The First Encounter

The House

Raindrops pattered onto the window, making a resounding noise echo off the empty walls of a house vacant for 75 years. You may ask why it is vacant. Many who pass by wonder this same question. But in this "vacant" house lives a ghost. A very lonely one indeed.Those who walk past say they can hear silent screams. A gust of wind rushes past them giving chills to those passerbys. Little do they know what else lies behind the the doors of this old run down and dusty house of many rooms and secrets.

If you really want to know what went on behind these doors you must enter them for yourself. Most are too fearful to enter these dark halls but there was one who was willing and brave enough to explore this infamous building. This man, wasn't the bravest of the brave. Or the smartest of scholars. But a simple young man who experienced visions and strange dreams that now led him to the door of this house in question.

Though he saw nothing but darkness and smelt the old furniture of the house, he felt a cold breeze of air rush past him. It felt as cold as if u were to open up a freezer the size of your body. But it was not just air, but the presence of something, or rather someone.

"Sungjong-ah." The wind whispered into his ear.

"Yes?" He answered steadily, already knowing what would happen. Expecting this "person" to kill him or do something to harm him, he shut his eyes tight awaiting what would come. Instead he felt nothing after the longest 3 seconds of his life. He opened an eye, but saw nothing. But yet as he looks around him. There was no person around him. He did not see, yet he knew someone was there.

"Who are you?" He questioned carefully, glancing around.

"If you truly wish to know me, then you would have discovered who i am already." The voice replied, with hints of sadness and hope hidden in its tone."Fairwell for now, Lee Sungjong." The voice said without any emotion.

Sungjong could feel the chilly presence leave him and was left alone again in the lonely darkness. "I dont remember this happening in my dream." He muttered confusedly.

Sungjong walked home with many questions running through his mind. "What did it mean when it said that if i really wanted to know that i would know already? And how did it know my name?" He muttered to himself.

He went on like this until he reached his lonesome apartment. Little did he know, he was so much alike the ghost and did not even know it himself. Yet the ghost did. Which is why it sent visions and dreams to Sungjong to bring him to the house.

He went to sleep that night, lonely as ever. He didn't ponder upon what the ghost had told him and went under another one of the ghost's visions.

"Sungjong-ah. Yah Lee Sungjong!" A voice called. Sungjong opened his eyes to find himself lying on soft grass. He sat up, seeing that he was surrounded by young children. The children ran to a tree where a scrawny-looking child was sitting by himself, reading a book.

"Yah, why are you always reading books? Huh? Is it because you have no friends? Is that why?" The tallest of the boys said. The tiny boy helplessly looked up at the other, bigger children and shrank down shyly.

"Ha! You are such a coward! No wonder you have no friends! Also, are you sure you are a boy? You're so scrawny i wonder sometimes." The boy cruelly mocked.

The poor boy's eyes started swelling up with tears as he tried hard not to burst out crying right there. The group of children continued to mock him harshly and even went to the point as taking the poor child's book and tearing the pages up. At this Sungjong stood up with rage.

"Yah! Leave him alone!" Sungjong yelled. However, the children went on as if Sungjong hadnt said anything at all. They continued to call him names and mock him for his feminity although he was a boy. The poor child glanced up at Sungjong helplessly before getting up and running away to a dark house. "Hey wait! No dont go!" Sungjong called but it was to no use. The boy had already entered the peculiar house and slammed the door shut. Before he could do anything to go and comfort the boy, his alarm went off, awaking him from the strange dream.

Trying to figure out what this dream was about while getting ready for another day, he wondered about the house he just saw in his dream and who the boy was and what he had to do with himself. At school, Sungjong sat alone, as he always did. Everyone ignored him and he ignored everyone, which was fine with him. Or so he convinced himself to believe. Deep down inside, he knew that he wanted to have friends and be able to talk to someone besides himself.

As he walked home from school at the end of the day, he decided to walk past the house he questioned. While looking at the house, a sense of familiarity hit him. A tiny bit of him wanted him to believe that he certainly had something to do with the house. The other part told him that he should leave immediately and just go home and never have anything to do with the house again.

Of course, curiousity always trumps caution so Sungjong entered the strange-looking house yet again. This time he entered the house but felt no presence among him. But he knew he/she was probably hiding around somewhere. After searching the main rooms of the house he found, he couldn't find this ghost. Feeling tired and ready to call it a day. He left the house, not knowing that the ghost had sensed him coming and hid in the attic. He watched him leave through the small window in the attic.

"One day, Lee Sungjong. One day. On that day you will realize exactly what your purpose is and how you are to fulfill it." The deep voice muttered. "Just wait a little longer and you will understand that everything that you are is linked to this house... And me."



First chapter out!!! What do you guys think? I feel like this could have been written better... Oh well. Haha! Leave your opinions, ideas, advice, criticism, etc in the comments below. Thanks for reading!!!

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