*Chapter 2;

Baby Lets Take It Slow♥

   *Chapter 2;

  *Authors note: Okay For some reason this whol thing is like stuck on italic...and I don't know how to take it off > . < So if you can't really read it well, Please click the reader enable thing. Sorry...*

  As I stared at the door, I couldn't help but stare in fear. It was only my first day here, I haven't said a single word to anyone; well accept the old man in the front lobby. But still I haven't talked to any students here, including my roommate. It felt weird, I didn't like this feeling at all. The feeling of someone knowing you, without giving a of information out. Tell me thats not weird at all? But still, I needed to relax. I needed to least finish this last box before the nights end. One by one I took all the things from the box placing them in places that I could find left. Gosh...did I have a lot of things. Even though its good to over pack but then again its a pain in the . Ugh stupid over packing. *Nice going Kyungsoo! Why can't you just pack lightly?!* Mumbling to myself a laugh came from over my shoulder, startling me to jump back quickly.

 "Whoa! Whoa! Calm down man~!" Spoke the tall bug eyed man smiling with the most sharpest smile I ever seen. His hair was messed up like he just woke up from a nap, but funny how it suited him well. He didn't have a the blue *required* jacket on, but only the simple white flannel with the same color tie that my roommate had. 

  "Chanyeol! Don't mess with the new freshman! Gosh you big oaf!" Another boy walked behind the tall boy staring him down for what he did. This boy was completely different. He had all the requirements on but seemed to be well dressed. His brown auburn hair swooped to the side  as if a gush of wind blew it that way. 

 "Oh come on Baekhyun! Its not like everyday we can't mess with Kai's new roommate~ Considering he gets a new one like every damn week- Ooof!" A quick jab from the younger boy next to him.

 "Shut up!" Turning around he faced me with a slight smile,"Sorry about this oaf. He just can't help seeing a new person some times. Forgive him."

 Bitting my lower lip, I bowed quickly and kept my mouth shut, "So...How you liking this place so far? Interesting huh?"

 "The place is pretty big, you will get used to it soon, just give it time. How is Kai treating you?" 

 Question after question they kept talking. So much questions I, myself, didn't want to answer. *Please make it stop!* "Guys! Would you both shut up!?" A loud booming voice came from behind the two making them zip up quickly. Gosh finally piece and quiet.

 "Sorry Kai..." Spoke Chanyeol as he grabbed Baekhyun's hand intertwining them together with his. 

 "Yea Jongin...sorry. We just happen to over hear from the others that they seen a new kid today, and that he went into your room."

 Making his way over to his bed, he did the same thing he done before. Jacket off, folded over once, placed on chair, tie off, shirt ed leaving only a simple white tee on. Why does he do that so many times, when he knows he  is going to leave once again? I didn't make sense to me at all.
 "Why does anyone have to worry about my new roommate huh? Is the boys talking about it or something?" He said rasing an eyebrow as he picked up the now hot water sitting on the books. I watched carefully as he took the hot liquid and poured it in his mouth, letting him savior every gulp he took.

 "Well...uh...yea...I mean they all think the new comer is cute. They like the way his eyes look, and his smile. I mean he does have that cuteness-"

 "Enough. Tell the boys to stop worrying. If that is all, leave." His words were like a piercing of an arrow hitting its target one by one. How could one be so kind the next, then hurtful the next? Another thing to learn about my new roommate.

 "Very well. Later new comer~!" Taking their things they left hand and hand, leaving behind me and him.

 "I take it that your not very open to new people huh?"

 "Y-Yes. I..don't know how to h-handle new people." The suddenness of my words seeped out like liquid. It startled him at my sudden out burst that he smiled. A real smile. Wow...why doesn't he smile more often?

 "Well, don't worry about them Kyungsoo alright? Im heading to bed. You might as well too considering your first day of learning is tomorrow."

 And with that we both headed to bed. I waited for the next day not really excited of how it was going to go along...


"N-No! Stop! N-Not there! Ah! STOP! Why youu doing this to me!?" 
 I was being forced down to my own will. Why would he do this to me? 
 "Stop struggling and take it!" He yelled back forceful then ever.
Taking my hands he pinned them to the head board squeezing them till I could feel my blood leaving my fingers.
"S-Stop!!!" -Smack- Slapped in the face for struggling, again. Trying to yell once more, a hand over my mouth making it hard to breath.
My chest pumping up and down with every struggle of air I tried to take in. *Make it stop! Please make it stop!* I would keep repeating that over and over in my brain.
  "Kyungsoo!" The voice I new changed to a voice unfilmiliar. It kept repeating my name over and over again. 
I watched as the dark figure placed a cold hand on my shoulder shaking me, what felt like violently. Was I dreaming again? Cause this felt real this time. Not just a hand, but a real hand. *Kyungsoo wake up now!*

 Opening my eyes quickly I was greeted by Kai who gave me a worried look. "Are you ok!? You kept screaming 'N-NO! STOP! N-NOT THERE! AH! STOP! WHY YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?' Scared me half to death. You kept kicking the coveres off your bed. Like you was being suffocated."
 Sitting up I started to quickly get dressed, "It was nothing." 

"How can it be nothing, when your screams sounded like you where being tortured-"

"Drop it!" My sudden outburst of anger scared him. His eyes got large, and I could tell that I was shaking. Shaking violently. My breathing began to speed up once again. My mind was losing focus. Damn this. Damn this all to hell.

"Kyungsoo! Calm down!" Reaching over to me, I violently pushed him away. Watching him fall to the floor. He sat on the floor for a second till he got up and ran into the bathroom. Taking a few things out, he ran back over to me and gave me a large paper bag.

"W-What i-is t-this f-for?" 

"Breath in and out in it slowly. Understand?"

 Handing me over the bag I quickly did as I was told. In and out was the method. As I was doing this he kept telling me everything would be okay, that I would be okay. As my intake began to slowly down so did my breathing. Everything was going back to normal. I was fine. All thanks to him.

"You okay now?" 

"Mhm...thank you.."

"Your welcome. Im sorry I asked you so many questions." 

"Its okay..."

Getting up, he walked over to his side and began to get dressed, "Ill meet you downstairs alright?" And with that he left me in the room once again.

*Thank you Jongin..thank you...*

*Authors note: Okay guys next chapter is up~ Wow 7 subbies already :3 Thank you! <3 I hope you guys will enjoy! And for the new people as well! <3 Comment, subscribe! ^- ^

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Gonna work on the 4th chapter!


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Do you think you will update someday? 0-0 Or you'll forget about this story? Because it's really good c:
Chapter 4: Yeahh u update it . Please update soon love . I really want to know kyungie's problem . And that was so sweet kai . Kiss moreeee
Chapter 3: Awwww, protective kai :----) and omg i feel bad for kyungsoo. Wonder what happened to him in the past
Luhanwife #4
Chapter 3: Waaa!!!!
This was DAEBAK!!!
You are DAEBAK!!! Love it really much....i like how Kai is so protectiv^^♡~
Chapter 3: This is absolutely fantastic . How sweet they are when kai is protective over kyungie and kyung can immediately turn to better condition only with kai's voice.
Bao-N-Tao #6
Chapter 3: I'm the first comment! :)
It feels really nice to read your story. As Im reading this I have a huge smile ♥ Kai looks really caring even though he don't know Kyungsoo he still protect him and that's really cute.
Kyungsoo dad is in jail right? Because he did something horrible!
Keep up with your story I'm waiting for next chapter ^^
ChaMalice #7
Chapter 2: Oh interesting ! Can't wait for the next updates :)
Luhanwife #8
Chapter 1: Hurry up and write
Chapter 1: so this is how kyungsoo and kai meet :3 hihihi I hope kai can change kyungsoo :3 ehehhe they are roomate :3 hihi. btw how if the font is black colored :)) it just my suggest :)