

“Snow White!” I shouted to him as I waved my hand. He was carrying two plastic bags, filled with food. Obviously, this guy still hasn’t changed. He spotted us and went up to me, the other guy following behind.

“Hey Hyewon~ ..*munch* *munch* Long time no see~.. *munch* *munch*,” He said happily with his mouth full.

“Yah! Park Hyungshik! You still haven’t changed, have you? Didn’t I tell you not to speak with your mouth full? And we haven’t met since you debuted,” I replied, then continued, “Oh~ Kwanghee oppa, nice to meet you.” *bows 95 degrees* XD

“Nice to meet you tooo~~, Hyewon. You’ve grown a lot shorter, I must say..” he said. YuMin snickered. She coughed when I turned and glare at her. Ha.

“Well.. as you can see, my high heels aren’t exactly high now.. er… so..”

“Just kidding, gurl~~ But you look beautiful as always!” he patted my head.

I introduced YuMin to them, and we chatted for a while, catching up with our lives, but apparently, Shik was still munching silently on his burger, like a happy kid who gets what he wants. Typical.

After a period of time, Kwanghee & Snow White had to leave as they have a radio show to go to. I was invited to visit them someday, good thing coz I want to meet Siwan again. He’s my bias and Hyungshik is jealous of that. I used to bribe him with food during pre-debut days and it always works. The way I see it, I think it still does.. kekeke.

We got on the bus and went back to Woollim ent. to fetch my brother.. Well, YuMin wants to “fetch” him but I want to see my..erhm.. Kim Myungsoo. XD I’m overly obsessed to that guy, even though he’s a year younger than me. Oh well~ Who cares..


~~At Woollim practice room~~


Infinite members are resting after practicing. Only Hoya & Dongwoo still had the energy to fool around with each other.  Sungyeol & Sungjong were dozing off into lala land, and evil Sunggyu & Myungsoo made Woohyun watch a video… Everything was silent.. Even Hoya & Dongwoo stop tickling laughing and kept silent. Suddenly..

“OHH!!” Woohyun jumped as something ghastly appeared on the screen. He got a fright of his life! Sunggyu & Myungsoo were happily laughing with satisfactory. Then, Hoya went to pick up the video camera they’d been hiding. They caught it all on tape!! Woohyun was still in shock mode so he didn’t realize that. Sungyeol was laughing hysterically, though he’d been “asleep”.


“Yah! You’re dead, Lee Sungyeol!!” Woohyun got up and chased after him. “Yah! Fat Cheeks!! Stay there!!” All Sungyeol did was….

as he ran away from Woohyun. The fabulous five were cracking up, practically ROFL.




Hey.. so updated another short chapter. It's a little longer now. hehe So I decided to add in stuff that actually happened so here it is:






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YouDunnoMe #1

PARK HYUNGSHIK. p.s// he's more like jughead XD
kyoko_chi #3
Ooo! Interesting!<br />
Who's Snow White?<br />
Donghae?<br />