*Chapter 4;

Baby Lets Take It Slow♥

*Chapter 4;


 * "Wake up now."
Opening my eyes I was in the room, my room. 
 Hovering over top of me he glanced into my eyes.
"Sleep well?"
 Nodding quickly I tried to look away but he tightly grabbed my jaw.
"Did I give you damn permission to look away?"
"N-No, I'm sorry."
The angry in his eyes softened, the more I kept saying sorry the more he relaxed.
 He began to trace circles over my cheeks then lips.
"Why can't you just accept this Kyungsoo? I'm not a bad person you know that right?"
 He was talking to himself again. The real person was coming out.
"But every damn time you reject me makes me even more mad. Mad that I want to teach you a lesson.
Don't you let anyone touch you. I'm the only one to have you."
Bending down he kissed my neck, then my collarbone. He then looked at all the bruises he caused.
 "Fantastic..." *

Opening my eyes ever so slightly I was back in the room. How did I get here? What happened? Rising up slowly my head began to spin out of control.
 "Whoa Whoa. Don't get up fast like that!" 

 Holding onto the side of my head I slightly glanced at the short figure. "Baekhyun?  W-What are you doing here?"

"You don't remember do you?" Walking over he placed a cold rag on my head. He looked different. His blue jacket was off and laying on one of the chairs, his white shirt was still tucked in, but the sleeves were rolled up. Shaking my head he gave me a half hearted smile, "Well, Kai told me you were heading back here to study, and ran into a group of boys. One of the boys attacked you. Kai was furious, never seen him get that way, and attacked all the boys, it was one against six! After he was done breaking their jaws, you must have passed out from hyperventilating that he picked you up and brought you here."

 That is right. I remember the boy taking advantage of me, hurting me, and Kai was there and protected me. He protected me? I was shocked. It amazed me that someone actually did something to protect me. I always thought no one would ever save me, protect me, was this how it was supposed to be? It made me feel something deep down that I never felt before, or that I could remember anyway.
  Throwing the covers back, slipped on the slippers, that were given from the school, and cautiously made my way around the bed.

"What are you doing?" Spoke Baekhyun as he quickly jumped up, "You shouldn't get up, its best if you lay down, what about your cond-"

"I'm fine. Just because of that won't stop me." Placing my hands out to keep me up for balance, each step I took felt like sand was weighing me down. My head throbbed uncontrollably. I kept watch on how Baekhyun stood close to me making sure I wouldn't fall. Taking another step I could feel my legs giving out, I was going down, oh how the floor looked so close now. How I felt every damn time as I was kicked to the ground at school for kids thinking I was worthless, or made fun of me for the brusing all over my fragile body. But he seemed to care. I thought he cared. He would always stood up for me at school, he was my other half as people would say. But he was more than that, he was dangerous. He never cared, he never did. He was behind everyone telling them to kick me each and every day, then afterwards pretending to be my knight and shining armor. That, to me, seemed to fade each and every time.  
 'Kyungsoo!' I could hear my name being yelled. I was gone. But their he was, a concerned look on his face.

"Y-You care now huh?" I spat back at the imagination un-folding before me.

'Kyungsoo, are you alright!?' I smirked at how he cared so much,"Just tell me I'm worthless already will you?" Tears where now streaming down my face.

 More and more he would yell my name, my eyes fluttered open to see Kai staring at me. Looking over to the left stood Baekhyun and Chanyeol. I watched as they gave me concerned looks. Kai bent down to caresses my hair, as I pushed his hand away. He quickly grabbed me, pulling me up to his lap. My breath began to speed up once again. I watched as Baekhyun and Chanyeol watched in horror as my body shaked. It seemed like Baekhyun couldn't watch that he had to leave the room.
  "Go make sure he is okay. I got Kyungsoo." Kai waited till Chanyeol left the room before he locked the door behind him. Scooting towards the wall, with me still in his hands, he placed his lips next to my ear. "Kyungsoo..its okay.." He said, as he repeated those words over and over again. It was those soothing words, those words you long for. Taking my free hand, I slowly griped onto his chest. My breathing became normal in a matter of minutes, the quickest its gotten in a while. He kept holding me, he would never let go, and for some reason, I didn't want him to let go. I felt safe. I felt...loved.

 *Kai's Pov;

 I held him close to my chest, I didn't want to let go. He needed me, I know he needed me. Keeping him close I waited till I could hear the faint snores coming from him. As I glanced over at the clock it was already past midnight. Getting up slowly, to not awaken him, I placed him softly on the bed. When I tried to detach the two pairs of arms from around my neck he whined softly,"N-No...don't let me go..he will get me.." Crouching down I whispered by his ear,"Who? Who Kyungsoo? Who will get you?" Shaking his head lightly a tear shed from his closed eyes. Sighing, I made room for me to climb in. Immediately as I covered ourselves, he buried his face onto my chest. His right arm attaching around my waist. It amazed me though, this was the closest contact I had with him; the closet he would let me. But, I knew he knew I wasn't really there. He was asleep. But gosh, how close we are.
   "Kai..." He whispered, as I could feel the horrible dream he had was turning to a better one, "thank you..." a small smile plastered on his lips as he relaxed into his spot. Raising my hand slowly I brushed the brown locks away from his face, staying by his side.
"No...thank you Kyungsoo..you made me realize something more..than I ever did..." I said before leaning over to softly kiss his forehead.

  The next morning, I rubbed my eyes slowly. The sun hadn't even risen yet. I glared at the clock on the wall not wanting to get up. Or furthermore move from this spot, but I knew if I didn't I don't know what my father would do. As I slipped out of bed, grabbed my black winter coat from the closet, I made my way downstairs to be greeted by familiar faces.
  "Some ones late like always.." Smirked Kris, messing up his freshly combed hair. 
"Oh come on now. Don't give him any hassles! Baekhyun told me what happened last night, so I know for sure he is tired. Isn't that right Kai?" Smiled Suho before pushing Kris lightly.
   "Now Now. No time for this foolishness. We all know what we have to do. Our fathers wouldn't be happy now right?"
"Xiumn, my son, must you always speak so fondly of us?" Turning around a group of four men with huge suit cases proceeded our way. Of course, it was none other than our fathers. Every ones father had a different assignment in the company, very important as my father says. Suho's dad was the money maker of the company. He could get anyone to sale him a new place, or anything really. Kris father was the head, and charge, of meeting with different companies around the world. He was the first in the company to get it to go world wide. Right beside him was Xiumn's father. Of course he was co-captin of none other than my father, the Head and master mind behind the company.  It would be only a matter of years before all four of us would be in their spots, the main reason why we had to meet up with them every morning.
  "Father, how nice too see you." Bowed Xiumn, as his father gave him a quick hug.
"Nice too see you too son. Boys, how are you guys?"
  "Great. Thank you for asking." Smiled Kris as he quickly met up with his father, followed by Suho. Quickly everyone began to talk, but my father on the other hand kept glued to his phone.
 "Hello father."
Glancing up for a quick second he nodded,"Hello son. How is things going for you?"
 *Wow. A real conversation..!* "I'm great father. Got a better roommate this time and-"
"Oh, that nice, hold up one second.." Walking away he began to get on his phone. I watched as he crossed his arms in concentration, a stance I knew for sure would keep him busy for a while.
 "Oh Kai, you know your father, always busy and stuff. He is a mighty man I must say.." Smiled Xiumn's father as he gave me a pat on the shoulder. "And hey? Just think..soon..that will be you in a couple of years. Running the place, and taking care of these three goofballs."
  "Mm. A joy I must say." 
I wasn't too happy about that. I did want to do good for my father, no lie. But, I don't want to run it like he does. He never spends time with anyone. He never even gets to see his family as much. I remember growing up, mother being so heartbroken that he would stay out pass midnight, or even days. He was always caught up in stupid work. I never really had a 'father' figure in my life, and if I ever had a family of my own, I would show them the love and respect they needed.
  "Now, how about we discuss some things in the conference room down the hall? Maybe talk over some tea? Hows that sound Mr. Wu?" Teased Kris, looking at his father. 
  "Ah..my son. How you know I like my tea! Everyone? To the conference hall then?"
As we proceed down the hall way, I kept glancing up at the door to my room, where sleeping Kyungsoo was. Hoping he wouldn't get up till I got back.

 *Kyungsoo's Pov;

   As I opened my eyes, the room around me was dark. Glancing at the glowing clock it read: 4:45am. I yawned slightly as I turned my head noticing Kai wasn't in his bed, strange. Before getting the covers pulled from my body, the door opened to sleepy Kai. He glanced up at me and blinked. 
   "What you doing up?" He asked before closing the door behind him, and placing his black coat back in the closet in a clear plastic bag.
"What am I doing up? I should be asking you that..I thought you said we couldn't leave the rooms at certain times."
  Un-buttoning his shirt he shook his head,"Only for certain people. On the other hand, mine is a different situations, that you, wouldn't understand. Now enough about who or what, how are you feeling?" He asked before sitting on my bed. I was going to push him off, and curse at him for knowing about my condition, but something was off. I didn't push him away. I felt the bed beside me how it had an imprint of a body. I could feel him watching me as I did this. Did he really sleep with me?  
   "D-Did you lay with me last night..?" I asked looking at him.
Nodding his head he got up from the bed,"You asked me too. Why..? Is there a problem?"
 Shaking my head I focused on the spot still,"No..its just that.."
  "What? You where afraid your condition would get in the way?"
    Getting up from his bed he watched me,"Okay..just watch alright? There is no need to push me away or anything..I'm not going to hurt you.." He placed a hand on the bed before putting another. My eyes kept locked on him, I wanted to push, I wanted to run.
 "No. Kyungsoo. Look at me, look at my eyes only." I tried to remove myself from watching his arms, till I met his eyes,"Good..now..everything will be alright Kyungsoo..see?" I could feel the bed move as his weight was applied to it. He stretched out next to me and nodded slowly,"See? You didn't push me away..your getting better Kyungsoo. Just one step at a time." Smiling softly I couldn't believe I didn't push him away. He was really changing me. And it was perfect.
  He layed down in my bed staring up at the fan. I slide down beside him doing the same. He must have noticed I was getting close to him when he slightly turned his head to face mine.
 "What?" I asked blinking.
"Nothing...you just got something on your face.." Reaching a hand up he slowly stoked my cheek.  I froze not wanting to move, my eyes closed into his touch before opening them again as Kai his side. He looked at me then at my lips. Bending down slowly he kissed my lips. My eyes fluttered, visions began to blink again revealing him. I quickly pushed him away, before he grabbed me again. He cursed a couple of times before placing his lips back to my ear, "Sorry...I'm so sorry..to soon huh..?" Nodding my head slowly he kept repeating it will be okay, and that he wouldn't do that again until I'm ready. But, to be honest...I loved it..I wanted more..if only..I wasn't haunted by the memories deep inside..how I wish...they where gone. Only Kai...can make them go away..only him...

Authors Note: Boom > 3< Next chapter up! Sorry for being gone. Been busy. Ya know...life. LOL. But some things real fast! Thank you for the 2 people who upvoted my story, to 5 now! woop :3 Thank you; Yunalite, and Vicsgah! Really thank ya(: And wowz! 25 Subbies? That was quick! haha ^^ I'm glad you guys are enjoying this so far~ I will have to say, school is starting for me, tomorrow, boo v.v but, I'll make sure to keep updating for you guys(: So yea..I'm done with writing this much on Authors Note. xD Okay..bai <3333 

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Gonna work on the 4th chapter!


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Do you think you will update someday? 0-0 Or you'll forget about this story? Because it's really good c:
Chapter 4: Yeahh u update it . Please update soon love . I really want to know kyungie's problem . And that was so sweet kai . Kiss moreeee
Chapter 3: Awwww, protective kai :----) and omg i feel bad for kyungsoo. Wonder what happened to him in the past
Luhanwife #4
Chapter 3: Waaa!!!!
This was DAEBAK!!!
You are DAEBAK!!! Love it really much....i like how Kai is so protectiv^^♡~
Chapter 3: This is absolutely fantastic . How sweet they are when kai is protective over kyungie and kyung can immediately turn to better condition only with kai's voice.
Bao-N-Tao #6
Chapter 3: I'm the first comment! :)
It feels really nice to read your story. As Im reading this I have a huge smile ♥ Kai looks really caring even though he don't know Kyungsoo he still protect him and that's really cute.
Kyungsoo dad is in jail right? Because he did something horrible!
Keep up with your story I'm waiting for next chapter ^^
ChaMalice #7
Chapter 2: Oh interesting ! Can't wait for the next updates :)
Luhanwife #8
Chapter 1: Hurry up and write
Chapter 1: so this is how kyungsoo and kai meet :3 hihihi I hope kai can change kyungsoo :3 ehehhe they are roomate :3 hihi. btw how if the font is black colored :)) it just my suggest :)