"Aww man.. I think I broke my right heel! It's all your fault, YuMin, for making me stalk Super Junior with you," I whined as I tried to fit the crooked heel back to its place. 

"And it's not like they'll stop anyway, they're in a dangerously-mobile-thing-which-is-huge-and-runs-on-engines..*breathe*... called a bus! It's a waste of time chasing after buses. Trust me, they're my worst nightmare, they never stop once they take off," I continued.


"Well? What am I going to do with this?.. What are you doing?! Stop ignoring me, YuMin! Buy me another pair or else I'll tell Howon that you're cheating..." 

"Oh stop babbling away like a speed train, Hyewon. Your nagging like my grandmother is pissing me off already. And who says I'm cheating on HoWon oppa? We're ELFs, he's a Sone, everything's fine~" she hummed as she interjected me. She then took both my heels, broke it, then gave it back to me. 

"There, just use it like this. I'll buy you one later," she sighed. .. I was like O.O.....

"WTH?? Yah, Yoo MinYoung! You didn't have to do that!... Buy me two then! " I stood there, flabbergasted. She started walking back to the bus stop and I followed her, wearing her "masterpiece", cursing continually under my breath. I wonder what my brother sees in her. 

The bus stop was right in front of McDonalds, And.. I spotted two odd looking people stepping out of the fast food restaurant. They were wearing racing costumes. I squinted my eyes at them, both seemed very familiar. 

"Hey isn't that Snow White??" I asked.



Sorry.. this is a frkng short chapter, i know.. and very.. boring right? Mianhe..  I'll try my best to make it better ^^

So who's Snow White? hehe.. you'll see..

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YouDunnoMe #1
PARK HYUNGSHIK. p.s// he's more like jughead XD
kyoko_chi #3
Ooo! Interesting!<br />
Who's Snow White?<br />
Donghae?<br />