BORN as a BOY,GROWN up as a WOMEN?

Jaejoong woke up early on saturday morning.

'Maybe i should have a part time job' Jaejoong thought.

'I need money to buy the airplane tickets to gwangju and cheaju-do'Sighed jaejoong.

Jaejoong walked to her bathroom to take her bath.


Jaejoong walked in every store to ask her to work there as a part timer.

Well,every store said 'We can't accept High schooler' and 'Sorry,but were are not short with people'

For 3 hours,Jaejoong searched for a store to work.

But suddenly,A man approuch Jaejoong "Do you want to be a model?"

"No."Jaejoong said coldly,because he know that's is totally a fake smile anyway.

"Here is my card.You can call me if you change your mind"The man took off hiss sungllases,showing off his handsome face.

Jaejoong gave him a glare.Jaejoong just walk pass him leaving the man that was holding his business card.

The man didn't gave up.He chase after Jaejoong.

"Will you be my new magazine model,pretty please?"The man start to kneeled infront of Jaejoong.Everybody that saw the scene was staring unbelieveably.

"DO YOU GET IT ALLREADY!!!!NO IS A NO.........I DONT WANT TO ME ANYONE MODEL!!!!!"Jaejoong starting to feel disgusting toward this man.

Suddenly another man appeared but he is sooooooooooooo familiar to Jaejoong.

"Siwon-Hyung,why are kneeling at Jaejoong?"The man that Junsu really don't want to see.It's Park Yoochun and with his little brother.

"Owh....Yoochun-ah."The man that was kneeling,stood up and facin the two twin.

"I was walking and i saw an angel"That man pointed at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong felt annoyed.She spin around start to walk quitly leavin those three.

'What a day....'Jaejoong sighed.

As Jaejoong walked down the street.He found a cafe that is newly open.'Maybe i can work here.'

"Annyeonghaseyo,"Jaejoong walked inside the empty cafe.

"A CUSTOMER??!!"One of the workers was smiling widely at Jaejoong.

"Ummmm...I'am sorry but...can i work here as a part timer?"Jaejoong asked politely.

"Well,you can because...."The man pointed out what is behind the glass.Men were eyeing Jaejoong.

"Hyung,looks like our new shop is going to be famous"The boy smiled at Jaejoong.

"My name is leeteuk.I am a colege student."The boy bow at Jaejoong.

"My name is Kim Jaejoong.I am a second grade high schooler."Jaejoong bow at the boy.

" name gary,Kang Gary"The man pointed outside the glass once again."You are soo popular among men"

"owhh......I don't know about it"Jaejoong said honestly.

"Well,you can start next monday and bring some friend because we are short with people."The man that is wearin the cap said with passion.

"Okey,thank you for accepting me,Kang gary-ssi"Jaejoong bow 90 degrees.

"It's okey,and dont call me 'Kang gary-ssi' just gary"

"Oppa,how was the store?"A beautiful women walked in.

"Jihyo-ah,The store is going to be popular."

"Owhh......Annyeonghaseyo,I am Song Ji Hyo"

"Nice to meet you,I am Kim Jae Joong"

"Your skin beautiful"the women can't stop staring at Jaejoong face.

"Thank you"Jaejoong bow.

"You don't have to be polite,call me unni that is enough."

'looks like i meet with good people today,except for those three nuklehead"


Looks like Jaejoong is working.

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Chapter 25: LOL. poor Changmin, and I'm very curious about Jae's past and Jaemin.
Chapter 11: LOL. TF SIWON.
Chapter 4: LOL. Yoochun! It's not good to eavesdrop, you know! xD
Chapter 1: Interesting, lol.
Chapter 28: even it is small update, i'm still happy that u update it means u r nt gna change it xD gomawo
kjjrys #7
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Well... they took this whole ordeal well, now didn't they?
Nice premise, though.
kawaiicat #8
Chapter 27: i just found this story. i think you're doing great.
and you don't have to delete your stories. u can just cont your stories and make a new one.
what do u think?
Mitsuki_Hana #9
Chapter 27: I'm glad you're back now. I miss all of your fanfic. I think it's better if you just continue the fanfic than re-starting from scratch.
lollipopXcandy #10
Chapter 27: It's okay...just do what you think is the best. should see jaejoong's new bnt photoshoot. They're FLAWLESS.
And yunho is so cute lately well he's always a big baby though