The House


There stands the house. The house no one will approach. The house that holds many stories and secrets. The house that is lonely.

However, only one person is chosen to discover this house's dark secrets. A simple young man yes, but the chosen one nonetheless. Anyone else who dares enter those dark halls fail and never attempt to enter again. Stories and rumors have been made of this particular house, none of which are true. The chosen one must investigate on their own and clear the name of this once grand house.

He is not the smartest of scholars. Nor is he the bravest of soldiers. Rather, he is a simple young man with a very special gift.

What is this gift you ask? I will tell you this much. A gift that can only be revealed by experience.


"Who are you?"

"Everything you are is linked to this house...And me."

"Why is it me?! Why couldn't it have been someone else?!"


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