In Love

We Were In Love




Not much has changed about Nayoung during these two years. She was changing once she got to know Yixing, she was becoming nicer and more talkative but all that went away and people started to dislike her again. But one thing has stayed the same: her heart towards Yixing. She feels the same for him. Though she says she feels nothing for him to others but deep inside she is still yearning for him. Still hoping he will come back. She still loves Yixing. She has desperately tried to let him go but she cannot. Her heart will not let her.


"Someobody get the door!" their mom yells as the knocking continues.

"I'll get it!" Hanuel makes her way to the door. "Who is it?" she asks as she opens the door.

Then, a slam is heard.

"Who is it?" Nayoung asks, disturbed by the loud noise.  

"Oh nobody." she nervously lies.

"Okay." she knows something is wrong but does not care. Nayoung grabs a water bottle from the kitchen and goes to her room. After seeing Nayoung disappear, Hanuel quickly opens the door and exits the house.


"What are you doing here?" she spits out at Yixing.

"I came to see Nayoung. I can't continue living like this."

"I told you to stay away from my sister." Haneul practically yells at him.

Tears fill his eyes. "I tried but I can't." he sobs. "I love her too much."


"You're over Yixing, right?" Hanuel asks Nayoung as she enters her room. Nayoung does not answer her and just gives her a blank stare. "I'll take that as a yes." she whispers and slowly exits her room.

The person I loved more than myself isn't by my side, the person that I got used to more than myself isn't here with me and I'm supposed to be "over him"? No Hanuel. Love does not work like that. True love is difficult to find and twice as hard to forget.

Nayoung can feel the tears rush to her eyes. The tears keep coming. She has cried so many times but they continue to flow.

Yixing, I'm scared. I think you are becoming my obsession. I think of you and only you. And my only remedy is you. I pretend to be fine but I'm really not. Yixing, I need your help. Please. She sobs. She abruptly gets up and walks to her front door. She needs some fresh air. But, instead of being calmed she tenses up. Her eyes widen. She cannot believe this is happening. The man she has been hoping to see for the past two years, is standing right in front of her. This is like a miracle. It all feels like a fantasy, like a dream.

Yixing." she mouths.



Innocent Beauty

Yixing turns around to see a group of girls saying mean things to another girl. Poor girl, he thinks to himself, not able to see the girl.Only her mustard yellow sweater is visible. He shakes his head at the sight of the bulllies. "Glad I'm past that age." he mumbles before bringing the cup up to his mouth to drink from it.

He tries to concentrate on the movie being played in the living room but he cannot seem to take his mind off the girl. He sighs and gets up to look for her, just to know if she is okay. He looks around, wondering where she is. Did she leave? Or maybe she's outside. He cannot help but wonder as he bites his plastic cup still looking around the room. Well, might as well go and check.

He makes his way through the crowd. As he steps outside he spots her right away, she is sitting on the floor. He debates whether he should go and talk to her. He sighs as his conscience does not let him walk away. He feels like he needs to comfort her. "Here goes nothing." he mutters.

As he gets closer, he notices she is crying. His eyes widen. What am I suppsed to say? He slowly walks over to her and just stands there, waiting for her to stop crying. After a while, Yixing finally clears his throat, startling her. "Are you okay?" he asks her. "I saw and heard what those girls said to you." Seeing that she's embarrassed, he continues, "Don't worry about those girls. They're always like that around that age. Dumb and immature." he laughs at his own comment and notices her smile. He sighs, happy he was able to make her smile.

Feeling a little more comfortable, he sits down next to her. "What are you doing?" she questions him right away. "Sitting down? I'm not allowed? Is this all yours?"

"No I-"

"Then I can sit." he smiles looking straight forward as does she. He turns his head to get a good look at her. This is the first time he has seen such a girl. Innocent and pure yet ravishing. The way her raven colored hair shined. He wanted to run his fingers through it. She had a natural pout to her lips. And for the first time in Yixing's life, he felt like kissing a complete stranger. Her celestial beauty was one of a kind. It was love at first sight.

"I'm gonna go inside." she mumbles and stands up. He immediately stands up as well, not wanting her to go. He wanted to detain her but that would be strange since they do not know each other. "What's your name?" he asks before she leaves. She stops and turns to look at him. Nayoung knows better not to get too friendly with somebody. He smiles, waiting for her answer. She frowns a bit and turns back around and walks away. Yixing is stunned. She just walked away from me. He looks around, kind of lost. He sighs and decides to sit back down. Looking at the spot where she once sat, Yixing notices a bracelet. The bracelet he noticed her wearing. He grabs it and runs inside. He looks for her to return it but then an idea crosses his mind.

"Who's that?" Zi Tao asks Yixing since he has been looking at his phone for ten minutes straight now. Zi Tao's voice alarms Yixing causing him to cover his phone with his hand. "Is that your girlfriend?"

Yixing laughs, "I wish." Suddenly Zi Tao is interested in finding out who this girl is. "What? Tell me, who is she?"

"I met her at a party I went to last week. She's really pretty and I'm interested in her." he plainly says.

"So, you have her number?" Tao assumes.

"No, I don't even know her name."

"Don't tell me you took this picture without her knowing?"

"It came out really good, huh?" Yixing's silly remark gives everthing away.

"Oh my god. You creep." Tao covers his face with his hands, embarrassed by his friend. "How are you going to get to know her if you don't even know her name?" he uncovers his face.

"I'll figure out a way."

"Yeah, I know who she is." the girl answers.

"Really?" he quickly lightens up. He had been trying to find the innocent beauty, that is what he named her, for weeks. He had been asking the people who went to the party and finally one recognized her.

"What's her name? Who is she?" he quickly asks.

"That loser? Why do you want to know her name?"

He gives the girl a look, "Just tell me her name."

The girl sighs, "I guess. Her name is Nayoung."

"Nayoung." he repeats. Even her name is lovely. "Do you have her phone number? I have to return something to her."

"No but I know her sister's number."

"Can you please give it to me?"


Please don't think I'm weird, he says to himself as he places his phone to his ear.  "Hello? This is Yixing. You don't know me but I met your sister, Nayoung, at last week's party and she left her bracelet and I just want to give it back to her."

"Oh." Haneul is a little confused. She turns to look at Nayoung who is drinking her green tea. "I'll pass the phone to her." Hanuel slowly says and gives the phone to Nayoung. Nayoung looks at her sister. "There's a man looking for you." Haneul explains. Nayoung's eyes narrow to the phone, wondering if she should take the call.


"Hello?" she answers.

A smile walks onto Yixing's face as he hears her sweet voice. He clears his throat. "Hi, this is Yixing, the guy you met at the party. Do you remember?"

"Yes." she flatly says but still wondering why he was calling her.

"Well, you left your bracelet there."

"You have it?" She had been looking for that thing like a mad women.

"Yes, I want to return it to you. Would you like to meet up or..."

"We can meet up. Are you out?"

"Yeah, I'm at              ."

"We're near there. I'll see you in fifteen minutes." she hangs up.

He looks at his phone. She's so curt and cold. But, somehow, it makes her twice as attractive.


He waits paitently for her to arrive. He breathes in and out, each moment getting more and more uneasy. The girl he had been aching to see is about to come and he is not ready. Should I just not give it to her? He fiddles with his fingers. But it is too late since,

"Yixing?" he hears her voice and his head shoots up. His eyes widen a little as he looks at her. He has been looking at her for weeks but that was only in a picture. This is real life and she is beautiful. She inwardly smiles at his expression, lost yet cute. After a long silence, he says. "Uh, yeah. I'm Yixing." He smiles, his dimples visible and she has the urge to poke them.

"My bracelet." She decides to cut to the chase.

"Oh yes! Here it is." he takes it out of his leather jacket's pocket. He hands it over to her, their fingers touching during the process. He pulls his hand back, afraid he might grab her hand and never let go of it.

Her eyes sparkle with joy. "Thank you so much." She bows and then smiles. A breath-taking smile that is. He clenches his teeth. Why does she have to be so pretty?

He wanted to say something but nothing was coming to mind. "Well, thank you again." She bows again and turns around to leave. His eyes widen as he realizes this is the end. He returned her bracelet now what? They have no reason to meet again. He tries to think of an excuse to keep her from leaving. "Wait!" And she turns around. What now?  She groans.

"I... uh... You see I'm from China and I need help with Korean."

"You sound fine to me."

His breath hitches as he is running out of ideas. "I have trouble with my reading."

She eyes him, trying to see his motivation. "I don't think I'll be of much help. I've never taught anybody anything and I'm impatient. Sorry."

"It's okay! Please I just really need your help."

She sighs. "Fine."

"Thank you! I'll give you my number."


"We can meet up Saturday, right?"

"Yes." she nods.

"Again thank you so much." He smiles, showing off his dimples.

Well, at least I get to see his cute dimples.

"Read this sentence for me please."

He reads it with an on-purpose accent. She looks at him. He shyly smiles and she starts laughing which completely surprises him. "What's so funny?"

"Your-" she cannot finish her sentence.

"What?" he chuckles.

"That was awful!"

"I told you!"

"How is that when you speak, you're fluent but when you read you sound like a beginner?"

"I don't know."


After an hour, their class was finally over.

"Do you want to go eat something?"

"No thank you. I'll see you next Saturday."

She's so hard to get. And that is when he decided to make her, his innocent beauty.



Falling In Love

"How about today?" Yixing knows her answer will be no but asks anyway.

"I have to do something."

He sighs. "Okay." She smiles at his sad expression. Something about his sad face makes her insides tingle. "Well, I'll see you next week." he gets ready to leave.

"Wait! But, I don't have to go right now. We can grab a bite to eat." she tries to be friendly. She feels wrong always denying him when he is so nice to her. The first person to ever be nice to her. 

"Really?" he asks a little too excited.

She chuckles. "Yes."


"Here are your orders." the waitress places the two plates in front of them. "Enjoy!"

"Thank you."

"Try this first." Yixing passes her his plate. She looks at him in a strange way but does what she is told. "This is very famous in China." he excitedly waits for her to put it in . Nayoung grabs the food and slowly puts it in . Her eyes widen but she does not say anything. "Do you like it?" he nervously asks. She looks at him and then smiles, a cute eye smile. He sighs in relief. "It's good, huh?" She nods and eats more.

Almost finishing the food, Yixing stops to admire her lovely face. The girl he has been falling in love with is eating with him. This is like a dream to him. He surely does not want to waste this time with her. He looks at her cute eating face and smiles. He wants to just grab her cheek but he detains himself. She looks at him and notices he is staring at her. She looks back at him to see what he would do but then her heart starts to beat rapidly. Knowing what this means, she breaks the eye contact and looks down at her food, blushing.

He asks as he continues to look at her. "Do you want to watch a movie with me?"

"Are you cold?"


"Liar." he takes his sweater off putting it over her shoulders. She bites her lip to keep the smile from forming on her face. Ever since they watched a movie together, six months ago, Nayoung had developed feelings for Yixing and little things like this made her fall even more. Yixing could sense she liked him so he decided it was time to confess his feelings.

"Do you like me?" Yixing asks her.

She stops walking as she hears his question. Her feelings for Yixing are there and she knows she likes and possibly might even love him but she does not want to love him. She knows it can be dangerous and she wants to avoid any pain. "No, I don't." His heart hurts as he knows she is lying to him. "Yes, you do." he challenges. Her eyes widen, looking at him. "What?" she is baffled. "Yes. I know you like me Nayoung. I see how you're becoming nicer to me and only me. I know you blush when I compliment you." Nayoung scoffs as Yixing is starting to sound cocky. "You don't have to hide your feelings. I like you too." he says thinking Nayoung will admit her feelings and she does want to, but her mind and conscience will not allow her to. She looks away stubbornly. "You don't like me."

"Nayoung." he says saddened. "I do like you... you're all I think about. Ever since I first saw you I was attracted to you and I don't know why. Something about you made me look for you that night and I'm glad I did." He looks her in the eyes. Her eyes starting to tear up. "The more I get to know you, the harder I fall. When I first met you, I was new to Korea and I felt kind of lost and lonely but when I met you... you fufill me. Please believe me. I know you have trouble getting along with people but please let me help you."

"Why are you lying to me?" she breathes out. He feels his heart almost break. How can she call him a liar when he is being totally honest. He is pouring his heart out to her and she thinks he is lying to her.

"Why are you making this so hard? You know I love you." Nayoung's eyes widen as she hears the word 'love'. He loves me...? "Why won't you let me in? Let me love you." A single confused tear rolls down Nayoung's cheek. "Please... let me love you. I promise to never leave you." he uses his thumb to wipe away her tear. She looks up at him to look at his eyes as she believes his words. Yixing sofly places his forehead against hers. "Nayoung, I love you." he says. "I will prove that I love you."



The Reason

"What are you doing here?" she asks Yixing.

"I came to see you Nayoung."

She takes a step back. "To see me?" she questions him.

"Yes, I miss you." he takes a step closer to her.

Nayoung is completely lost. She does not even know what to respond. "Nayoung, I really have to tell you something. You might not believe me but please listen. Do you want to sit down?" he gestures to the grass. She figures it is his explanation so she nods and they both sit. Before Yixing could even begin, Hanuel walks through the door and to the outside, where they were sitting. "What are you still doing here?" she looks at Yixing. Nayoung looks at both of them. "You knew he was here?" Hanuel realizes her mistake and turns to Nayoung. "Yeah I did but-"

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Nayoung I was trying to protect you."

"From what?"

"You don't know the real Yixing. He's a criminal."

Nayoung freezes in her spot. Many things had crossed her mind explaining why Yixing left like cheating but never a criminal. She slowly turns to look at Yixing, a little frightened. "Nayoung, that's what I came to explain." He tries to get a hold of her hand but Hanuel gets in the way. "Let's go Nayoung." Hanuel grabs Nayoung to take her inside. "Stay away from my sister."

"Wait! Please!" Yixing cries out. "Nayoung I love you." Nayoung stops. She follows her heart once again, not knowing what the consequences will be, and decides to listen to Yixing.

"Nayoung, what are you doing?" Hanuel watches her sister sit back down.

"Explain yourself." Nayoung tells Yixing, ignoring her sister.

"Are you seriously going to sit next to him?"

"You can leave if you want." Nayoung annoyingly tells Hanuel, not looking at her.

Yixing smiles, knowing Nayoung is defending him. Haneul groans. "I'll stay, just to make sure he says the truth." She sits in front of them. "Talk." Hanuel commands and crosses her arms over her chest.

Yixing sighs and decides it is better for Hanuel to explain. "I think you should explain what happened." he tells Hanuel.

Hanuel is taken aback by his request but decides to do it anyway. She looks at Nayoung and starts. "When you first started to date Yixing, my friend, Bo Mi, told me to keep you away from him because she liked Yixing. But, I didn't know how to, seeing that you really liked him. So, I decided to look up some dirt on him and discovered that he was part of a gang..."



"So, when were you planning on telling Nayoung that you were part of a gang?" 

He stops walking as he hears her voice. He was on his way to his apartment and Hanuel was waiting for him outside."What?" Yixing was stunned by the question. He panics, trying to come up with excuses but then she says, "I know all about you Yixing! You can't always hide."

He sighs, knowing what she said is true. If we wants to have a future with Nayoung that truth is going to have to come out. "Yes, I was part of a gang but I left. That's all in the past."

"So what? That still doesn't change the fact that you're a murderer!" she stomps her foot and clenches her fists.

He's taken aback. "A murderer?" He sternly looks at her, waiting for her to explain such nonsense.

"Yes Yixing. I know you kidnapped that man three years ago and killed him!" she yells with tears.

Finally understanding who she is talking about, he breathes in and instead of yelling back at her, he decides to clear up the misunderstanding calmly."I didn't kill him. Look Hanuel, here's what happened. I told my boss that I wanted out. He was mad and of course I got beat and he told me if I wanted him to completely leave me alone I had to do one last job. He told me to tell the others to go to a certain address. I didn't even know what it was for! So, I told them and that night I left back to China. And, then, six months later I heard about the news. I felt horrible. I didn't know it was for a kidnapping", he laments. "Please Haneul... don't tell Nayoung." He wanted to tell her on his own.

She thinks about it for a few seconds. "Fine, I won't tell Nayoung but I don't want you around my sister."

"What?" His eyes widen. 

"Leave Nayoung."

"I-I can't do that."

"Yixing, you're dangerous. You're putting Nayoung in danger." Hanuel continued. Her words somehow got to Yixing and persuaded him to leave Nayoung. "Okay." He looks down a the ground. He already feel his heart ache.

"You're doing the right thing." she leaves him.

He gets his phone out of his pocket and calls Nayoung. "Nayoung, I have something to tell you. Meet me at the park close to my apartment."


Yixing tried to think of different ways to explain everything to her but he could not. The best way for him was to just leave her without any explanation.

End of Flashback


"... So, that's why he left, to protect you." Hanuel tells Nayoung.

Nayoung turns her head to look at Yixing, with tears forming. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you would get scared."

"You should've told me."

"I'm sorry Nayoung. I realize my mistakes now. I hope you can forgive me. Please. I promise, I'm not like that anymore. I paid for my crimes."

Nayoung tenderly looks at Yixing. Hanuel sees this and shouts, "Nayoung! So what if he paid for his crimes? He is a killer!" Hanuel tries to reason with Nayoung.

"How is he a killer?"

Hanuel stays quiet, she does not know what to respond.

"Hanuel, please leave."



Hanuel scoffs. "Don't say I didn't warn you." She gets up and goes into the house.



The End

"Nayoung." Yixing calls her. She looks at him with teary eyes. She is obviously going to cry. He breathes out and embraces her, holding her in his strong arms. "You left me." Nayoung cries out while lightly hitting his chest. Yixing hugs her even tighter, "I know. I'm sorry", he says into her hair. He knows he hurt her plenty but he is willing to do what ever it takes to get her back.

"Nayoung, I was a coward that day. I should've just told you. I was afraid you would leave me so that's why I left. I thought it wouldn't hurt as much if I left but I was wrong." He pulls away placing her delicate face in his hands, lighty caressing her cheek with his thumbs. "Nayoung, we've been through a lot but, now, I promise that I'll never make you cry. I assure you that I will be always there for you. From now on, I will spend every second of my life to try and make you happy. You're the reason I keep living each day, I can't live without you. Please believe m.e I'll always be there for you." He wipes her unstoppable tears.

She closes her eyes to fully feel his touch. The touch she has been waiting for.. "I love you, Nayoung. I will prove my love for you once again and this time, I won't leave you."  Nayoung looks at him and believes every word. She is a fool for him. Yixing leans in to kiss her. Their second kiss, this time more passionate, more tender, more affectionate, and more sentimental. He brings her closer by clasping onto her. It was perfect as their lips fall into a sweet rythm. 



Yixing smiles as he carries her to the master bedroom. He gently lays her down onto the bed and lays down next to her. He turns to face her and plays with her soft hair, the way he wanted to when they first met. They look into each other's eyes lovingly. Yixing leans in and captures her lips into a sweet kiss. Nayoung snakes her arms around his neck and pulls him in closer. His hand travels down to her baby bump. He draws circles on her growing stomach as they continue to share a passionate kiss.

After pulling away he looks at her and smiles at her tenderly as she does the same. She pokes his dimple, the way she wanted to when they first met. 



The End





And I want to thank ukissbelieve666 because she helped in writing this. The Taco's brain is officially dead. OTL I wasn't going to write a sequel... so I had no idea what to make the sequel about. 

And~ did you guys expect that? hahaha I was going to make him a complete criminal but I couldn't. XD First of all, it's Lay. He's too sweet to be a murderer and~ I don't think any girl in their right mind would go with a killer so I just made him an accomplice. ^^ I'm not very satisfied with this sequel, though. I think I'll word it differently later. Sorry for any mistakes.

And, yes, I know~. Short ending. orz So sorry.

But, thank you so much for reading and commenting and subscribing! You don't know how much that means to me, you. I really appreciate it. 

I was able to write the ending because of the song I'll Be There For You by LedApple. Such a beautiful song~~. I practically just typed the lyrics down. OTL The song is just worded so perfectly that I couldn't change anything. 


Thank you!

-TaquitosNOMNOM 9/13/13


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Red_lantern #1
This is so good, I love it!
MissSushiYUM #2
Chapter 6: So cute and sweet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nice ending! ^^ Kyaa Lay~~!
Chapter 6: <3 aw I'm flattered!! hehe
btw, Love the ending. So cute!
Chapter 6: awwww sooo sweet. i knew u were gonna get them married and she preggers! x) man i freaking have a sixth sense for this kind of things >.< LOL
Chapter 6: Omg this was so good~ the ending was soo cute~ :)
Chapter 6: Wow!! I cant wait for the next part! Love it :)
exoderpina #7
Chapter 8: In love sounds good :)
MissSushiYUM #8
Chapter 6: That... made me tear up. huhuhuhu =( Poor Lay but it's kind of funny. XP
missgrapefruit #9
Chapter 6: Ehhh! You can't just leave me hanging!! Gahh now I have to wait! Author hwaiting! ^_^
hyorilover #10
Chapter 6: yixing cute!! :D