
Dangerous Trade

One week went by and Daehyun finally came back to town, when his friend saw him at school they ran to him asking question, where he been, what happen to him. Hyosung saw him and she ran towards them, she hugged Daehyun tight when he break the hug. She had tears in her eyes when he move her away from him. Hyosung saw Seohyun walking towards them when she pull Daehyun into a kiss.


"Seohyun." Zelo said quietly but Daehyun heard.

He push Hyosung away and turn around when he saw her, he was about to walk towards her but got stop."Don’t even bother with her, it’s because of her Yongguk and Luhan got into a fight."

"What?" he said looking at Hyosung.

"Yongguk thought that she did something to you, since you havent been home since that he confront her and they got into a fight." turn to look at her. "Seohyun are you ok?"

"Why do you even care? She doesn’t like you, get over it."

Walking towards her when Himchan and Youngjae stop him."It's best if you leave her alone, if you want to talk with it when she home."

"Youngjae what are you talking about?"

"Not now Daehyun." held onto his arm tight.


Bap watch as Seohyun pass by them and he wanted to talk with her but his friends had to stop him, he watch as she pass and disappear down the hall. His friends let him go and he left to his class. Later that night Seohyun was home alone since her parents went out, she was just doing her homework when she heard a knock on the door. Seohyun look through the door window but didn’t see anyone as she open the door to check when Daehyun appear. She got scared but let him in.


"What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see you."

"Oh. Come sit."

Follow her to the living room."Thanks for talking to me."

"Daehyun ah, where did you go?"

"Just some's better if you don’t know." Nod her head."I heard Yongguk came after you."

She smile."It's fine, I understand he just care about you a lot."

"Sorry for getting you intertwined with my mess."

"It's ok, as long as your back and safe."

"I should go, I heard that Bap and Exo arent in a good terms right I think I should leave before someone from Exo see me."

"Well I am from Exo..but I wont say anything."


Seohyun walk Daehyun to the door when he turn around to face her, he held her hand in his hand and pull her in for a hug. They stood there for good 50 second before he let go of her, she close the door and lock it. Luhan call and they two of them were talking until she heard her parents coming home, she ended her call and went to see them.


"Omma, Appa."

"Joohyun ah, come here."

"Ok, where did you guys go?"

"Out..with friends..this weekend we have a little gathering and I want you to pick the best outfit and I have a surprise for you too."

"Omma what is it?"

"You have to wait until this weekend."

Bother her mom."Omma..tell me..please..i want to know..tell me..tell me."

"No sweetie, this weekend I promise."

"Fine, I'm going to sleep."

"Ok. Good night dear."


The next day at school Seohyun told Luhan about her plan this weekend and he too had something like that to attend as well. The two were sad but they blush it off, they were happy and lively when Sehun came up to them. He hugged his noona and hyung.


"Why are you so happy?" Luhan ask.

"Because Taeyeon noona is going to be my wife."


"Why..why are you two so shock?"

"Your wife…Sehun ah, you cant barely eat are you going to be a husband?"

"Hyung." pouting.

"Luhan." turn to Sehun."Luhan just playing with you, as your friends we're happy for you."

"Noona the best." hug her

"Yah, get your hand off my girl." Luhan said and push Sehun off Seohyun.

"You're jealousy."

"Am not."

"Liar..liar..pants on fire."



Sehun ran away and Luhan chase after him, Seohyun laugh and follow the two childish friend. Seohyun was walking when she Jieun, she lightly bow to the girl and kept on walking. Jieun turn back to look at Seohyun and smile to herself. Yongguk was waiting for her when she arrive she hop on his back, he carry her around until a teacher came and told him to let her down. They smile and walk off to class. Seohyun got ready and went with her parents to this gathering they're hosting, when she got there she didn’t know so she kept walking around the building. After touring the place she came back to the big room and saw someone she didn’t want to see. He saw her and walk over to her.


"Didn’t think I would see you here."


"Where that blonde boyfriend of your?"

"He busy..why do you care?"

"I don’t, then don’t ask me about my lover." she said and start walking when he pull her back.

"Don’t act all sassy with me, I'm not in a good mood for your acting."

"I'm not in the mood to see your face either." pull her hand off from his grip.


Seohyun went to her parents and sat down with them, after the event they went to an after dinner party that was just some family. They went to the restaurant when Seohyun saw Jieun come into the restaurant then she saw someone that looked like Mr. and Mrs. Song. She went up to them.


"Are you Mr. and Mrs. Song?" she ask

" that you Joohyun?"

"It is you." Mr. Song said.

Mrs.  Song give Seohyun a hug and they came to sit."You grew so much, you look so beautiful now too."

"Thank you Mrs. Song." she looked around."Is Jieun here?"

"She came in already..but I wonder where did she go." look around, when Jieun came back into the room."Jieun, look who's Joohyun."

Seohyun turn around and saw the Jieun she didn’t want her to be."You..your Jieun." Tears were filling her eyes."And you didn’t tell me? knew it was me..didnt you." she stood up.


Their parents were confuse at what was happening, the two girls went out to the back to have a talk. Jieun couldn’t help but shed tears along with Seohyun, the two girls couldn’t say anything to each other.


"Wh..why did this have to happen."

"Joohyun ah, I'm sorry."

"I looked for you..i looked everywhere. But at the end, you were in front of me all this time."

Pull the girl into a hug."I'm sorry..i wanted to tell you..but things kept happening and I couldn’t tell you."

Hug her back."I don’t care about it. I just wanted you..i missed you so much." hug her tighter.

"I missed you so much, you don’t know how much it hurts when I found out that it was you..i wanted to beat myself can I not remember you."


Back inside the room the other parents and their kids arrive, the two girls parents said their daughters had some catching up so they were outside. The family start eating and talk when Seohyun and Jieun both walk in, they were surprise when they saw who was at the table with them. Luhan, Daehyun, Yongguk, Seohyun, Jieun and along with their parents, they look at each other before taking a seat with their parents.


"Joohyun ah, come sit with your mother." Mr. Seo said.

"JiEun." Mrs. Song call for her daughter.

"Now that all the kids are here, shall we talk about their future." Mr. Bang said.

"Go ahead Seunghyun."

"As we all know, I'm not getting any younger and I would like my son Yongguk to start his life early and run my company."


"Surprise aren't you." pat his son back."Yongguk ah, I found a bride that is suitable for you..and I would like to introduce her to you." look towards the girls way."Mr. and Mrs. Seo daughter Joohyun."

Luhan, Seohyun, Daehyun, Jieun, and Yongguk all dropped their forks and spoon when they heard the news."What?" all four of them said at the same time.

"Jieun, you're soon to be husband is Mr. and Mrs. Lu son Luhan."

"I know this is a big surprise but our choice are made and we announce the wedding plans for you kids already.  So no turning back anymore." Mr. Bang said and smile at his son.


Seohyun look at Luhan and he couldn’t believe anything that just happen, his eyes was getting watery when he look away from her. Yongguk look at his girlfriend who couldn’t even look up from the table, her tears silently fell from her face. After dinner was finish everyone said goodbye to one other when Jieun and Seohyun ask to stay a bit longer, so they could catch up. Once the family left Seohyun and Jieun turn to face each other, Seohyun tears fell down her face when she saw the hurt in her friend eyes. She hug the girl tight in her arms when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turn around when she saw Luhan.


"Seohyun." he soft almost crack voice call for her name. Seohyun tears were at the edge of falling, as he pull her into a hug."Seohyun ah." hug her tight.

"Jieun." she turn around to saw her boyfriend, she ran into his arms and let out a cry."Don't cry, I'll do anything I can to stop doesn’t matter what it takes..i only want you." kiss her forehead.


Luhan, Seohyun, Jieun and Yongguk left the restaurant parking lot and went to their own place to cool down. That night Jieun spend the night with Yongguk and Luhan didn’t take Seohyun home until 1 in the moring, when the sun rise the four of them went to school and a lot of student stare at them after the morning news came out. But no one dare say anything to them as they walk past students. Sehun and Lay ran to Luhan when they saw him at school, he wasn’t the happy Luhan that day. Yoona was walking with her boyfriend JR when they saw Seohyun who didn’t look up to see anyone, she went up to the girl and hug her. Seohyun didn’t say anything as she left her friend and kept walking, Jieun and Yongguk went to school together holding hands when their friends came up to them. When they saw how the two looked none of them said a word and just watch them past by.


"Hyung, Yongguk hyung and Jieun noona look sad."

Look at Zelo."Of course, didn’t you see the news this morning?"

"I feel bad for all of them. They don’t seem happy."

"That's what happen when your family rich and powerful, you have no say in it." Zinger said and pull Sunhwa away with her.

"Zinger noona right."

"Let's go." Himchan said and walk away.


Everyone left the four of them alone to ease the attention from one other, Seohyun decided to skip the class she had with Yongguk that day. Yoona look at Yongguk when he turn to look at her, she didn’t smile or say anything and turn back to face the front. When class end Yongguk grab Yoona to stay behind.


"Where Seohyun?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Because I need to talk with her." 

"What do you want with her?"

"Nothing much, just a little of this, a little of that."

"You're a jerk."

Smile."Where is she?"

"How should I know, Seohyun didn’t even look at me today." walk towards the door."Oh, I heard your girlfriend going to be my sister in law, that would be fun." smile and walk off.


Seohyun left the school ground and went walking around this trail she found, as she was thinking how to deal with this news she didn’t notice that someone was following her. When she reach the end of the trail she turn around to walk back to her car. She called Jieun and she didn’t pick up her phone, she went over to her house when she saw them together outside sitting in the swing they use to play at when they were little. Yongguk saw her but didn’t say anything to Jieun when he just stood up.


"Babe, I got go..i'll call you tonight."


Kiss her."Bye." walk towards his car and drove out of the gate.


Yongguk follow her until she got home, he step out of his car and enter the gate when the door was about to close. He walk up the steps when Seohyun saw him, she stood there looking at him.


"What do you want?"

"Within a couple of months we're getting married, why not put on an act with me. When we’re alone we can drop the act and be with the one we love."

"I'm not like you." turn to open the front door.

Walk up to her and turn her around to face him when she dropped the key."What?"

"You think I want to be with you? Well think again, I didn’t have a choice."

Push his hand off her shoulder."You think that I want this, you're no match for will never be half a man Luhan is."
"Ah, so that mean you slept with him already."

Thought for a bit."So what if I have, you got a problem with that."

"Just so you know, on our wedding night..that's when I'm going to spend it with  Jieun."

Smile."And you think I care?" pick up her keys."Leave my house before someone see you." open the door.

"You're not going to invited your husband in?"

"You're not my husband, so you're not invited." about to close when he put his foot on the door."What?"


Just then her parents car pull up and she open the door a bit wider, she look at the boy in front of her and back to her parents. They told Yonggyuk to come inside when Seohyun had no choice but to allow him, they went to sit down when he went to sit with her.




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Chapter 5: woooooahhhh i am completely in love with this story, i love the plot and the story=)
Chapter 5: This story is awsome. I really liked it. Seohyun is a life savior. <3
Chapter 5: Woah! Seohyun still have a chance of getting a baby! Great Story! :)
ChunjiLover #4
Chapter 4: ANDWAE!!!!!!!!! SEOHAN IS GETTIN SPLIT UP SAME FOR THE OTHER COUPLE (sorry I don't know the couple name) UPDATE SOON!!!!!
Chapter 4: Sad for Seohan :( they can't be together :(( I hope they end up with eachother...hwaiting update soon :D
Chapter 4: No! I ship Seohan! Luhan has to marry Jieun while Yongguk has to marry Seohyun!?!?1? This is getting interesting! Update soon! Please! :)
ambai90 #7
Chapter 3: awww.. seohan care about each other.... jz become official already!!!!
where daehyun???
Chapter 3: Wow! B.A.P and EXO have a fight! Where is Daehyun anyway?!?!? Right now, I feels so sad for Seohyun! :(
eine08 #9
Chapter 3: So Jieun knows now? What about Seohyun?
I want them to be BFF again >_<