Joongie Doesn't Like the Meds, Yunnie

Umma, Joongie needs Yunnie

After both Ummas talking in front of Joongie's room, Mrs. Kim went downstairs to take Joongie's meds.

"Ji Hyeon-ah, I'm taking Joongie's meds first ne? Would you help me to wake Joongie up?" Mrs. Kim asked her bestfriend.

"Sure, Soo Hae-ah," after that Umma Jung walked inside the room and stood near Yunho. Yunho who felt someone presence next to him, looked up and surprised when he found his umma was next to him.

Aigoo, wae umma is here? Is umma angry because Yunnie lied to her about the U.F.O? Will umma drag Yunnie home? Andwae,,, Yunnie doesn't want to leave Joongie. Yunnie said in his mind.

"Umma, please, don't drag Yunnie home. Jebal, umma," Yunnie whined.

"Aigoo, Yunnie," Umma Jung was startled with Yunnie sudden outburst.

"Please umma, Yunnie wants to stay here. Yunnie wants to be with his Joongie. Please umma."

"No, Umma will take you home now. You lied to umma about the U.F.O." Umma Jung decided to tease Yunho.

"Ummaaaaaa, please Yunnie wants to be with Joongie. Joongie needs Yunnie, umma, *sobs," Yunho started to cry.

"Aigoo, Yunnie. Uljima, Yunnie can stay here. Umma just wants to tease you, don't cry ne?" Umma Jung kneeled and comforting her son.

"Jinjja Umma?" Yunho wiped his tear.

"Yes, sweetheart. Now, will Yunnie help Umma?"

"What is it Umma?"

"Can you help umma to wake Joongie? Ahjumma Kim said Joongie needs to take his meds."

Yunho nodded and tugged Jaejoong's hand softly.

"Wakey, wakey Joongie. Yunnie is here," Yunho whispered.

"Ehm,,*yawn* 5 more minutes Yunnie. Joongie is sleepy," Jaejoong turned, gave his back to Yunho.

"Wakey, wakey Joongie. Or Yunnie will tickle Joongie," Yunho put his hands on Jaejoong's waist, ready to tickle him.

"Yah!" Joongie jumped from his sleep.

"Annyeong, Joongie," Yunho greeted Jaejoong.

Jaejoong who was angry because Yunho woke him up, suddenly felt his anger was fade away after seeing Yunho's smile.

"An, Annyeong, Yunnie," Jaejoong couldn't hide his smile. He had been asking his mom for the whole day to let him meet Yunho. But his mom didn't allow him, so he was so happy to see Yunho was in his bedroom.

"How is Joongie today?" Yunho sat on Jaejoong's bed.

"Joongie's eyes hurt, Yunnie." Jaejoong pouted.

"Aigoo, Yunnie is here now, so do Joongie's eyes still hurt?"

"No, not at all, Yunnie." Jaejoong giggled.

"Joongie, it's time for your meds, dear," Mrs. Kim said while entering the room.

"SHIROOOOO!" Jaejoong hid himself behind Yunho.

"Come on Joongie, so your eyes won't be hurt anymore," Mrs. Kim tried to persuade Jaejoong.

"No, shiro!!" said Jaejoong still from behind Yunho.

"Joongie, don't be like that. You have to take your medicine, ne? If you take your medicine umma will buy you a new elephant plushie."

"No,, don't want to Umma," Jaejoong shook his head.

" How about if Joongie takes his medicine, Joongie can play with Yunnie today?" Umma Jung also tried to persuade Jaejoong.

"Shiro! Joongie wants to play with Yunnie but Joongie doesn't want the medicine. Shiro!"

Joongie must take his medicine. As his Yunnie, Yunnie must make him take his medicine. Yunho was so determined.

"Joongie, Joongie has to take the meds, ne? Yunnie will accompany Joongie okay? After that we can play together," said Yunho while cupping Jaejjong's cheeks with both of his hands.

"Joongie doesn't want to, Yunnie. The meds is bitter," Jaejoong pouted.

"Joongie, Joongie must take the meds so Joongie can be healthy anymore play with Yunnie again."

"But, Yunnie,"

"Okay Joongie? For Yunnie," Yunho smiled at Jaejoong.

"Ne, Yunnie," Jaejoong nodded.

"Aigoo, good boy, Joongie. Thanks Yunnie," Mrs. Kim ruffled Yunho's hair.

"I'm right, ne umma? Joongie really needs  Yunnie," Yunho giggled to his mom, and his mom only could smile.

Mrs. Kim shoved the syrup to Jaejoong. Jaejoong shook his head first, but after Yunnie smiled at him, hesitantly Joongie opened his mouth. Mrs. Kim fed Jaejoong the syrup and gave a glass of water.

"It's bitter, Yunnie," said Jaejoong after swallowed the meds, scrucnhed his face.

Yunho leant closer to Jaejoong and pecked Jaejoong's lips. Both of their ummas gasped at what they saw.

"Now, it's not bitter anymore, right Joongie?" said Yunho.

"Ah, no Yunnie. It's sweet now. Gomawo, Yunnie," Jaejoong kissed Yunho's left cheek.

Mrs. Kim and Umma Jung gasped for the second time.

"Um,, umma will make some snacks first ne Joongie? Stay here with Yunnie first," Mrs. Kim said while pulling Umma Jung.

"Yunnie stays here ne? Umma wants to help Ahjumma Kim. Don't be naughty ne, Joongie, Yunnie?" Umma Jung ruffled the boys' hair.


Meanwhile outside Jaejoong's room, the ummas were busy fangirling over their sons.

"Kyaaaaaaa, omo, omo, do you see that Ji Hyeon ah? Kyaaaaaa," Mrs. Kim squealed.

"Yes, Soo Hae ah,, aigoo so cute. My Yunnie, kyaaaaaa," Umma Jung also squealed.

"I think Joongie doesn't have to be a girl to make me let him date Yunho," said Mrs. Kim still smiling.

"You are right Soo Hae ah,, Yunnie and Joongie are cute when they are together, kyaaaaaaa."

"I have to call Hyuk Jin to tell him about it," Mrs. Kim took out her phone from her skirt pocket, searching for his husband's number.

"Me too, and after that four of us must meet together. We have many things to discuss. Dating, Engagement, Wedding, kyaaaaaaaaa," Umma Jung couldn't stop squealing.


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pearlshasha #1
Chapter 1: Awwww shooo cuteee
Chapter 2: So fluffy ???
subtitler #3
Chapter 2: I love chibi yunjae... too bad there aren't that many.... thanks for sharing....
Sam-facades #4
Chapter 2: I like it so cute
Waiting for the weddng hehe
Chapter 2: So fluffy
Lemma die now!!!
Chapter 2: so cute......their mothers r so great n funny, fluffy, <333 it.kyaaaa chibi yunjae<3333
Chapter 2: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,im fangirling too!!
Chapter 2: The last part made me laugh, cute :)
Chapter 2: this is the cutest story ever !! KYAAAAAa
Krsobsessions #10
Chapter 2: kkkkkk.
all they need is each other. hahahaha XD