Hi. It's fate.

❝Don't Cry, You Are Loved.❞



July, 18, 2013; three days after you woke up from your coma.


“Why? Why? Why did you to that?” you yell at the screen of your phone.

“Did what? Leave?” Chanyeol’s face on the screen answered you.

“YEAH! LEAVE!” you yell even louder, “come back… come back…!” you beg him through your phone.

“Jangmi… Let’s break up.”


His words echoed in your brain, it was playing pinball with each letters until your brain rots. You felt like a mountain fell right on your heart. It was sudden and it feels as heavy as a mountain’s weight, keeping your heart from beating. It just crashed it in one shot. Perfectly, and neatly. Without warning. Without you noticing it, it crushed everything. Anticipation. Hope. Desire. Longing. It crashed down all your last things to lean on. If before you were clinging on the edged of the cliff, now he cut your last rope that could prevent from falling in the abyss. He stole all the warmth inside your heart. He stole the butterflies fluttering in your stomach and replaced it with thorns. It’s even worse than feeling like an empty shell. You’re dying from the inside, you feel like every each of your organs are trampled in a little box and you search for air.


“Break… up… huh…” you mumbled. “why… ?”

“Do you still need a reason?” he laughed. He laughed…  How funny. Just a few minutes ago you were craving for his laugh, and now that you hear it you feel like throwing up your heart. It hurt that much. Can’t you see me? Can’t you see how much you’re hurting me right now?

 “But… I love you.” Your voice cracked. “I love you so much. I love you even more than myself. I love you… I love you… please stop killing me, and return to me… can’t you see that I just woke up? See? I’m all fine now! Let’s love each other, like we used to do before the accident. Now that we both know each other truths, there’s nothing more to stop us from being together. Come to me, let me cuddle you, kiss you, lean my head on your chest, listen to your heartbeat, play with your hair… let me love you. Chanyeol!” you suddenly let out a yelp when you heard someone open the door of your hospital room. At the same time Chanyeol hung up on you. “No! Don’t hang up! CHANYEOL!”


“C-chen…” you mumbled as he made his way towards you. He stared at you head to toe. You could see him struggling against his tears when he sat next to you. “Chen! I-I don’t know what to do… Chanyeol he… he.. he’s strange. Chen! I-“ he covered your mouth.

“Shh…” he put a finger on his lips, “you have to take care of your heart.”

You put your hand above Chen’s and slowly nodded. “Why are you keeping your tears inside?” he hung his head low, “do you think it means you’re strong when you don’t cry?” he scoffed, “I don’t think so. You’re a coward. You fear to show your true emotions to others.”

You push his hand, “Yes. What’s so bad about that? Did I ever say I was strong in the first place? No. Let me be weak and broken. I feel myself that way, don’t you understand? I am not strong. Everyday since 8 years everytime eyes weren’t on me I hid myself into a hole and cried. You’re so wrong Chen. Because the reason why I don’t cry in front of people is because I cry better alone.” You hide your face in your hands, “so please, leave me alone so that I can cry. I’m broken. I need it.”

“I heard your conversation with Chanyeol. Let me stay with you.”

You gently push his shoulder, “Please leave…”

He smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, “I’ll come back later then.”


When you heard the door shut you freed your tears. You were shivering, “It’s so cold. The instant he left it was freezing cold. It must be because he took all the heat with him.”





“Place three of my man at the entrance of the airport, I heard they are having a hard time, some people are trying to pass through them and even menaced them. You should send the strongest ones, just in case.” Your superior spat you to the face.

“Deh officer!” you exclaimed and made a face the moment you turn the heels. “Aish really this officer, always spatting when he speaks! Ugh!” you wipe your face with your sleeve. “Oh, here you are guys.” You smile at the fresh arrived policemen.

“Jangmi-ssi!” they greeted you.

“Officer Lee wants three of you to go the entrance, be careful, some people want to break through so you must prevent any trouble okay?” you smiled.

“Who must go?” one of them asked.

You put a finger on your chin and stared at them, “Hm… he said that I must send the strongest ones… so…” you approached them.

One of them laughed and slapped his thigh, “then you should go, you’re the most fierce at the police academy!”

“Say what?” you slap his arm, “oh, your arms!” you grab it, “gosh are those biceps? Woo you’re great Junho-ssi! Go there!”

“Heh, of course.” He crossed his arms, “I’ll go there immediately!”

“Choose the two remaining for me please, I’m going first, bye!” you leave them and slide your phone from your pocket, “hum, Kang Woo, I’m here, tell me what to do”.

“Oh, Jangmi, yes please come here at the gate F, help me check bags please. Hurry”

“Got it!” you snap your fingers.

“Come with Kris okay?”

“He’s not with me, the officer wanted him to do something with him.”

“Tch… okay then. Come quickly!”



Oh my GOD what’s the hell! How can there be so many people packed in one airport? And because of what? What? A stupid bomb. A stupid person placed a stupid bomb. I can’t believe that really, the bomb has already been defused but what? The culprit is in the airport and he plays at hide and seek with the police.

“You stupid!! I will find you myself and I will destroy you! You don’t know what you’re doing to me today! If I meet him because of you I swear I’m gonna rip you!” you yelled… out loud.


“mommy… that noona is scary!” a boy started to cry.

“omo.. hey dear don’t cry.. ahh my head hurts, don’t cry!” his mother scolded him and made him cry even more.

“There, a snack” you throw him a snickers, “and please don’t cry. My head hur-“


“YAH!!!!!!!” a girly high-pitched voice cut you off.


You turned around and saw a girl lying on the ground; someone stole her bag and pushed her. “YOU!!!!!! Give it back!” she bawled, pointing a running figure. The instant you spotted him you impulsively ran after him, “stop right there! Police!” you roar from behind the. He suddenly stopped midway and slowly turned around. You shouldn’t have! You smirked to yourself and caught up the distance between you two. When he noticed you nearing him he tried to flee but you already have a hold of him, you grabbed his wrists and handcuffed them. “Aish… Really man! Why are you making me run all the way here?” you heavily breathe and take back the bag he stole. Now that you stopped running, you noticed that he brought you to a weird place… The entire airport was jam-packed and yet there wasn’t a single soul here.

“What the… don’t tell me you did it on purpose?!” you grab him by the collar and push the man hard against a wall.

“Hahahahaha…” he sneers, “police? My you’re all so stupid.”

“Bwoh?!” you press your lips and arch a brow, “who are you?!” you violently remove his hood. “You…!”

“Long time no see, Song policeman.” He whistles.

“Damn it! Kim Sung Ho!” you stomp your feet, “it was you? The bomb?”

“Woaw! You’re so smart! Hahaha!” he awkwardly claps his handcuffed hands.

“Bastard!” you punch him in the face. But something’s strange… that guy… he’s not careless enough to let himself be captured so easily… especially by me, he runs a lot faster than me. I remember. Then… why? We caught the bomb and defused it… all there’s left was to find him. But now that he got caught like that… it means that he planned something!  You hastily slide your phone from your pocket and intend to call Kris but Kim Sung Ho suddenly crashes his arms on your neck, suddenly making it hard to breath. You struggle and place your hands on his arm, trying to remove it.

“Non non mademoiselle (no no miss)” he whispered in French to your ear. His tickling breath sent you shivers, “you should have stayed in France, see what happened now?” he snickered.

You open your mouth to speak but nothing came out.

“Aigoo… you lost your voice sweety?” he your lips, “now now… I’m not gonna do anything to you, so stop fighting, I’m tired.” He sighed.

My phone! You spotted the phone on the ground. If only I could rich it…

“What are you thinking about, I wonder…” he intensely stares at your face. You stare back and send daggers with your eyes.

“Yah… don’t be like that, you don’t even know your chance” he smirks and press his arm harder on your neck, making it even harder to breath, “thank me, you and I will be surviving, unlike those stupid people.”

Your heartbeat was now racing from fear, what does he mean?

“Boom!” he laughs, “it’s just a matter of time now” he closes his eyes and smirks in a creepy way. “until then-“


“YAH!!!!!!!!!!!” the same high-pitched voice from before yelled. It made Kim Sung Ho distract for a moment and you took this opportunity to kick him where-it-hurts.

“Arghhh!” he groans and crouches down on the ground, painfully holding his crotch. You immediately pounce on him and get a good grip on him so that he won’t escape again.


“Y-Yah! My bag!” the girl cried and and picked it up from the floor, “aish…it’s a designer bag and you totally ruined it-“

“YOU!” you bark at the girl without even bothering looking at her, “pick my phone there!” you showed it with your chin, “and you the first number in my list!”

You watch the back of the girl as she nods and pick your phone up. “this one?” she fearlessly approaches you with a struggling Kim Sung Ho in your grip, “yes now-“

“JANGMI?!” the girl suddenly screeched and caught you off guard.

“…?” you raise your head to take a real look at he girl. KIM NANA! Your eyes widened.

“NANA-SSI !!!” a deep voice howled from afar.


Hi. It’s fate. You almost hear a voice echoing in your head.






Boohoo i'm tired... sorry if it's lame... π π





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Chapter 52: ♡♡♡. yes. love this. HAHAHAHA PAUL IS A SHINEE FANNNNN. cutie c: humour hurt
Chapter 51: Oops, my phone auto corrected dongseng into dog. I'm not a dog um, I'm a person. Hehe anyways ily unni! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 51: 언니,
Hi, it's been a while since I heard from you so I was getting worried. When I say you updated I was so excited and like YES. and then I read your announcement and I'm honestly heartbroken right now. I'm so sorry that your loved one passed away. My grandma passed away because of cancer and my grandpa has it right now, so I understand how hard it is. Also, I feel like crying right now. Are you okay 언니? 많이아파? I feel terrible because I haven't checked in with you or left you a message or anything because school has been hectic and I had no idea this would happen and I just want to go to France right now and hug you. I miss talking to you, I miss you, 사랑해요 언니. Even though I can't go to France and meet you or anything, I'll send you this virtual hug and my love. 언니 사랑해요 뿅! I know you will overcome this obstacle in your life. I know it. Stay strong Zeyno unni, your dog send will cheer you on from the US! 언니화이팅!
SMfan4evrAKB48 #4
Chapter 51: I will pray for you and your problems. My teacher's wife also had cancer and died. This world is cruel and scary. I hope you can overcome it and move on. Take your time. We understand! :)
I really loved the plot of this story! :D just a bit confusing D:
Chapter 50: unni
i ish so confused
thats all i can say bc
aneth121 #7
Chapter 50: Ahhhhhh andueee they can't die T_T!

Ughh i have no idea how this story will end but I'm fully trusting you that you will make it AWESOME *winks*

I don't want this super AMAZING story to end yet but at the same time I'm like super excited to see how everything connects!!!
Ahhhh your soo talented hehe and AWESOME!!!! Update spoon I'll be waiting with my super uber confused and messed up head ٩◔‿◔۶

(~and OMGoshhhh I laughed my head off with the teasing of another y emoticon hahaha...I know it shouldn't be that funny but I laughed so hard!!!! |◔◡◉|)
secretstayafterlove #8
Chapter 43: Okayyyy
I thought she was going to end up with Kris. ...


but it's okay.
I like them both.
awesome story by the way
Chapter 50: o.O okay whut...? I know you said we'll find out soon but I'm so confuzzled... Is chanyeollie okay?? and wait... Paul is with Sedva? wasn't she with someone else...? Anyways, good job! :D
okay im spazzing
but omgomgomg Jangmi</3 nightmares):
I like how Jangmi introduced us to Paul and how Chanyeol gave us the memory hehe
I can imagine him like. imagine him imagine him.
i need to get back to studying aw but I LOVED THIS CHAPTER UNNIIII<3