Chapter 3

The Wolves And The Beauty



*Pftt* I felt something heavy on my fallen body; I didn't dare to open my eyes because I knew it wasn't anything tame or cute. The scent of beast and the heavy breathing hinted me everything but I doubted myself that something like that would happen.


'It's going to be alright’ I told myself but then as soon as I opened my eyes, reality hit me, I knew that nothing is going to be alright. The wolf was greeting me with its red eyes and its fangs. Shivering inside, I closed my eyes again and felt something more appear around me.


'Once a wolf find its prey, the latter dies with numerous attacks' I gulped as I saw eleven more that surrounded the beast that was still on top of me.


"Wolf.... It’s not a wolf" I tried to make the image disappear by blinking. The weight on me became lighter. I opened my eyes to something surprising; it was a guy with red hair.


"Seems like hyung got us dinner for tonight" someone with nasal voice said and the red haired guy smirked as he replied, "I guess we will have a big feast tonight" I felt goose bumps on my skin.


"Feast? You cannot have me as your feast!" I tried to push the him off but I could not with the help of my shaky hands. I felt him stand up and in the next second, I found myself being carried over someone’s shoulder.


"Be quiet, we don't give mercy to people like you" a deep voice said and I felt a sting on my bottom. My eyes widened, 'did someone just slap my bottom?'.


The wind became strong and I noticed that they were sprinting to a direction towards the inner forest. "I WANT TO GO HOME, LET ME DOWN" I kicked my legs and hit the person.




*Thud* I felt my body sway from the top and hit the ground hard. I looked around with panic; it was a decent house that people in the forest stay in. Twelve bodies, twenty four eyes and twelve smirking lips were seen in front of me. I wanted to crawl away, I wanted to go back home.


"Jiyoung!" I cried out loud and they smiled at me as if they were trying to stop themselves from laughing. My shoulders dropped, my heart failed to keep me company and my mind told me to give up already.


"Keep quiet, will you?" I looked at the guy with a slim face who crossed his arms. "Just do what you want” I glared at them, maybe it was fate to meet them. Maybe it was time for Jiyoung to deserve more love from Umma and Appa. She always did.


"So this is life" I sighed and looked at them again. "Any last words?" the guy with purple hair said and I teared up before breathing in deeply, "I don’t care anymore, don’t waste your precious time. Just transform back into your true beastly form and eat me already" I spat at them.


In a second, I faced the left side and felt a sting on my cheek. I could feel something trickling down my cheeks and in second I knew it was my blood. Laughing inwardly, I glared at the red haired guy with hatred, “so is that all you’ve got?”.



I had no idea what had gotten into me, I looked at them with a smirk but deep inside I was broken. I looked at the floor as I gritted my teeth; I wanted to hide my emotions from those beasts in front of me.


Someone approached me, I looked up and saw one of them with short hair kneel in front of me. He placed his hand near my cheek and saw light coming out from his hand. I felt a tingling sensation on the spot where the red hair guy hit me.


He got up and I felt that the cut had been healed. ‘They are truly monsters’ glares came from my eyes as I looked at them. “I have no appetite, thanks to you” I heard a deep voice and felt my hopes raise. One by one, they began to leave my side.


“So does that mean I can go home now?” I heard my mind and voice at the same time.


“Have you ever heard of anyone leaving this place once they enter it?” one turned with a smirk.   


My heart sank, once they disappeared from my sight; I touched the spot where the wound was. ‘If they don’t kill me now… what will they do to me?’ I bit my lips and I could sense someone watching me from somewhere so I turned around every corners, only to find nothing.


Time passed and I laid down on the ground, placing my head on my arms. I thought of Umma, Appa and Jiyoung as I stared at the ceiling. Never knew that a time like this would come, but even if it was bound to come; it was too early.


-End of POV-


-Authors POV-


As soon as Minyoung drifted off to sleep, one of the wolves walked out of his hiding spot. Sniffing a bit before he appraoched Minyoung, his lips formed a firm line.


“I’m sorry that you have to suffer this” His long finger traced over to her pink skin where the cut used to be.


‘Goodnight... Minyoung’ looked at her one last bit before walking away with a heavy heart.

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Chapter 5: please update soon ,, I think Luhan likes her :)
Chapter 5: that someone knows her. I just hope it will be Luhan. pleaseeeee let it be Luhan
JeonMinyoung #3
Chapter 5: lol. our food is eating our food xD
Chubbiee #4
Chapter 4: that person knows her.. wonder who is it
JeonMinyoung #5
Chapter 4: Wow what. i wonder who the person at the end was
Chapter 3: Aaaah~~ they're exo!
Update soon~
I wonder where's jiyoung
Chapter 2: Minyoung is the main character am i right?
Where's exo? ><
Update soon~
JeonMinyoung #8
Chapter 1: omo is jiyoung going to make minyoung go into the forest or something? :O