Jieun let out a small giggle. "Ouch ! It hurts ! Sish .. Typical friend". With that, he left Jieun alone.

The one who has been watching them from the first place took two steps forward. "So why are you here ? Alone, in the dark .. far from town ?". He sounds kind enough for the lady. At least, not all of them are fierce and scary ( right ? )

The guy was waiting for an answer but nothing come out from Jieun's mouth. "It's okay if you don't want to tell us," he look around and saw a built tent and campfire. "But you should be staying with us .. There are lots of wild animals here and we don't want you to be eaten"

"Uhuh .. Sounds convincing. Twelve random guy, and a girl in the house ?" Jieun said.

"It's okay if you don't want to follow us back to our port. We can just leave you here .. Being eaten by a bear .." another one interrupt. This one is very tall ! Even Jieun has to look up to hear him. He was ready to leave now.

"Wait ! I'll follow you guys .. Just promise me you won't do something to me ?" Remembering she gonna have to face all the danger by staying in the woods alone, Jieun accepted the offer.

"We won't. Don't worry !" another one came to the front. He looks very cute, according to her.

"Lets not waste our time shall we ?" the one who propose the offer speak. "Follow us" he said to Jieun with a warm smile. Jieun just nodded.

Now, they're currently heading to their secret port followed by Jieun. 'I wonder how its gonna turn out' ? Jieun just sighed.



A/N : Updated ! Sorry for my english mistakes TT.TT  Btw, thanks for those who subscribe ^^;;

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Sounds really interesting! Update! xD
Arasseo my buddy......palli update!